New law opens way to abuse lawsuits By Jack Smith California's Catholic Bishops have issued a statement informing Catholics about the impact of a new state law which vastly expands the potential scope of sexual abuse lawsuits against the Church. The statement , to be read at all Masses this weekend, will alert parishioners to the possibility of increased litigation against the Church, due to the new law. Senate Bill 1779 by Senator John Burton (D-San Francisco) was passed by the State legislature in June and signed by Governor Davis in July. The law eliminates for the year 2003 the time limit on filing civil law suits against employers who were presumably negligent in their supervision of employees alleged to have committed sexual abuse against minors. The law does not affect the liability of actual perpetrators , who may be retired , removed from the priesthood or dead. The law makes the assets of parishes, schools and charitable agencies of the NEW LAW, page 5
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Ohlones receive and give honors By Sharon Abercrombie
n January 12, 1811, Ohlone p Chieftan Sumu and his wile were baptized at Mission Dolores. More than 191 years later, Tony Cerda , the couple 's fifth generation great-grandson received copies of his ancestors ' baptismal records during a colorful ritual in the mission sanctuary. Mr. Cerda ,. a restaurant owner and active environmentalist in southern California; came OHLONES, page 19
Dear Brothers and Sisters, We the Bishops of California write to advise you of a major development related to the issue of sexual abuse, a matter which has so deeply affected us all during this past year. Last June, the California Legislature took the unprecedented step of changing the statute of limitations applicable to claims for sexual abuse. For the duration of year 2003, this law allows people to file lawsuits against dioceses and Californi a employers based upon claims that arose many decades ago. Some of the lawsuits may involve the revival of already settled cases and Some may involve alleged perpetrators and witnesses long since dead. Under those circumstances, it will be difficult , if not impossible, to ascertain the truth. The ability to conduct a fair and vigorous search for the truth has been part of the very foundation of our American system of justice for more than two centuries. We anticipate that new lawsuits, some involving very old allegations, will be filed ¦"•against, dioceses in California. We bishops stand ready to respond to legitimate claims by victims of abuse. The Catholic Church has been falsely portrayed as a large corporation with "deep pockets." In reality, the vast majority of Catholic assets belong to the people of our parishes, schools, charities, and other institutions. They are not devoted to the accumulation of wealth but to education, worship, and sacraments: to the poor and other works of charity. With God's, help, the Church must continue to' respond to the needs of the victims of abuse, while maintaining the vital spiritual, educational and social services provided to the Catholic community and to our society at large. During the past year, the Bishops in the United States enacted a national Charterfo r the Protection of Children and Young People and related "Norms" that will have the force of Church law. These decisions strengthen and add to policies that have been in p lace in the dioceses in California for many years. They include the following provisions: • To assist and support victims of sexual abuse; • To work with parishes to maintain and provide a safe environment for children and young people; To • report allegations of sexual abuse against minors 'and to cooperate with civil authorities; • To engage lay-majority review boards to assist in implementing our sexual abuse policies; • To remove sexual abusers permanently from ministry. In this difficult time we reiterate our commitment to a safe environment for children and youth in the Catholic Church. We offer again our apologies to the victims of sexual abuse by clergy and we promise our prayers and ongoing support. We commit ourselves to keep you, the faithful , fully informed on these matters. 1I19KSUMI, 2nd Floor ? Sacramento, California 95814-3904 (916)443-4851 ? FAX: (916) 443-5629
INSIDE THIS WEEK'S EDITION U.S. bishops' statement on Iraq. 6 Advent reflection
School of Pastoral Leadership: 12-14 Spring Schedule
Serra-Navajo connection
Harry Potter in p erspective
Page 11
~ Page 15 -
Just war tradition: what and where
New Mass Norms . . . . . . . . 18
On The
Where You Live
b y Tom Burke Happy 50 years married to Frances and Vincent Bruno, who took their vows at Epiphany Parish, San Francisco on November 9, 1952 and renewed the commitment this year on that date at Immaculate Heart of Mary, Belmont, their parish of many years. Sharing the joy of the occasion were the couples sons, Robert, with his wife, Robin; Thomas, with his wife, Sandy, and their children Nicholas and Tammis; Jim, with his wife, Temi; Rick, with his wife, Linnea, and their children Shane and Harrison.Also present to honor the couple were "many additional family members and dear friends" including Jean Kniffin, who told me of the good news. Jean is remembered by many as manager of the cafeteria at Junipero Serra High School, where ail the Bruno boys were students and where she served until retiring four years ago. Happy 46 years married to Jean and her husband, Ray, who retired about 10 years ago after 35 years as a San Mateo Fire Fighter. Presiding at the Mass was Jean 's old friend , Father Stephen Howell, former president of Serra and now chaplain at Notre Dame High School, Belmont, as well as administrator at IHM....Thanks to Paulist Father Peter Shea for his note requesting that Old St. Mary's be included in Datebook with parishes offering help to returning Catholics. "As a parish that has been actively involved in the 'Landings' program for over 15 years , I feel we qualify,"
Honored and thanked for her 60 years of consecrated life, almost half spent in service to San Mateo's St. Matthew Parish and school, was Holy Cross Sister Marcelle Frizzie. "She is our guardian angel and we know that we have been blessed with her presence and prayers here at St Matt's," said Kenneth Boegel, principal, in a statement read at a Mass and ceremonies at St. Matt's September 6th with pastor, Msgr. James McKay presiding. From left: Msgr. McKay, Sister Marcelle, Kenneth.
Father Shea said. I'll second that....Prayers please for Deacon Jerry Friedman of St Isabella Parish, San Rafael, who is recovering from knee surgery and subsequent complications; and Deacon Joe Borg of St. Hilary Parish, Tiburon, who is recovering from cardiac treatment....What a night it was for the soccer team of San Francisco's St. Brigid Elementary School. First hosted to a BBQ by coach Ernesto Patino, his wife, Maria and their team member sons, 6th grader Vicente and 4th grader Danny, they later moved on to "an exciting soccer match" between USF's Dons and Southern California's Loyola courtesy of Simon Reynolds, who 's working toward a gradThere were no missing links at the annual uate degree in sports Capuchin Golf Tournament September 30th at the management at USF. Peninsula 's Sharon Heights course. More than 140 Though the Dons were golfers teed off for the annual contest that benefits defeated in "sudden the Capuchin Franciscan Friars seminary fund. death overtime," it More than 250 attended dinner after in the gymnasiappears everyone was a um of Our Lady of Angels Parish, Burlingame where winner. Thanks to Jan the Capuchin Friars have served since OLA's foundMoran-Dennison, paring in 1926. Golf tournament co-chair, Mike Steelier ent with husband, Tom, (left), congratulates OLA pastor, Capuchin Father of St. Brigid 6th grader Gerald Barron, who was honored at the dinner. Also and team member serving on the event committee were Frank Cooke, Ryan, for the good co-chair; Capuchin Father Donal Burke, Pat news.... San Stecher, Anne and Jerry Hahn, Gary Norton, Walt Francisco's Church of Bankovitch, Tom Byrne, Jean and Paul Flanagan, the Visitacion was the Franca Marchetti, Nancy Drexel, Pat Kelly, Ed sight of the wedding 60 Phillips, Willy Ostertag, Ed Watson, Gary De Mera. years ago of Mary and
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SAN FRANCISCO Archdiocese of San Francisco
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Most Reverend William J. Levada, publisher Maurice E. Healy, associate publisher & executive editor Editorial Stajf: Patrick Joyce, editor; Jack Smith, assistant editor; Evelyn Zappia, feature editor; Tom Burke, "On the Street" and Datebook; Sharon Abercrombie, reporter Advertising: Joseph Pena, director; Mary Podesta, account representative; Don Feigel, consultant Production: Karessa McCartney, Antonio Alves Business Office: Marta Rebagliati, assistant business manager, Virginia Marshall, advertising and promotion services; Judy Morris, circulation and subscriber services Advisory Board: Jeffery Burns, Ph.D., Noemi Castillo, James Clifford , Fr. Thomas Daly, Joan Frawley Desmond, Fr. Joseph Gordon, James Kelly, Deacon William Mitchell, Kevin Starr, Ph.D., Sr. Christine Wilcox, OP. Catholic San Francisco editorial offices are located at One Peter Yorke Way, San Francisco, CA 94109. Tel: (415) 614-5540 Circulation: 1-800-563-0008 or (415) 614-5638 Advertising: (415) 614-5642 News fax: (415) 614-5633; Advertising fax: (415) 614-5641 Adv. E-mail: jpena Catholic San Francisco (!SSN 15255298) is published weekly except the Fridays after Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas and the first Firday in January, twice a month during summer by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco, 1500 Mission Rd., P.O. Box 1577, Colma, CA 94014. Annual subscription rates are $10 within the Archdiocese of San Francisco and $22.50 elsewhere in the United States. Periodical postage paid at South San Francisco, California. Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic San Francisco, 1500 Mission Rd., P.O. Box 1577, Colma , CA 94014 If there is an error in the mailing label affixed to this newspaper, call 1-800-563-0008. It is hel pful to refer to the current mailing label .
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Frank Bertram who marked their sixth decade of marriage October 31st. A "perfect weekend" in the City including two nights at the Fairmont in a suite overlooking the bay and dinner at Jardiniere hosted by their three children and their families marked the occasion. Mary and Frank are parishioners of St. Charles, San Carlos....In 2003, Catholic San Francisco's commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Archdiocese will include Memory Lane, an occasional column reporting everyday events of years gone by. If you have a memory or picture you'd like to see in print, call me about getting it in.... Other occasional columns are the new High School/Grade School Highlights. Watch for diem, too, in CSF and if you have questions, give me a holler.... Birthdays, births, anniversaries, marriages, engagements, new jobs and all kinds of goings-on are welcome here. Remember this is an empty space without ya ' . Send items and a follow up phone number to On the Street Where You Live, One Peter Yorke Way, SF 94109. Fax (415) 614-5633; e-mail tburke @ Do not send attachments except photos and those in jpeg. please. You can reach Tom Burke at at (415) 614-5634....
Mary Mother of God Mission Society
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At home for more than a year at St. Mark's is Holy Ghost Father Al Furtado, installed as pastor of the Belmont parish in March of this year. Father Al said he is very happy " to be at St. Mark's, and among its "very loyal, friendly and welcoming " parishioners. "11you're away for a day you are missed," the former pastor of St. Dunstan's, Millbrae said. Other blessings, he said, include the help of retired Father Bill Flanagan, who is St. Mark's founding pasto r and now in residence there. "He built the parish," Father Al said, "and though retired, continues to assist here in many ways. " From left, Father At talks with Bishop John C. Wester, installing prelate, and Father William Worner, retired pastor, St. Gregory Parish, San Mateo, outside St. Mark's Church following the March 17th Mass and ceremonies.
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Washington Letter
Catholic vote: Election leaves the issue murky By Nancy Frazier O'Brien Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — The response from pollsters and political anal ysis to the Catholic voting pattern in 2002 was pretty much the same as it was after other recent elections: Huh? In a year when tracking electoral trends was complicated by the absence of data from Voter News Service, the exit poll service used by a consortium of major U.S. news organizations, information about how Catholics voted was sketchy. And what there was remained as murky as it had been for the past few election cycles. Two political science professors , a pollster and a political reporter tried to sort out the information at a recent symposium on the Catholic vote at The Catholic University of America in Washington, sponsored by the university 's Center for American Catholic Studies. "The Catholic vote has often been called a vote that 's up for grabs," said Mark Rozell, chairman of the politics department al Catholic University. ' But it's hard to get a grasp on the 62 million Americans who identify themselves as Catholics." From the 1920s to the 1950s, Catholic voting was "overwhelmingly Democratic," said Rozell. But a slight majority of Catholics favored the Republican candidate, President Dwight Eisenhower, in 1956, before returning to the Democratic candidate, the Catholic John F. Kennedy, in 1960. In every presidential election from Republican President Richard Nixon's bid for re-election in 1972 to Democratic President Bill Clinton 's effort at a second term in 1996, the majority of Catholics voted for the eventual winner. But in 2000, Democrat Al Gore earned 50 percent of the Catholic vote, compared to 47 percent for the eventu al winner, Republican President George W. Bush. It was the 2000 presidential election that also led to a
major overhaul of Voter News Service — a consortium consisting of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox and The Associated Press. First Gore, then Bush, then no one was projected as the winner in Florida by the networks, using VNS data. But when the 2002 voting was over, officials of the revamped VNS said they still could not guarantee the accuracy of their exit polling because of g litches in their new computer programs. Expressing frustration at the lack of hard data from the 2002 election , John Kenneth White, a professor of politics at Catholic University, said it is a "misnomer now in American politics " to talk about the Catholic vote. "Catholics now look like the rest of the country," he said. But White does see a religion-based distinction in American voters between those who attend church oi synagogue regularly and those who do not. "The gap between the 'churched' and the less churched is the major gap in the U.S. electorate," he said, with those who regularly attend services more likely to favor the Republican Party. Pollster John Zogby, president and CEO . of Zogby International, had the onl y firm numbers available at the symposium about the 2002 election. But he too found it impossible to "detect a Catholic vote per se" among the 25 million to 30 million voters who describe themselves as Catholics. "There are Catholic sensibilities, but there is no Catholic vote," he said. "Catholic voters are kind of all over the place." A Zogby poll conducted for LeMoyne College in Syracuse, N.Y.,just before the election showed that 43 percent of Catholics described themselves as Democrats, 35 percent as Republicans and 19 percent as something else, he said. Asked which candidate for Congress they planned to vote for, 51 percent said the Democrat and 46 percent said
'The gap between the 'churched' and the less churched is the major gap in the U.S. electorate.'
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the Republican. But 63 percent of Catholics gave a positive evaluation of President Bush's job performance, while only 33 percent took the negative view. Presenting the poll results to the Catholic University audience, Zogby gave ho margin of error for the survey. The pollster said he believes most Catholics do not define themselves by their religion when they enter the polling booth. "If a JFK were to run again and was challenged as a Catholic , then the Catholic sensibility would cause Catholic voters to rise up," he said. Otherwise, they will continue to base their voting on other factors, Zogby added. Tom Edsall, senior political writer for The Washington Post, said a "crucial constituency" for each party to attract and hold will be Hispanic Catholics, who are on track to become the majority of U.S. Catholics during this decade. But the fastest growing group of voters, with regard to religion, is those who never go to church, and their numbers have more than doubled in the past 20 years, Edsall said. "There is an increasingly secular constituency that leans toward the Democratic Party," he said. But it is less clear which party Catholic voters will favor in the years to come. "The era of the monolithic reliably Democratic Catholic voter is over and has been over for some time," said Rozell, "but they are not converting to solid Republicans. "It's a vote that is truly up for grabs, which was not the case for years," he added.
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Belarus Catholics fa ce fine, jail fo r p rotesting religion law
MOSCOW - Two Catholic factory workers in Belarus were facing possible fines and jail time for stag ing a public demonstration against the country 's harsh new religion law. Police in the Belarusian capital , Minsk, detained the men Nov. 8 alter they walked down the city 's main street wearing white capes covered in slogans denouncing the law, then unfurled a banner in Independence Square comparing authoritarian president Alexander Lukashenko with past Soviet dictators. "As a believer, I know I must pray. But as a citizen , I know I need to act, too. You can 't just sit and pray," one of the men, Sergei Peskin, 37, said Nov. 21, the day after he was fired from his job at a government factory. Peskin and Zakrevski are apparently the first believers from any faith to take their protest to the streets since Lukashenko signed the law Oct. 31. If convicted on the charges of holding an unsanctioned public meeting, the two men could be imprisoned for up to 15 days or fined a sum which Zakrevski said is equal to two years of his salary. Belarus, a country of 10 million between Russia and Poland, has 600,000 Catholics.
Nigerian violence called sign that bandits, fanatics are taking over
VATICANCITY - Rioting over the Miss World pageant shows that Ni geria is in danger of becoming a "land run over by political bandits , ethnic warlords and reli gious fanatics," Father George-Ehusani , general secretary of the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, said. More than 200 people were killed and more than 500 wounded in the street violence. The riots were provoked by a newspaper article that said the Miss World contestants were so beautiful that "even Mohammed would not have been able to resist some of them." Father Ehusani said the violence was the work of a "gang of Islamic fanatics in the North and the collaborators elsewhere" acting in the name of Islamic law. "Where one part of the country can decide to operate an Islamic legal code that is clearly at variance with the national constitution, cutting off the limbs of petty offenders, condemning poor adulterers to death by stoning, and harassing nonMuslims every so often, the impression created is that no one is in charge of our affairs, and there is no law and order in place," he said.
Zimbabwe government is accused of using f ood as political weapon
CAPE TOWN , South Africa — President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is using the food crisis to force people to vote for the ruling party, said Archbishop Pius Ncube of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. "Men, women and children were, and still are, being deliberately starved," Archbishop Ncube said. Throughout the country people are required to show rulingparty membership cards before they can buy corn, Archbishop Ncube said in a telephone interview from Bulawayo.
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Israeli troops stop Christians from entering the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem Nov. 24. Forces kept a tight grip on the city following a suicide bomb attack in Jerusalem that killed 11 people the week before.
As food becomes increasingly scarce, only those with identity cards of the ruling ZANU-PF party can obtain something to eat, the archbishop said. In addition , opposition supporters are refused attention at health facilities and service at stores, he said. Mugabe blames unfavorable weather for the food crisis, but analysts said it was exacerbated by state-sponsored farm seizures. More than half of Zimbabwe 's population of 11 million face the threat of starvation .
Catholic p ilgrims brave violence, visit Holy Land pa rishes, shrines
TAYBEH, West Bank — Twenty-one members of the English and Welsh chapter of the Knights of the Holy Sepiilcher visited holy sites in Jerusalem , lending emotional support to various Catholic parishes and schools in the West Bank , including Ramal lah and the Bethlehem area. "Our presence here is to show support of the Hol y Land in these difficult times," Michael Whelan , the group 's leader, said. "We are also visiting the hol y sites , but more important for us are the people. " "We are grateful to you for your courage because you have decided to come on this pil grimage," Father Raed Abusahlia told the group as they gathered for a prayer at Taybeh's St. Redeemer Parish Nov. 21. Whelan said the group had unrestricted access to the holy sites because of the dearth of pilgrims in the area. "At the Holy Sepulcher you can kneel at the tomb of Jesus for 10 minutes alone. That is good for me, but it is desperately sad for the place and people living here," he said.
Pop e calls on leaders in Haiti to end 'unbearable '1 pov erty
VATICAN CITY — Pope John Paul H called on Haitian leaders to lead the country out of "unbearable" poverty by extending social services to rural areas, respecting democratic institutions and protecting the legal ri ghts of the poor. The pope made the remarks Nov. 22 at a ceremony to accept the di plomatic credentials of the new Haitian ambassador to the Hol y See, Carl Henri Guiteau. Haiti has experienced growing protests against the economic and political policies of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, whose government has been unable to quell rampant crime, unemployment and hunger. In his speech, the pope said the country — the poorest in the Western Hemisphere — was suffering from "a poverty that is increasingly unbearable" and that is forcing many Haitians to emigrate to other countries.
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NAPLES, Fla. — Tom Monaghan, founder of Domino's Pizza, is putting about $200 million toward the opening of a new Catholic university outside of Naples and building a town to go with it. The school , Ave Maria University and its accompany ing town, Ave Maria, are expected to be completed by 2006. Michael Healy, a former dean at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, will be the university 's provost , and Jesuit Father Joseph Fessio, founder and editor of Ignatius Press, will be the chancellor.
Relics of St. Therese of Lisieux making p eace p ilgrimage to Iraq
VATICANCITY—As the relics of St. Therese ofLisieux were about to be transferred from Lebanon to Iraq, Cardinal Nasrallah P. Sfeir, patriarch of the Maronite Catholic Church , prayed that the visit of the relics "may drive away the specter of war from Iraq and the whole region." A 10-week pil grimage of the relics throug hout Lebanon was greeted with crowded liturg ies and large processions in which "Christians and Muslims partici pated side by side, " Vatican Radio reported Nov. 19. The relics were to be carried in pilgrimage around Iraq Nov. 18-Dec. 28, in response to a request by Archbishop Jean Sleiman , head of the Latin-rite Archdiocese of Baghdad. There are 281,000 Catholics in Iraq, about 1 percent of the population. Iraqi Catholics belong to the Latin , Chaldean , Syrian and Armenian rites.
Illness forces East Timor 's Nobel laureate Bishop Belo to resign
WASHINGTON — Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo of East Timor, winner of the Nobel Peace prize, resigned as apostolic administrator of Dili Nov. 26, citing health reasons. Arnold Kohen, the bishop 's biographer and a consultant for the U.S. bishops' Office of International Justice and Peace, said the bishop is being treated for high blood pressure and dizzy spells. "Indeed, one could make the argument that he could be more effective putting forth his stature as a Nobel laureate on behalf of East Timor, which he has never had the chance to do because of all Ms day-to-day responsibilities of running a diocese," Kohen said. "From 1989 on he played a pivotal role in making the concerns of the East Timorese known to the world and the United Nations . .. They wouldn ' t be independent if it wasn 't for him," he sad. - Catholic News Service
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Lawyers aggressively seek sex abuse business By Jack Smith Lawsuits against the Catholic Church have become so widespread that "priest sexual abuse" is now an official specialty at many law firms in the state . The swarm of lawsuits expected to follow after a new law suspending the time limit on claims goes into effect January 1, has even enticed several firms that have never dealt with abuse claims to get in on the act. To help fhms get a foot in the market, www.personalinj has 47 internet domain names based on combinations of the words; priest, clerical, sexual and abuse for sale to lawyers hoping to find clients on the internet. Burke and Eisner law firm's website provides an "Instant Answer Service" where visitors can fill out a form to see whether they have a case or call an attorney on a 24 hour 800 number. The Law Offices of John D. Winer, "Priest Abuse Attorneys," also has an online consultation form and a bold warning to file before the new law runs out. Zalkin & Zimmer, LLP describes itself as a "boutique litigation firm that handles select cases nationally, and internationall y, involving serious brain and spinal cord
New law . . . ¦ Continued from cover Church liable to civil suits even if the alleged abuser 's supervisor or Bishop is long since retired or dead . In their statement, the bishops said the "Church has been falsely portrayed as a large corporation with 'deep pockets '." The vast majority of the Church's assets consist of the property of parishes, schools, charitable organizations and other institutions, they said. While the bishops recognize the new law poses a potential threat to the educational , social service, spiritual and sacramental ministries of the Church, they also pledged to "continue to respond to the needs of the victims of abuse." They said the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People approved by the bishops of the United States this year strengthens and adds to policies of dioceses in California to assist and support victims of child abuse, provide safe environments for children, cooperate with civil authorities and remove abusers from ministry. Archbishop William J. Levada said, "We bishops hav e sincere sympathy and concern for the victims of clergy sexual abuse and we offer them ongoing support and just compensation for the pain they have suffered. However, we are concerned about the difficulties of arriving at the truth in very old cases and the incentives that trial lawyers have for filing lawsuits under the new law." Under current law, plaintiffs claiming sexual abuse when they were minors may not sue the perpetrator ' s employer for recovery after the plaintiff's 26th birthday.
injuries , amputations , paraplegia and quadri plegia. " But type "priest abuse" into Google and you will get a banner ad directing you to their new specialty, "Clergy Sexual Abuse Representation." Fill out a form and a qualified "affiliate " lawyer will contact you. Many law firms who receive or seek out clergy sexual abuse clients , "affiliate" with one of the giants in the field. Two such giants are Jeffrey Anderson of Minnesota and Laurence Drivon of Stockton , who have taken on hundreds of cases against the Church Trial lawyers such as Anderson and Drivon typicall y accept clients on a contingency basis. They represent a client at no up front cost, but take up to 40 percent of any settlement or award. They both made headlines for their cooperation in a record breaking case against the Diocese of Stockton, where on a case dealing with a single abusive priest, a jury awarded plaintiffs $30 million. The award was immediately reduced by the judge and is still being appealed , but the size of the award still strikes fear into potential defendants. The fear of huge jury awards contributes to the fact that 90 percent of 400 cases filed by Anderson have been settled for the plaintiff out of court. Drivon is an aggressive and well known liti gator. He
was named one of the top 100 lawyers in 2002 by Daily Journal , a trade publication and is a former trial lawyer association president. He has successfully used his influence among trial lawyers and in Sacramento to expand his pool of potential clients by helping to write and pass the law which takes effect Jan. 1. Trial lawyers are among the top campaign contributors in Sacramento. They gave $8.9 million to candidates and incumbents in the last election cycle according to data accumulated by the Civil Justice Association of California. Last year, Drivon worked at the Legislature as a Special Counsel , on an unrelated matter, with the Senate 's top recipient of trial lawyer money, Senator Joseph Dunn. At the same time, Drivon helped Senator John Burton craft the Jaw suspending for one year the statute of limitations on civil suits in his own area of expertise. The two Senate sponsors of the bill, Burton and Senator Martha Escutia, are also top recipients of trial lawyer money as was the chief Assembly sponsor, Kevin Shelley (D-San Francisco). Drivon told the Los Angeles Times on Monday, that as a result of the new law, he and a consortium of attorneys are preparing to file 175 to 200 new law suits in the beginning of the new year.
Beginning January 1, 2003, and for a period of one year , plaintiffs may now sue the Church and other employers for alleged child sexual abuse by its emp loyees regardless of the plaintiff's age, how long ago the abuse occurred and whether or not the perpetrator or supervisor is retired, removed from ministry or dead. The new law also retroactively revives claims that were dismissed or adjudicated under the previous statute of limitations and revives certain claims which were already settled out of court. According to an overview of the new law by attorneys for the Church, revived claims will likely be a small fraction of the cases filed. The vast majority of claims will be based on previously unasserted allegations which were barred by. the statute of limitations, for example, a claim based upon an allegation that the plaintiff was fondled 50 years ago . by a priest who is now dead. Several cases around the State have already been filed in antici pation of the new law. James Sweeney, general counsel for the California Bishops, said that time limits on filing civil lawsuits exist because, "the older a claim is, the more difficult it is to make an analysis of its merit." In very old cases, ascertaining the truth is difficult with fading memories, but in many
new cases nationwide and in California it is near impossible to ascertain the truth when both the alleged abuser and the bishop in office at the time are both dead. In one case in Santa Rosa , not only is the bishop dead who was in office during the time an alleged case of priestly abuse occurred , but so is his successor. The church in many cases is held liable by suits for events that are nearly impossible to prove winch may or may not have happened 40, 50 and even 60 years ago. Sweeney said he is "unaware of any precedent where claims regardless of their antiquity have been revived." While the law must be neutral on its face with regard to specific organizations or faiths in order to be constitutional , it was sponsored by trial attorneys who specialize in suing the Catholic Church . Stockton lawyer, Laurence Drivon, who has more than 150 cases against the Church, hel ped craft the legislation for Senator Burton. While Senator Burton 's office has maintained that the bill is not specifically aimed at the Catholic Church, Burton , himself told the Los Angeles Times that the bill was aimed at "deep pocke t" defendants like the Catholic Church.
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Statement on Iraq: 'gr ave choices ab out war and peace Here is the text of the Statement on Iraq approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at a meeting Nov. 13 in Washington, B.C. As we Catholic Bishop s meet here in Washingto n, our nation , Iraq and the world face grave choices about war and peace , about pursuing justice and security. These are not only military and political choices , but also moral ones because they involve matters of life and death. Traditiona l Christian teaching offers ethical princi ples and moral cri teria that should guide these critical choices. Two months ago, Bishop Wilton Gregory, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops , wrote President George Bush to welcome efforts to focus the world' s attention on Iraq's refusal to comp ly with several United Nations resolutions over the past eleven years, and its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction. This letter, which was authorized by the U.S. Bishops ' Administrative Committee, raised serious questions about the mora l legitimacy of any preemptive , unilateral use of military force to overthrow the government of Iraq. As a body, we make our own the questions and concerns raised in Bishop Gregory 's letter, taking into account developments since then , especiall y the unanimous action of the U.N. Security Council on November 8th.
We have no illusions about the behavior or intentions of the Iraq i government. The Iraq i leadershi p must cease its internal repression , end its threats to its nei ghbors , stop any support for terrori sm, abandon its efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction , and destroy all such existing weapons. We welcome the fact that the United States has worked to gain new action by the UN Security Council to ensure that Iraq meets its obli gation to disarm. We join others in urging Iraq to comply full y with this latest Security Council resolution. We fervently pray that all involved will act to ensure that this UN action will not simply be a prelude to war but a way to avoid it. ¦ ;1 While we cannot predict what will happen in the coming weeks, we wish to reitera te questions of ends and :' means that may still have to be addressed. We offer not ¦h definitive conclusions , but rather our serious concerns and ing all of us to reach sound C questions in the hope of hel p I ; I D moral jud gments. People of good will may differ on how to " particu lar cases, especiall y when ju apply just war norms in events are moving rapidl y and the facts are not altogether clear. Based on the facts that are known to us , we continue Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton listens to find it difficult to justif y the resort to war against Iraq, as the bishops discuss his proposal to add support for lacking clear and adequate evidence of an imminent attack conscientious objection to their statement on Iraq. IRAQ, page 7 I •„ >
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Statement on Iraq: 'grave choices about war and peace' ¦ Continued from page 6 of a grave nature . With the Hol y See and bishops from the Middl e East and around the world, we fear that resort to war, under present circumstances and in li ght of current public information , would not meet the strict conditions in Catholic teaching for overriding the strong presumption against the use of military force. * Just cause. The Catechism of the Catholic Church limits just cause to cases in which "the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations [is] lasting, grave and certain." (#2309) We are deeply concerned about recent proposals to expand dramatical ly traditional limits on just cause to include preventive uses of military force to overthrow threatening regimes or to deal with weapons of mass destruction. Consistent with the proscriptions contained in international law, a distinction should be made between efforts to change unacceptable behavior of a government and efforts to end that government 's existence: Legitimate authority. In our jud gment, decisions concerning possibl e war in Iraq require compliance with U.S. constitutional imperatives , broad consensus within our nation , and some form of international sanction. That is why the action by Congress and the UN Security Council are important . As the Holy See has indicated , if recourse to force were deemed necessary, this should take place within the framework of the United Nations after considering the consequences for Iraqi civilians , and regional and global stability. (Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran , Vatican Secretary "for Relations with States , 9/10/02). Probability of success and proportionality. The use ot force must have "serious prospects for success" and "must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated" (Catechism, #2309). We recognize that not taking military action could have its own negative consequences. We are concerned , however, that war against Iraq could have unpredictable consequences not only for Ir aq but for peace and stability elsewhere in the Middle East. The use of force might provoke the very kind of attacks that it is intended to prevent , could impose terrible new burdens on an alread y long-suffering civilian population , and could lead to wider conflict and instability in the region. War against Iraq could also detract from the responsibility to hel p build a just and stable order in Afghanistan and could undermine broader efforts to stop terrorism. Norms governing the conduct of war. The justice of a cause does not lessen the moral responsibility to comply with the norms of civilian immunity and proportionality. While we recognize improved capability and serious efforts to avoid directly targeting civilians in war, the use of military force in Iraq could ' bring incalculable costs for a civilian population that has suffered so much from war, repression , and a debilitating embargo. In assessing whether "collateral damage" is proportionat e, the lives of Iraqi men, women and children should be valued as we would the Jives of members of our own family and citizens of our own country.
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makes provis ion for conscientious dissent. " The Challenge of Peace: God's Promise and Our Response (1983), #83.
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Our assessment of these questions leads us to urge that our nation and the world continue to pursue actively alternatives to war in the Middle East. It is vital that our nati on persist in the very frustrating and difficult challenges of maintaining broad international support for constructive , effective and legitimate ways to contain and deter aggressive Iraqi actions and threats. We support effective enforcement of the military embargo and maintenance of political sanctions. We reiterate our call for much more carefull y-focused economic sanctions which do not threaten the lives of innocent Iraq i civilians. Addressing Iraq 's weapons of mass destruction must be matched by broader and stronger non-proliferation measures. Such efforts , grounded in the princi ple of mutual restraint , should include , among other things , greater support for programs to safeguard and eliminate weapons of mass destruction in all nations , stricter controls on the export of missiles and weapons technology, improved enforcement of the biolog ical and chemical weapons conventions , and fu l fillment of U.S. commitments to pursue good faith negotiations on nuclear disarmament under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. There are no easy answers. Ultimatel y, our elected leaders are responsible for decisions about national security, but we hope that our moral concerns and questions will be considered seriously by our leaders and all citizens. We invite others , particularl y Catholic lay people — who have the principal responsibility to transform the social order in light of the Gospel — to continue to discern how best to live out their vocation to be "witnesses and agents of peace and justice " (Catechism, #2442). As Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers" (Mt. 5). We pray for all those most likel y to be aifected by this potential conflict , especiall y the suffering people of Iraq and the men and women who serve in our armed forces. We support those who risk their lives in the service of our nation. We also support those who seek to exercise their right to conscientious objection and selective conscientious objection , as we have stated in the past. We pray for President Bush and other worl d leaders that they will find the will and the ways to step back from the brink of war with Iraq and work for a peace that is just and enduring. We urge them to work with others to fashion an effective global response to Iraq's threats that recognizes legitimate self defense and conforms to traditional moral limits on the use of military force. * "Just war teaching has evolved . . . as an effo rt to prevent war; only if war cannot be rationally avoided , does the teaching then seek to restrict and reduce its horrors. It does this by establishing a set of rigorous conditions which must be met if the decision to go to war is to be mostly permissible. Such a decision , especiall y today, requires extraordin arily strong reasons for overriding the presumption in favor of peace and against war. This is one significant reason why valid just-wa r teaching
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Pope on migrants: ethnic diversity is 'mark of church' a document with practical advice for Catholic communities working with non-Christian migrants and refugees. "In welcoming all peop le in the name of Christ," he said, "there is a natural desire for solidarity, dialogue, evangelization — without prosefytism — and also for reciprocity and tolerance." Archbishop Marchetto said that , for example, Christians are right to hope that as they welcome Muslim immigrants into their midst "our Muslim brothers and sisters would be advocates with their home governments for human rights and freedoms, especially the freedom of worship." Divine Word Father Michael Blume, a council official, said part of Catholic migration work is to deal with "people 's widespread fear and sense of insecurity" for their own safety and job security and with the need to ensure migrants respect the laws and cultures of their host countries. An "authentically Christian spirit of welcome" will help people face the problems which come with an influx of migrants and will suggest concrete ways to deal with tensions, he said.
"Only genuine evangelical love will be strong enough to hel p communities pass from mere tolerance of others to real respect for their differences ," the pope said. Archbishop Stephen Fumio Hamao, president of the VATICAN CITY (CNS) —A mix of ethnic backgrounds , languages and customs is "a mark of the church, expressing Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers , told her essential openness to all that is the work of the Spirit in reporters Dec. 2 the situation faced by migrants and every people," Pope John Paul II said in his annual message refugees has gotten more difficult since the terrorist attacks on the United States Sept. 11, 2001. for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. The spreading fear of terrorism The text for the 2003 celebraand desire to ensure public order tions was released during a Dec. 2 press conference at the Vatican. 'A day of serious reflection on and safety has led governments to issue increasingly restrictive laws The annual, event is held on different days in different countries . In the duties of Catholics toward on immigration and to narrow the conditions under which refugees the United States, National are given asylum, he said. In addiMigration Week is Jan. 541, 2003. these brothers and sisters. ' tion, he said, there is Increasing The pope asked that the evidence of a common perception events be marked by special prayers "for the needs of all who, for whatever reason, are far that migration and crime are connected. "As a consequence, the general attitude toward persons of from home and family; it should be a day of serious reflection on the duties of Catholics toward these brothers and sisters ." different cultures and religions who live close to us has Pope John Paul said when Catholic immigrants and become more hostile, even xenophobic, if not racist," he said. The archbishop said more than 190 million people "currefugees arrive special efforts must be made to make them feel rentl y live far from the country in which they were born. " welcomed and an important part of the parish community. "The loss of such 'little ones' for reasons of even latent About 175 million of them left their homelands for ecodiscrimination should be a cause of grave concern to pas- nomic reasons and about 16 million of them are refugees who tied war and persecution. tors and faithful alike," he said. Archbishop Agoslino Marchetto , secretary of the counThe pope reminded Catholics they have a Christian duty "to welcome whoever comes knocking out of need." cil, said, "among the many causes of the growth of racism While different languages, faiths and customs may and xenophobia against migrants and refugees , the events make integration and solidarity difficult , he said , no hint of of Sept. 11 are the most recent." The archbishop said the council is considering drafting closure or discrimination can be tolerated . By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service
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Vatican Web site is firs t beneficiary of Catholic Internet venture ROME (CNS) — A Vatican official , a U.S. dot-com entrepreneur , a church lawyer and the cardinal-archbishop of New York have launched a new venture to provide computer hardware, expertise and funding for Catholic Internet projects around the world. Formed Nov. 1, the Catholic World Wide Web Corp .'s first beneficiary is the Vatican 's Web site, slated to receive an estimated $5.5 million to $6 million hardware overhaul and new staff members in the form of U.S. university computer science interns. • The corporation 's members, who include Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, head of the office that oversees the Vatican 's Web site, and New York's Cardinal Edward M. Egan, also will consider requests for national and international church Web projects. Mark A. Anthony, president and CEO, said the new corporati on would provide technology consulting, funding, and "point solu-
tions " — getting professional Internet companies or individual experts to volunteer their services for specific projects. Anthony, 41-year-old president of Vaticor , an Internet infrastructure management company based in Exton , Pa., was in Rome Nov. 25 with another corporation founder, James M. Crowley, for meetings with Vatican Internet officials and major Italian computer vendors who are considering donating to the Vatican 's site. Anthony said the corporation in some ways grew out of assistance he already had been providing to the Vatican 's Internet office for the past, five or six year's. Most recentl y, he negotiated Hewlett-Packard 's donation of hardware and technical assistance to the Vatican Library 's new Web site. The corporation ' s Web site — — was expected to be functioning sometime earl y in 2003.
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The Season of Advent
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Advent in Rome: Filipino children from the Rome parish of Santa Pudenziana line up before Pope John Paul II Dec. 1 at the Vatican. The pope was hosting the first in a series of "in house " parish visits at the start of Advent.
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From a pastoral letter by St. Charles Borromeo, cardinal-archbishop of Milan, Italy, 1560-1584 . Beloved, now is the acceptable time spoken of by the Spirit, the day of salvation, peace and reconciliation: the great season of Advent This is the time eagerly awaited by the patriarchs and prophets , the time that holy Simeon rejoiced at last to see. This is the season that the Church has always celebrated with special solemnity. We too should always observe it with faith and love, offering praise and thanksgiving to die Father for the mercy and love he has shown us in this mystery. In his infinite love for us, though, we were sinners , he sent his only Son to free us from the tyranny of Satan, to summon us to heaven, to welcome us into its innermost recesses, to show us truth itself, to train us in right conduct, to plant within, us the seeds of virtue, to enrich us with the treasures of his grace, and to make us children of God and heirs of eternal life. Each year, as the Church recalls this mystery, she urges us to renew the memory of the great love God has shown us. This holy season teaches us that Christ's coming was not only for the benefit of his contemporaries; his power has still to be communicated to us all. We shall share his power if, through holy faith and the . sacraments," we willingly accept the grace Christ earned for us, and live by that grace and in obedience to Christ. The Church asks us to understand that Christ, who came once in flesh , is prepared to come again. When we remove all obstacles to his presence he will come, at any hour and moment, to dwell spiritually in our hearts, bringing with him the riches of his grace; In her concern for our salvation , our loving mother the Church uses this holy season to teach us through hymns, canticles and.other forms of expression, of voice or ritual, used by the Holy Spirit. She shows us how grateful we should be for SO great a blessing, and how to gain its benefit: our hearts should be as much prepared for the coming of Christ as if he were still to come into this world. The same lesson is given us for our imitation by the words and example of the holy men of the Old Testament.
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Life altering week in a barren, harsh land Serra Hig h students work with Navaj o - and learn f r om them By Evelyn Zappia Few high school service projects change a teenager 's perspective on life in only one week. The Navajo Project at Junipero Serra High School is one of those exceptions. Teenagers volunteering for the project give up their spring break to perform arduous tasks for the Navajo people clinging to preserve their cultural traditions on the barren, harsh land of the Arizona Reservation. The experience "alters their lives completely," said Michael Accorsi, a U.S. history teacher who created the program. The program begins with seminars and suggested readings to acquaint the students with the history and culture of the Navajo people. "Experiences of this magnitude only reach their full potential if you work hard to learn some history, language, current events and cultural aspects," he said. For the weeklong trip, teenagers leave their headphones, hand-held computer games, and even sunglasses at home. "It's a matter of being highly respectful, and in a mode of service to a people who are extremely spiritual," said Mi". Accorsi. Last spring, Erica Crockett wished her son, Matt, a safe return as he left for the Navajo Reservation. The teenager was more excited about his success in obtaining his driver's license than his forthcoming trip to the reservation. His mother believed the topic of "the importance of owning his own car" would resume upon his return. "Instead, the trip changed his perspective, said Mrs. Crockett. "It had such a positive effect on Matt, He saw people with a different culture, different standards of living and different struggles. He came home knowing the difference between a want and a need. He learned, he didn 't really have to have a car." Matt was one of eight students assigned to a long list of backbreaking chores: fetching water, chopping wood, painting and cleaning homes, recycling wood for new structures, and shepherding. At the end of the day, he slept on the floor of a traditional eight-sided Navajo house called a Hogan. Although the house had no beds or heating he felt honored his Navajo hosts allowed him, and his buddies, to sleep in their
Navajo Fundraisers The Christmas Drive: Junipero Serra students are collecting needed supplies to take to the Navajo Nation for Christmas. All goods and supplies will be donated to Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church in Chinle, Az. During the week of Dec. 16, donations may be dropped off at a truck parked at the school. Suggested supplies: blankets, coats, socks, sheets and pillow cases, pillows, folding chairs, candy treats, tables and chairs. Staples: can goods, rice, beans, raisin cereal. Raise the Roof Campaign: Donations of money needed to provide emergency relief to Mary Lucy Joe and Phyllis Beck who lost the roof on their house during a windstorm last summer. Students have collected more than $300 in a penny drive. For further information on the fundraisers call Michael Accorsi at Junipero Serra High School, (650) 345-8207.
"sacred" house that is only used for special ceremonies such as "birthdays and powwows." "I was just humbled to see older women and men having to chop their own wood to keep warm," said the senior. 'The struggle of the people impressed upon me how thankful 1 should be." Matt 's perspective is typical of the students who participate in the program, according to Franciscan Father Blane Grein, the pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, which sponsors the Navajo Project. "The kids who come here, see a different America," said Father Grein, who has been ministering to the Navajo people on the Reservation for more than 24 years. "They witness people surviving on difficult means - people who do not live the way they do. Their eyes are opened much more than the people they minister to." "The Navajo people are letting us use the land," said Franciscan Sister of the Poor Adelaide Link, who spoke to Catholic San Francisco, from a room in the original chapel where the first Catholic Mass was celebrated on the reservation in 1905. "The building was constructed by the Franciscans who were invited to the Navajo Reservation in 1898 by St. Katherine Drexel, Foundress of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament," said Sister Adelaide. She is particularly proud of the parish's RCIA program, which is preparing 22 people to become members of the Catholic Church. The parish also has four Navajo permanent deacons, one Franciscan Navajo brother, and one Navajo sister. Life on the 55,000-square mile reservation is a constant struggle, according to Sister Adelaide. "The government didn 't leave the people the best land," she said. "It is not good for farming, and the high desert altitude makes it difficult to cultivate because of the lack of water." Senior Jonathan Fone believes working on the reservation "was the best decision I ever made." The two-year wrestling enthusiast had to choose between the trip or another semester of wrestling. "I chose the new opportunity, and I will never regret it," he said. "I was told to shepherd," he said. His instructions were simple: "go out there and don't lose any sheep."
Students recycle wood to use for new structures.
Repairing the Sacred Hogan Houses.
"I was constantly worried," the new shepherd said. "I kept thinking how bad it would be if I lost one." Jonathan was happily surprised that the "sheep helped out by knowing the exact route to their grazing ground." Still, one or two always kept moving from the herd, but he kept a close eye on them. "The sheep are important," said Jonathan. "Making rugs from the sheep's wool is one way the people can earn a living. Since the resources are few, I wanted to help as much as I could." Since the service project took off two years ago, "it has become a student-run trip," said Mr. Accorsi. "The kids have so much interest, and their energy pushes me to continue." This year 's trip will have an additional seven teenagers volunteering, bringing the total to 15. The Native American service project took more than a year for Mr. Accorsi to set in place. He was rejected by more than 20 service agencies in the Arizona and New Mexico areas. Surprisingly, two obstacles blocked the project. "Outsiders" were considered suspicious, and "we found some resistance because of pur school name, Junipero Sena," he said. "We wouldn't even be working on the reservation if it wasn't for the Catholic Church," he said, referring to the "nice Sister" from the Diocese of Gallup, New Mexico who suggested he contact Our Lady of Fatima Church. Senior Justin Fusilier declares, "I will never be the same," after working on the reservation. "When we were chopping wood for an elder woman, a young man came to me, practically in tears, thanking me for helping his grandmother. I just nodded. I didn't know how to respond. It's a lesson that little things can mean mountains to others, and to always lend a caring hand." Mr. Accorsi plans to add an additional preparation assignment for the spring break trip. "We need to get in shape, and work out," he said. One of the elder matriarchs, Mary Lucy Joe, jokingly accused the young men of "being soft," as she watched them perform their laborious tasks "using gloves, guzzling down water, and needing frequent breaks." Native American Mary Lucy Joe has captured the hearts of these young men. "I fell in love with her," said Jonathan, "she reminds me of my grandmother. I would do anything for her." He admits he doesn 't like chores, but he ended up washing her dishes after being a guest in her house. When student, Andre Monet learned that the elder leader was looking for a used car, he decided in lieu of presents for his upcoming birthday, and Christmas, he would ask for money. He then plans to coerce his uncle who sells used cars to give him a good deal. If he is successful, he wants to surp rise Mary Lucy at his next visit to the reservation. The highlight of the trip is the celebration of Mass where Navajo and Catholic spirituality merge. "The Mass is so meditative, " said Mr.Accorsi. " The celebration begins with silence, then drumbeats, and flutes - and then the Mass begins." Some of the kids making a second visit this year asked the teacher "can we go to a few more Masses this year?" "You don't hear that too often," he said.
toral Pas of Leadership school Mr of San Francisco Archdiocese
¦<r- Spring 2003 Class Schedule >
Second Six Weeks
First Six Weeks
January 21 - February 28
Where / When / What Time
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Where / When / What Time i
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March 4 - April 11
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SAN MATEO Junipero Serra High School 451 W. 20th Street San Mateo
MARIN Marin Catholic High School 675 Sir Francis Brake Blvd. Kentfield/Greenbrae
SAN FRANCISCO Mercy High School 3250 - 19th Avenue San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO Afternoon Archdiocese of San Francisco One Peter Yorke Way
SAN MATEO Junipero Serra High School 451 W. 20th Street San Mateo
MARIN Marin Catholic High School 675 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Kentfield/Greenbrae
SAN FRANCISCO Mercy High School 3250 - 19th Avenue San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO Afternoon Archdiocese of San Francisco One Peter Yorke Way
Tuesday, 1/21, 1/28; 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Wednesday, 1/22, 1/29,2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Thursday, 1/23, 1/30; 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Friday, 1/24, 1/31; 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28 2:00-4:00 PM
Tuesday, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18 3/18, 3/25; 4/1, 4/8 7:30-9:30 PM
Wednesday, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26,- 4/2, 4/9 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Thursday, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27; 4/3, 4/10 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Friday, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28; 4/4, 4/11 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Catholic Evangelization (6 Weeks) San Mateo What is evangelization? What does it mean to "share the Gospel" or "make disciples of all natious"? In fact, what Is "the Gospel" anyway? This coursewill presentbiblical and magisterial leaching on the nature of Catholic evangelization, as well as examine various forms and methods of evangelization. Topics will include: foundational elements of the Gospel message; repentance, faith and conversion; evangelization and culture; the relationship between evangelization, catechesis and theology; some contemporary issues and practical questions related to evangelization in the modem world. Rev. Paul Minnihan was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Oakland in 1993. He earned an STL in 1994 from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. He has served as associate pastor of two parishes and in 2001 earned a STD/Ph.D. in applied systematic theology with an emphasis on evangelization and the American Synod in particular. Presently, he is pastor of St. Jerome Church in El Cerrito . Minnihan is Director of Evangelization for the diocese and serves as the bishop's representative to schools of higher education, colleges and universities. In January 2001, he received appointment to the United States Commission on Catholic Evangelization.
C.S. lewis Seminar (12 Weeks)
San Mateo
In this 12 week seminar, students will read, study and discuss six of C.S. Lewis' most influential works:Miracles , , MereChristianity,tte Problem of Pain, TheAbolitionof Man, neScrewiapeMkrs and The Great Divorce. Studentswill spend two weeks on each book, discussing these worksin depth. Whenever pertinent, die thought of Lewiswill be studied in the light of contemporary Catholic doctrine. This class will be taught by Dr. Margaret Turek and Mr. John Hurst. Dr. Turek holds a PhD in Theology and teaches at St. Patrick Seminary, as well as Campion College in San Francisco. Mr. Hurst holds a Bachelors degree in Philosophy from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, as well as a Masters degree in Theology from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.
Introduction to C.S. Lewis (6 Weeks)
This 6 week coursewill serve as an inti'oduction to the life and writings of the famous 20th Century Anglican Christian author, C.S. Lewis. Students will read, study and discuss a sampling of some of his major writings in such areasas apologetics and theology, fiction, and/or non-fiction. His contribution to the field of Christian literature, as well ashis contribution to Catholic life and theology,will be considered. Fr. David Anderson holds a Masters of Divinity degree from St. Vladimir's Seminary in New York. He is currently the Pastor of the Eastern Catholic Mission of Ukiah, CA Fr. Anderson has worked as a Greek translator for St. Vladimir Press, and currently teaches World Religions at Mendocino College. He has been teaching courses in Catholic theology and spirituality for the School of Pastoral Leadership for four years.
Life in Christ: Catholic Moral Teaching (6 Weeks)
San Francisco
This coursewill introduce the foundational principles of Catholicmoral teaching, situated within the contextof new life in Christ. With primary reference to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, as well as other Church documents, this coursewill explore such.topics as: human person, natural moral law, freedom and responsibility,divine revelation, grace, sin, conscienceformation, teaching authority of the Church, Ten Commandments, virtues, and the socialdimension of Catholic moral teaching.
Rev. Steve Lopes currently servesas the Parochial Vicar of St. Anselm Church in Ross. He holds a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, specializingin Dogmatic Theology. Fr. Lopes has served as a summer faculty member of the Institute for Priestly Formation at Creighton University, and also teaches adult education classesin theology at St. Anselm Church.
Corporal Works of Mercy (12 Weeks)
TheR.C,IA :An In-depth and PracticalStudy (12 Weeks) San Francisco
This course will consist of an in-depth study of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Geared toward current (or soon to be) parish leaders of RCIA, it will focus upon its pastoral (Doug Benbow), catechetical (Sr. Celeste Arbuckle, Sr. Maureen Roe) and liturgical aspects (Doug Benbow). Special emphasis will be placed upon its successful implementation and celebration in the midst of parish life today, with all its opportunities and challenges. Sr. Celeste Arbuckle is a member of the Sisters of Social Service, and is the Director of the Office of Religious Education and Youth Ministry for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. She holds a MastersDegree In Religious Education from'Seattle University. Sister of Mercy Maureen Roe has a Master's Degree in Religious Education from Boston College. She is serving as Associate Director of Religious Education for the Archdioceseof San Francisco. Mr. Doug Benbow is the Director of Liturgy for the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, San Francisco.
Dante's Divine Comedy (12 Weeks)
Advent: Ceremony of Lessons & Carols (Our Fifth Annual Celebration) With soul-stirring performances by The Schola Cantorum of the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assissi Mr. John Renke, Director Fr. Francis Tiso will introduce this wonderful Advent tradition Receotion wilt follow ¦ Cost' $20 * 00 iftlW T vtc ^fepell &^^s
San Francisco
(Friday afternoon class - Pastoral Center) In this course, students will journey through Dante's Divine Comedy. By a careful study of its three parts, students will encounter: the "Inferno," where there is recognition of our sins; the "Purgatorio," where there is the reception of God's grace to effect our purgation and forgiveness; and the "Paradiso," where we are empowered to live in foe Kingdom of God. A primary theme of the Divine Comedy is conversion, a turning of the soul to God. It is the story of a pilgrim's transfomiation in mid-life, from a sinful life to a godly life, for the Kingdom of God. Mr. Stephen Cordova is a Latinist, holds an M.A. in Medieval Church History, and currently teaches at Campion College in San Francisco, and St. Mary's College in Moraga.
Call for Brochure(s) 415.614.5564
San Francisco
Students will study the Corporal Works of Mercy, and learn through practical experience how to put them into practice. Students will work two-by-two in internships at local organizations, such as: St. Joseph House, Religious Witness for the Homeless, San Quentin Prison , St. Anne Home, St. Anthony Foundation, St. Vincent De Paul Society, and Catholic Cemeteries. Fr. William Myers, Parochial Vicar of St. Anne of the Sunset, will be the coordinating teacher. The last evening of the class will consist of an open forum to discuss ideas and strategies - both for continuing to serve in this ministry, aswell as to discern the causes and cures of various local issues. Fr. William Myers is the parochial vicar at St. Anne of the Sunset in San Francisco. In addition to his many parish pastoral duties, he works extensively to solve foe homeless problem in San Francisco. Fr. William collaborates with Religious Witness for the Homeless and Home Awayfrom Homelessness. He recently taught a course on "The Faith That Does Justice" for the School of Pastoral Leadership and has been a guest speaker at the Fall Fest conference for young adults.
The Passion Narratives: A Biblical Preparation f o r Liturgical Celebration (6 Weeks) San Mateo This class will study and reflect upon the Passion Narratives of the Gospels. Beginning with Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem, students will study and reflect upon the Last Supper, the Agony in the Garden, the Trial, the Way of the Cross, the Caicifixion and Burial, and conclude with Jesus' glorious Resurrection. The class will be oriented toward a biblical, and spiritual , preparation for the coming celebration of foe Easter Triduum. Fr. Bill Nicholas currently serves as the Parochial Vicar of foe Church of the Nativity in Menlo Park. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from St. John 's Seminary College in Camarillo, CA, as well as a Masters degree in Theology from St. Patrick Seminary in Menlo Park. He has taught adult education classes in Scripture for a number of parishes in the Bay Area.
Life in Christ: Catholic Moral Teaching (6 Weeks) San Mateo/San Francisco
This course will introduce the foundational principles of Catholic moral teaching, situated within the context of new life in Christ. With primary reference to foe Catechism of the Catholic Church, as well as other Church documents, this course will explore such topics as: human person, natural moral law, freedom and responsibility, divine revelation, grace, sin, conscience formation , teaching authority of foe Church, Ten Commandments, virtues, and foe social dimension of Catholic moral teaching. Fr. Kenneth Weare holds a Ph.D. in Moral Theology from the Catholic University ol Louvain in Belgium and currently serves as Parochial Vicar of All Souls Church in South San Francisco. He has taught graduate courses in moral theology and Catholic social teaching at various universities and colleges around foe US. (San Mateo) (Fr. David Anderson refer to first six weekson Page 12 for bio) (San Francisco)
Praying the Liturgy of the Hours (6 Weeks)
This course is designed to assist students in beginning to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, both in community and privately, with an emphasis upon Morning and Evening Prayer. Students will study its histoiy,theology and structure, as well as its spirituality. Students will also explore ways to foster the praying of the Liturgy of the Hours in their own parish communities. The role of presiders, cantors, the assembly, and lectors will likewise be considered. (Fr. Steve Lopes refer to first six weeks on Page 12 for bio)
San Francisco Catholic Evangelization (6 Weeks) What is evangelization? What does it mean to "share the Gospel" or "make disciples of all nations "? In fact, what is "the Gospel" anyway? This course will present biblical and magisterial teaching on the nature of Catholic evangelization, as well as examine various forms and methods of evangelization. Topics will include: foundational elements of the Gospel message; repentance, faith and conversion; evangelization and culture; foe relationship between evangelization, catechesis and theology; some contemporary issues and practical questions related to evangelization in the modem world. Nick Wagner is a team member with the North American Forum on foe Catechumenate
Peter Kreeft on "Heaven: The Heart's Deepest Longing"
Saturday, January 11 , 2003 Cathedral of St. Mary of die Assumption, 1111 Gough St. (corner of Geary & Gough Sts.) San Francisco „ Pa* ,,, f00 / nn nM C5:™™PM « "Heaven: The Heart's DeePest Lon^g ™2 * provided) 5 -3° PM - 7:00 Break for dinner (notPM PM (The talks will NOT be identical) 9:00 "Heaven: ^Heart's DeePest ^nging Part II" 7:30 Cost: ^5,00 (or 547 (415) 614-5564 Leadership Pastoral 5 or 5546) School To re&lster or ht mw ^ora^on contact of
and has been working with initiation teams for more than 15 years. He has a particular interest in evangelization and helping Catholic leaders develop their evangelization skills. Wagner is the author of several articles and.books , including Introducing Liturgical Catechesis: Formation Sessions for the Parish. He currently works as an editor with Celebration Publications. Prison/Detention Ministry (6 Weeks) San Francisco "J was in prison, and you visited me" (Mi 25: 36). This course will offer a forum for discussion of pastoral counseling; foe biblical, theological, and pastoral foundations of service to those in prison: practical counseling techniques; legal regulations for counselors; support services for transition from detention to life back in foe community. Mr. Ray McKeon, is in charge of detention ministryfor foe Office of Public Policy & Social Concern for foe Archdioceseof San Francisco. He started foe program through Catholic Charities and hasbeen responsible for training many ministersfor prison and detention ministry for foe past 10years. He is a retired police officer. Ray will be assisted by several ministers who are involved in this service.
Models of the Church and LayPastoralLeadershipToday (6 Weeks) San Francisco
Students will study foe Catholic understanding of foe Church through foe lens of various "models," or images of foe Church, and how these insights relate and contribute to tile development of a unified Catholic vision of pastoral leadershiptoday. As well, the coursewill presentsome key principles and skills necessaryfor effective, successful leadership and administration in contemporary lay ministty. (Sr. Celeste Arbuckle refer to first six weeks on Page 12 for bio) (Sr. Maureen Roe refer to first six weeks on Page 12 for bio) Ms. Noele Kostelic has served as foe Coordinator of Catechetical Ministriesfor the Archdiocese of San Francisco for four years. She is an alumnae of the School of Pastoral Leadership and went on to receive a Masters in Theology from Dominican College in San Rafael.
Becoming a Young Adult Responsive Church (6 Weeks) San Francisco
Jesus was a young adult. Young Adults make up over forty percent of the Catholic community. This course will examine who young adults are (Generation X and the Millennial Generation ,) why they are significant in our communities, and how meeting their needs can enliven the whole community of faith. Every ministry in foe Church should be young adult responsive. This course is designed for ministers of all types, including pastoral staff and young adult volunteers. It will provide students with the tools to assess, celebrate , and develop ministry which enhances the faith experiences of the entire community by actively engaging the "missing generations." Dominican Sister Christine Wilcox, a young adult herself , is the Director of foe Archdiocesan Office of Young Adult Ministry, and serves on foe Board of Directors of the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association (NCYAMA). She holds an MA from Arizona State University. As well, she writes a young adult friendly column for Catholic San Francisco. Practicing an energetic and experiential educational model, she has been a teacher and trainer for over fifteen years.
December 2002 -January 2003
Fr. Benedict Groeschel on "Devotion to Christ in the Histoiy of Christianity" Wednesday,January29, 2003 Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption 111! Gough St. (corner of Geary & Gough Sts.) San Francisco . « Part P , mnn xM ,nMnn 10:00 AM Devotion fn to rh Christ Part I to PM 1:30 "Devotion Christ Part IT Cost: $10.00 for (or more (415) 5547 School contact register Pastoral 614-5564 Leadership information To or of
or 5546)
School of Pastoral Leadership and Adult Faith Formation rfvu
Spring Offerings include C.S. Lewis Seminar, The Corporal Works of Mercy in Action , RCIA , Dante 's Divine Comedy, Prison/Detention Ministry, Catholic Evangelization , Young Adult Ministry, A Lenten Retreat on the Passion Narratives , talks by Peter Kreeft and Fr. Benedict Groeschel, and much more... The School of Pastoral Leadershi p was inaugurated in October of 1904. hi the past eight years , over 4000 peop le representing San Mateo , San Francisco , and Marin County have attended classes. Many have been in the program for the full eight years expanding their knowled ge of the Catholic faith to be li ght to the world! There are three audiences for our classes - Those coming for their own enrichment , those coming for a specific ministry, and candidates for the diaconate program. We are sure that you are part of one or may be all of those audiences! Everyone is welcome to be a part of the program. We are offering some exciting classes beginning the week of January 21, 2003 and you could be one of our students because everyone is eligible! You are probabl y asking yourself what are people doing with the information that they learn? They are working in parishes teaching CCD, assisting with the RCIA program , serving as extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist and Lectors. One of our bi ggest success
stories is the SPL Program which has been introduced to "10" inmates at San Quentin Prison. Since 2001 , Fr. Peter Togni, SJ of the University of San Francisco, has been instructing these men in the four pillars of the Catechism The Creed , The Liturgy & Sacraments, Catholic Moral Teaching, and Prayer and the Spiritual Life. The men then requested a pastoral ministry course in bereav ement and consolation so they could assist other inmates with issues of loss. On November 6, 2002, Bishop John Wester presented these 10 men a certificate of Comp letion for the five courses. The presentation was part of a Celebration of Eucharist at the Hol y Rosary Chapel at San Quentin. Over bO guests attended the ceremony. Many were SPL students , and Archdiocesan employees who had visite d the class sessions and interacted in the learning proce ss. Each inmate was also allowed to bring one guest and the Warden allowed the School to cater the event which was a real treat for the inmates. The five classes represented 60 hours of class time and outside homework. This ministry at San Quentin has attracted many people of the Archdiocese of San Francisco so SPL will be offering a class on Prison/Detention Ministry from March 6 to April 10 in San Francisco. The School of Pastoral Leadershi p also offers special events such as retreats , concerts , conferences , and workshops. For example, to celebrate Advent and Christmas, the Fifth Annual Ceremony of Lessons and Carols is being presented. The event features a talk on the meaning of the
School of Pastoral Leadership Weekend Workshops April 5 & 6, 2003 9:00am-4:00pm St. Dominic Church Hall 2390 Bush Street San Francisco Training for Ministers to the Bereaved Ms. Barbara Elordi , M.A., M.F.CC, Grief Loss Specialist $50.00 for 2-days
February 15 & 23, 2003 9:00am-3:30pm Marin Catholic High School 675 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Kentfield/Greenbrae Liturgical Ministry Training for EME & Lectors $40.00 for 2-days
June 28 & 29, 2003 9:0Qam-4:00pm St, Thomas The Apostle Church 3835 Balboa Street San Francisco Care Ministry Program - "Principles of Home Visitation" Ms, Ruth Hayes-Barba, MSW, LCSW, MTS, Director of Ministry to the Aging Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon $50.00 for 2-days r
AUVCR i loividN
Advent Season in preparation for Christmas by Fr. Francis Tiso, parochial vicar at St. Thomas More Church in San Francisco. A concert of traditional carols sung by the Schola Cantorum with Director John Renke from the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi, and readings from the Old and New Testament and a Doctor of the Church follow. A reception is also included. The date is December 14, 2002 from 3-5pm at St. Vincent Chapel in Marinwood. Tickets are $20.00 each. Weekend workshops have also been added to the lineup for the convenience of those who cannot attend in the evening. A series of Liturgical ministers ' training will be continued beginning in February in Marin followed by San Mateo and San Francisco locations. Over 400 ministers have been trained or renewed in 2001. We are committed to the care of the sick, homebound , and the dying and will offer a workshop on training for ministers to the bereaved in April and Principles of Home Visitation in June of 2003. See box within this article for more information. Please take a look at the schedule of classes and special events listed on pages 12 and 13. A registration form which can be used for one or all events is shown below. Additional information can be found at our website at Telephone - 415-614-5564. Fax 415-614-5543, email ,
Course Cost and Registration
I Cost is $50.00 for a 6-week class. 12-week classes are $100.00. Make Check or Money Order Payable to Archdiocese of \ j San Francisco. Complete Registration Form. Mail with Check to: Ms. Joni Gallagher, School of Pastoral Leadership, One Peter Yorke Way, Second Floor, San Francisco, CA 94109-6602. Fax: 415-614-5543 Email: Website: ] [ Telephone: 415-614-5564 ^SPECIAL NOTE:A class is subject to cancellation (with notification) if enrollment is under 20 students * ! Name
Class(es) Choice
Site: SM Marin SF !
j Address
i Phone / Fax : Day
j E-Mail:
i Parish / Affiliation
| How did you hear about the class?
i What are your expectations of the class you have enrolled in?
Modest perspective on Harry Potter phenomenon By Father William Nicholas With the theatrical release of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ," a renewed inte rest has emerged in the novels of J.K. Rowling. This has prompted many children to re-read the books and experience the depth and detail of the stories as the author presents them. I must admit , however, that when the Harry Potter novels first became popular I was no"t immediatel y drawn to them. I expected they would be geared more for children , and no less formulaic than the dime novels , or Hard y Boys mysteries of the past. I was aware of the controversy. However , I simply attributed il to a few overzealous individuals who in the past have objected to such classics as "Romeo and Juliet " and "Huckleberry Finn." I was given the first book of the series and it was not long before I found myself reading them all - twice. I found the stories thorough, engaging and written in a style that is not geared for children alone. As an avid reader, I appreciated Rowling 's use of traditional images of fantasy and mythology while telling an original story. Her writing may not be of the caliber or depth of C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien. Nonetheless, she is a gifted writer who is simpiy telling a story - and telling it well. Unfortunatel y, a renewed concern (and controversy) has also emerged that the very presence of magic and wizardry in these stories is somehow detrimental to proper values and can draw people into such things as the occult. Bonnie Wright and Daniel Radcliffe in "Harry Some have even engaged in rallies in which copies of the Harry Potter novels were burned , fearing that the use of magic by a protagonist constitutes his teammates who ostracize him for a time. In the third the use of "evil means " and is therefore morall y objec- book, Professor Remeus Lup in , whom Harry deeply admires, covers for Harry after another violation of tionable. I have never heard such concerns arising over west- school rules. However, Lupin later privatel y chastises erns, romance or mystery novels. As one who has him. Harry is described as feeling worse than he would enjoyed fantasy and mythology since I was ten , I cannot have had he been punished by the school. Finally there is agree with the reasoning of those who simp ly do not the influence of headmaster Dumbledore , whose have a taste for fantasy yet somehow feel it is evil, approval Harry greatl y desires. The thought of loosing occultist and detrimental. There are so-called "vampire Dumbledore 's favor is a far greater burden to him than cults ." Does this mean we should not read "Dracula"? any threat of punishment. The novels are also spri nkled with memorable examTeen suicide is a serious problem. Should we, therefore , protect our children from the romanticism of "Romeo p les of practical wisdom. In "The Sorcerer 's Stone," and Juliet "? Violence in our schools is frequent news. Harry becomes obsessed with a magic mirror that shows Should we, therefore, discourage the reading of crime people theiT deepest desires. To Harry it shows his famimysteries? ly, whom he has never known. Dumbledore urges Harry What strikes me more than anything is the tendency of to turn away from what the mirror offers stating, "it does many to focus on the negative. Society is filled with peo- not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. " In a conp le who are hypersensitive to anything that could be versation at the end of "The Chamber of Secrets," Harry detrimental to the social or spiritual well being of any- doubts his own inner goodness. To this Dumbledore one. Some, even of our own faith , are quicker to see the responds: "It is our choices, Harry, that show us what we presence of Satan than recognize the presence of Christ. truly are, far more than our abilities." Some are themselves former members of occult groups Some believe that the scar on Harry 's forehead while others are members of the religious or academic reflects the Devil , because in the book of Revelation the intelli gentsia who imply that the public cannot realize Anti-christ is identified by a mark on the forehead. these things for themselves and However, in Revelatio n .7:1-3 must have them pointed out by there are 144,000 also marked on people who are in the know. It is the forehead - for Christ. Some ironic that such people will go out maintain that the lightning image of their way to condemn a novel of of the scar is reflective of Nazism fantasy, while excusing the gratu (as is book burning). One need itous profanity, promiscuity and look no further than the Old violence found on the television Testament to see that storm and movie screens, often in the imagery - clouds , thunder and name of "authentic realism". lightning - are manifestations of God (Psalm 18:14, 77:18). So What I have enjoyed about the when one is willing - one can Harry Potter stories is the portraystretch the imagery as much to al of good and evil, and the human struggle involved in the symbolize good as evil. Some fear the magic in Harry conflict. Placing this in the conPotter novels offers an alternative text of a boy 's growing up makes to traditional religion or is cultic it all the more profound and drapropaganda. Yet at no time do the matic. Evil is portrayed as very characters treat their mag ical evil. Lord Voldemort is so abilities as a faith or a relig ion. wicked, that the wizards of Harry Potter ' s world are afraid to even Even the subject of divination is said to be the least exact and least speak his name. reliable of the magical arts. Its On the other hand , the good is teacher and her "predictions" are portrayed as very good. Harry is Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Porter treated with a grain of salt or outnot , however, perfect. His goodness gives him a particular edge against Voldemort s right humor, Further , in the Prisoner ot Azkaban , evil and he has no fear of speaking Voldemort's name. Harry learns that the character Sirius Black is his godYet, he still experiences temptations, often within him- father. As the institution of godparent is uniquely self , disobeying rules and occasionally facing discipline Christian , this is clearl y a hint at traditional by his teachers and alienation by his peers. At times he Christianity. In that vein, there are episodes within the Harry Potter appears to get away with infrac tions. However, I have noticed that sometimes Harry experiences conse- novels that can be construed by people of .healthy, solid quences that affect him more personall y than conven- faith to parallel not cultic , but Christian values. In "The Sorcerer 's Stone," Harry is told that anyone who kills a tional punishment. In "The Sorcerer ' s Stone", the school bars Harry from unicorn lives a life that from then on is cursed , because participating in a Quiddich game after he is caught break- they have killed something of such goodness and puri ty. ing rules. Therefore , Harry must also endure the anger of One can make the same statement for the killing of the
r. 3
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Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. "
unborn. In "The Prisoner of Azkaban , " two characters intend to kill the villain who betrayed them and Harry 's parents to Voldemort. Despite Harry 's feelings toward the cul prit , he intervenes declaring he must not be killed, but turned over to the authori ties. One can see the value of not taking the law into one 's own hands , and perhaps a hint against capital punishment itself. When Voldemort attempted to kill the infant Harry, after killing Harry 's parents , something about Harry repelled him. Harry becomes famous in the wizard society as "the boy who lived, " The same can be said of the infant Jesus in the face of Herod' s slaughter of the Innocents. Like Harry, Jesus was "the boy who lived. " Finall y, the reason Harry lived is among the most profound parallels to Christianity I have read. Harry learns that his mother died protecting him. That sacrifice left a "mark" within Harry that gave him special protection against Voldemort. We can find a Christian parallel to this in John 15:13 and a similar "mark" can be found in our Catechism (Nos. 1272-1274) under the heading: "Baptism: an indelible spiritual mark... " Mythology and its images have been a part of the human psyche since the dawn of history. Modern fantasy makes use of images that have long been a part of our human literary expression. Even J.R.R. Tolkien saw fantasy as a "sub-creation" which reflects God's created reality. To Tolkien, it is God who creates fantasy worlds in and through the intellect and imagination God created in us. The author does not create, but rather discovers these worlds. Through them, the reader comes to understan d God's creation better. To the realm of myth, magic represents our rational intellect. Just as we can perceive things beyond ourselves, magic expresses a control beyond the physical body of the wizard . Like our intellect , magic itself is neither good nor evil, but can be used or misused for either . To say that the Harry Potter stories are "evil" because they portray a world in which magic is a reality is to deny much of what has made some of the most enduring myths popular throughout history. One may as well object to the tales of King Arthur because of Merlin the Magician, or "The Lord of the Rings" because of the wizard Gandalf. This is not to say that Harry Potter is for everyone. Nor do I imply that parents should be unaware of what their children read. I am asserting that just because a story contains an element of magic and wizardry does not mean it is morally or spiritually detrimental. Having read the Harry Potter novels (and used them in homilies) I can assure that the opposite is true. The Harry Potter novels hav e touched the imagination of readers as no recent series has. While they may not be timeless mythology, or allegories of faith and Christianity, they are nonetheless epic in their humanity and the portrayal of good against evil. The literary challenge, particularly for those who overindul ge their religious hypersensitivities, is to look beyond the images ot magic to the humanity - created by God - that lies at the core of any substantial fantasy. Father Nicholas is Parochial Vicar at the Church of the Nativity , Menlo Park
I CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO New law: grave challenge The Catholic Church in America during the past year has faced one of the most difficult and trying periods in its histpiy. Revelations of past sexual abuse against minors by clergy and the past failure of some bishops to prevent additional abuse have shocked, hurt and angered Catholics across the country. This difficult time has been an impetus for positive change. U.S. Catholic bishops approved in June a national Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and related Norms for implementation. Three weeks ago, U.S. bishops approved a set of clarifications and procedural changes, which strengthen these documents and provide further support for the goals of the Charter. The Charter mandates the reporting of allegations of sexual abuse against minors and cooperation with civil authorities; the permanent removal oi abusers from ministry; safe environment programs that assist parents in protecting their children and youth; assistance and support to victims of clergy sexual abuse; establishment of lay-majority review boards to monitor the implementation of sexual abuse policies in each diocese; and a national Office for Child and Youth Protection to monitor and assist dioceses throughout the nation and assure compliance. U.S. Catholic bishops, many times, have expressed great sorrow, sympathy and concern for the pain suffered by victims of clergy sexual abuse. In their words and in their actions, bishops have shown their determination to treat victims with respect and fairness. A senior-ranking woman in the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been named to head the U.S. bishops ' national office that deals with these issues. Here in the Archdiocese, the position of pastoral assistance coordinator has been established and filled by a highly qualified person. While the Church takes steps to implement fully the mandates of the U.S. bishops ' Charter in the months ahead, the Catholic Church in the nation and in California will continue to face criticism and challenges. Certainly,.the Church and its bishops should be willing to accept criticism and to examine the very hard questions about the past failure to adequately safeguard the safety of children in the life of the Church. At the same time, all Catholics should reject a culture of hyper-criticism against the Cjhurch that may arise from antagonism to the Catholic faith or as part of efforts to advance a particular agenda. . Above all, we must not allow recognition of the good people, good priests and good works of the Catholic Church to be lost in a secular litany of the faults of the Church. Responding to a significant challenge close to home, the Catholic bishops of California this week issued a pastoral letter warning Catholics that 2003 may bring a rash of civil lawsuits against individual dioceses in California. In January, a new state law removes for one year the existing statute of limitations on civil claims against employers who are accused of f ailing to take reasonable steps to prevent child sexual abuse by their employees or volunteers. The law, which was specifically targeted at the Catholic Church, concerns the alleged actions of employers only and does not at all app ly to alleged perpetrators. In short, it aims to go where trial lawyers believe the money resides. Current California law Umits the time claimants may bring lawsuits against employers to eight years after the age of eighteen because of the difficulty of assessing the tmthfulness of claims long after abuse allegedly occurred. Many of the coming lawsuits will involve cases of individuals long dead or whose wrongdoing was totally unknown to any leadership in the Church. The new law was supported heavily by trial lawyers who specialize in bringing lawsuits against the Catholic Church. Stockton trial attorney Larry Drivon, who has filed many lawsuits against the Church, even helped write the law. The legal strategy of these trial lawyers, already underway, is to discredit and vilify the Catholic Church in the media. Trial attorney Jeff Anderson of Minnesota also has vigorously entered the fray in California, hoping to add to the hundreds of lawsuits he has filed against the Church. The lawyers want to try the cases in the press, which has often been willing to give them an uncritical soapbox . The trial attorney goal is to create an environment in which Catholic dioceses are fearful of having a case be subject to a possible jury award for damages, and will instead choose the course of a hefty settlement - of which the trial lawyer receivesup to 40 percent. As we lead up to the "free-for-all" year of lawsuits against Catholic dioceses in the state, trial lawyers are sohciting clients with the potential claims virtually in every medium. Some trial lawyers talk of taking full-page ads in major newspapers to draw out prospective claimants. The "bait " that these trial lawyers see - a mistaken presumption - is the socalled wealth of the Catholic Church. The trial lawyers portray the Church as being the same kind of entity as large corporate villains — with deep pockets. In reality, of course, the financial assets of the Church — largely the resources of Catholic parishes, schools, charities and institutions — are devoted not to the pursuit of profit, but to prayer and worship, religious education, assistance to die poor and needy, sacramental life, and work for justice in society. It will be a grave challenge to California bishops and their lay advisors to balance the legitimate claims of victims of abuse for just compensation with the need to maintain the vital spiritual, educational and social services provided to the Catholic community through the resources that have been entrusted to the Church by the faithful. MEH
Continuing care
Many thanks to George Wesolek for his intelli gent and well researched editorial "What 's next for the homeless?" in the November 22nd issue of the Catholic San Francisco. He is absolutel y right to say that we will never find solutions to the issues surrounding the homeless if we keep bickering with each other. As co-chair of the San Francisco Local Homeless Coordinating Board , the group that wrote the city 's five year "Continuum of Care " p lan, I am also grateful for his recommendation that the p lan be taken off the shelf and used by decision makers. We are, all of us , decision makers. We all need to come around the table and work on solutions, challenge policy makers, and demand that the poor in our community be given services that hel p them make real improvement in their lives. Thanks again , George ! Bob Nelson Executive Director Dolores Street Community Services San Francisco
Pro-abortionist on a p edestal
Congratulations on Jack Smith' s election anal ysis in Catholic San Francisco , November 22. i It was excellent. However, I have one question. Wh y is the openl y pro-abortion Steve Westiey, the State Controller-elect, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jesuit University of San Francisco? It seems that some "Bay Area Catholics " are not serious about the fate of the unborn. August C. Pijma Redwood City
Narrow focus
(Letters - Nov. 22), they certainl y seem like terrible peop le. What could arsenic-loving, oil-guzzling, nitrate-ignoring , gun-toting, death penalty-endorsing, immoral types like John Thune, Jim Talent, and Suzie Terrell all have in common? A quick web search has the answer: They 're all Republicans (l). Well , there you have it. The GOP actually hates humanity, however much they may claim to be"prolife". In truth , thoug h, no extended wish list of left wing causes can obscure the unfortunate fact that our beloved Democratic party has abandoned the unborn to the abortionists. Let 's remember that as we evaluate our politicians in future elections. Jim Baird Foster City
Ecumenical suicide?
Your November 15th article on Malawi shows that there are many Catholic Parishes in the world that need our assistance, which is why I was especially upset today when I read a parish report . Latel y 1 . have seen dozens of notices about Catholic groups , centers and churches hosting Muslim teachers to tell us all about their faith, however I have not once heard of a mosque hosting a Christian to talk about Christian theology. The camel's back was broken today when 1 saw that my parish gave 50% of its reported outreach funds to Muslim groups , some of which went to rebuilding a mosque! I am outraged that when our own family, Christians in poor places like Jerusalem, Malawi, Ukraine , and countless others , require our assistance for their churches , we are giving to mosques. Our primary duty as Christians is to spread the Gospel. Building a mosque is certainl y not going to help do that. Ecumenism should not be practiced as organized suicide of our own faith. Michael Deckard Oakland
L E T T X?
I was disturbed by Jack Smith' s article "Pro-life voters score big wins across the country. " His news anal ysis used the term "pro-life" in a very narrow manner, i.e. referring only to abortion. A consistent life ethic would have Catholics consider the candidates ' stance on all life issues: the death penalty, euthanasia, universal health care, unilateral war, support services for the elderly and disabled. Limiting the moral factors Catholics use to vote solely to a candidates stand on abortion is onedimensional and ultimately, a disservice to the pro-life movement . Abortion rights proponents will see the value of protecting the unborn when they see pro-life people creating a society which provides measures for women* to have and raise their children feasibly and in good health. Hector Lee San Francisco r
Ill no
Awfu l Republica ns
Concerning Bill Yard's sharp indictment of three politicians in the current issue
Letters welcome
Catholic San Francisco welcomes letters from its readers. Please: >- Include your name, address and daytime phone number. >- Sip your letter. >• Limit submissions to 250 words. >¦ Note that the newspaper reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Send your letters to: Catholic San Francisco One Peter Yorke Way San Francisco, CA 94109 Fax: (415) 614-5641 E-mail:
Just War fo r Iraq
Again I read the United States Catholic Bishops are urging our President Bush and administration to step back fro m a war with Iraq (CSF - Nov. 22). I wonder if the bishops know more about the situation than our own Defense Dept. Lets hope they will exp lain and hold our enemies to the "Just War Theory ". Jesus teaches we are to turn the other cheek. He did not teach that we should let our enemies destroy us. Wayne Racek San Francisco
How long is Mass?
Would you please let me know whether there is a standard ti me for Masses, i.e., 45 minutes for low Masses and 60 minutes for high Masses? Regardless of the length of a Mass, I feel privileged and blessed to attend a Mass of any length (even upwards of two hours) - but with the option that I know "beforehand" what is to be expected. For example, yesterday, I attended a low Mass that was 70 minutes long rather than the expected 45 minutes. My own reaction is that rather than to leave the church in a state of peace , calm, and renewal , the "unexpected" prolongation induces stress. As you know, most people carry out their day's activities on a schedule. They have appointments to keep after Mass; mothers hav e difficulty restraining restless children for prolonged periods of time; buses to catch; etc. If there is no established time frame for Masses, it would be nice to know so that the expectation can make peace with the reality. Mary Pecci San Francisco
The CatholicDiff erence
lust war tradition: not a set of hurdles For more than fifteen hundred years, the venerable "just war tradition " has helped responsible Christian s think through the many moral problems involved in deciding to go to war and in the conduct of war itself — and to do so in ways that recognize the distinctive realities of warfare. That this tradition "lives" in our cultural memory is demonstrated by the fact that Americans have, instinctivel y, been debating the future of the war against terrorism and the possible use of military force against outlaw states with weapons of mass destruction in classic just war categories: What just cause would justif y putting U.S. armed forces, and the American homeland, in harm's way ? Who has the moral authority to wage war? The President? The President and Congress? The United States acting alone? The United States with sufficient allies? The United Nations? Is it ever right to use armed force first? Can going first ever be morally imperative, not just morally permissible? Can the use of armed force contribute to building peace, justice , and freedom in the world? It says something important about American society that , in considering military action, we put these questions at the front of the debate . That is emphatically not the case in other countries, where forei gn affairs are considered a realm of amorality. Americans don 't think that way. And that ' s all to the good. On the other hand, it should be a cause for concern that many of the nation 's religious leaders and religious intellectuals seem unfamiliar with the mora l logic of just war
thinking and with what we might call the just war tradition 's "location ". Jud ging from the recent debate, it seems widel y assumed by many religious commentators that the just war tradition is a set of hurdles — primarily having to do with the possible effects of war — that religious thinkers set for policymakers . If the policy-makers make it over the hurdles, then religious leaders will, in recompense, offer at least a tacit blessing to the use of armed force. That, 1 suggest, is a very bad understanding of the just war tradition. The just war tradition does not begin (as, against the historical evidence, so many religious leaders today insist), with a "presumption against violence" or a "presumption against war." Wh y? Because to begin there is to begin with questions of means, not ends. Rather, as a tradition of morally serious statecraft, the just war tradition begins with the moral obligation of legitimate authorities to defend the security of those for whom they have assumed responsibility. Real just war thinking begins, in other words, with defining the morally appropriate political ends to be sought in a given situation: for example, the vindication of international law and prudent statesmanship by the disarmament of a lawless regime feverishly seeking weapons of mass destruction. Real just war thinking gets to questions of means — Can this be done through diplomacy and negotiation? Can this be done only by the use of proportionate and discriminate armed force? — afterward, Thus, in the just war tradition, means get related to ends in a morally serious way. To start with calculations about means is to start in the wrong place — and starting in the
wrong place, in moral theology as well as in other i o areas of life, often gets you a. w to the wrong destination. There also seems to 3 be some confusion about so where the just war tradition is "located." I suggest that it is primarily for statesmen — for those who have assumed the burden of moral responsibility for public policy. The proper role of democratically responsible religious leaders and public intellectuals is to clarify the moral issues at stake, while recognizing that there is a charism of political discernment that is unique to the vocation of public service. Religious leaders (like the Jesuit superiors of the United States) who suggest to the President of the United States that they have superior insight into the future of U.S.-Iraqi relations (because of the Jesuits ' alumni network with Iraqis and Iraqi-expatriates) make themselves (and, far worse, the just war -tradition they debase) look absurd. A great public resource should be better cared for b y its traditional custodians.
George Weigel
George Weigel is a senior fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D. C.
Family Lif e
Step by step — it all adds up "How many steps do you have now?" asked Gabe. I flipped open the lid of the unit on my waistband. "Five thousand , three hundred , thirty-two." "Wow, that's a lot." "A little over halfway," I said. "I'm trying to get to 10,000." "Can I wear it?" asked Lucas. "1 11 put some steps on it for you. " "Thanks, but that wouldn 't be the same. It only works if I take the steps. I know you get plenty of exercise." Recently, I bought a pedometer, the latest rage in fitness. It 's a high tech way of getting back to a low-tech form of exercise—walking. Studies show that people who average 10,000 steps a day (about five miles) enjoy better health than those who average half that amount. It 's not the intensity of the exercise that matters most, experts say, it's how much you move. Blame the automobile or the suburbs or the Internet — our culture has made it too easy not to move. We have online shopping, drive-in banks, and drive-through latte stands. We don't even have to get up from die couch to change the channel on the TV. I know I feel better when I'm more active. But I had a sneaking suspicion I wasn't as fit as I liked to think. The pedometer would let me know for sure.
I opened the package outside the store and clipped the pedometer to my jeans. . I walked to a nearby mailbox, dropped a letter in the slot , and walked back to my car. Thirty-eight steps already. This was going to be easy. The first day, I topped 10,000, thanks to a long walk at my favorite birding park. The next day I dropped to 8,000. And the third day was even worse. A meeting all morning, followed by a rainy afternoon anc' <.n evening spent in front of my computer writing. I could set I was going to have to reform my ways. I began to look for opportunities to add extra steps to my day. I parked at the far ' end of the lot, rather than taking a space near the grocery store entrance. I walked into the school to get Gabe, instead of waiting for him in the car. I even began to feel glad when I realized I'd left something I needed upstairs. "That's another 38 steps," I'd say as I trotted up the stairs from the office to the kitchen and back. I like my pedometer because it helps keep me focused on my fitness goals. The little tick-tick on my belt inspires me to think about the choices I'm making. I also like it because it reminds me that it's the small choices I make each day that color the larger picture of my life. Whether it's fitness or writing or parenting, little steps add up to great results.
It 's the same in our spiritual lives. The choices we make each day determine how healthy our relationship with God will be. Like physical fitness , spiritual fitness I ««a—sws~—|H^ 1—II I takes awareness. We need to look for ways to 1 ~ ~A *« /""-J ' ,, lespuuu u> <J U U s goutiness. Greeting a stranger, repeating a prayer, speaking up for what you know is right, forgiving a wrong, reading the Bible with your children, giving an offering, collecting food for the hungry, taking quiet time to reflect, keeping a journal, hugging your kids, working for peace — each is one small step along the spiritual path. It all adds up, one step at a time.
Christine Dubois
Christine Dubois is a widely published freelance writer who lives with her family near Seattle. Contact her at: chriscolumn @juno .com.
Sp irituality
Twenty Years 'In Exile' — and more to go November 15 marked an anniversary for me — 20 years of writing this column. I began it, as a biweekly p iece, while I was doing doctoral studies in Louvain, Belg ium. Initiall y it ran in just one newspaper, the Western Catholic Reporter, out of Edmonton, Alberta. Glen Argan was the editor there. Twenty years and several peregrinations later, he's back at that same post. He was my fust editor, took a chance on me, and I'll always be grateful to him and the Western Catholic Reporter for that. Today, 20 years later, the column runs weekly in more than 40 newspapers in Canada, the United States, England, Scotland , Ireland, and New Zealand. Initially, I called the column "In Exile". Why? What's behind the title? Superficially, I was living abroad and was young enough and full enough of youthful grandiosity to like the feel of being an outsider. When you 're young, it can seem romantic, noble even, to be the one who 's gone from home, missed by your loved ones, seemingly on some heroic journey. Of course you 're only trying to get some university degree — hardly the stuff of heroic journeys. But that was before instant communication and the Internet , when you didn 't fly across the Atlantic every hol-
iday. It was my first time being a long way from home; I was young, alone and restless, and it was nice to luxuriate a bit in that loneliness. It had a nice feel to it. I wanted to fancy myself (though just a little) as a Robert Browning, writing "Home Thoughts from Abroad," or a Thomas Wolfe, spinning a beautiful pathos from an exile's pain, but that was more of an amateur's thrill than anything real. Playing at being alienated isn't all it's cracked up to be. For far more significant reasons, I chose this title because all of us live in exile in a real way. As St. Paul puts it, we see as "through a glass, darkly," through an enigma, separated always partially from God and each other. We experience some love, some community, some restfulness, but never in their fullness . In this life, as Henri Nouwen puts it, there 's not such a thing as a clear-cut, pure joy. Rather, even in our happiest moments, there is a tinge of sadness. In every satisfaction, there is an awareness of limit. In every success, there is the fear of jealousy. Behind every smile, there is a tear. In every embrace, there is loneliness. In every friendship , distance. In all forms of light there is some knowledge of surrounding darkness. Karl Rahner once said that "in die tor-
ment of the insufficiency of everything attainable, we learn that here, in this life, there is no finished symphony." Yes, we do live in an enigma. The God who is omnipresent cannot be sensed, only known at some deeper level. Others, who are as real as we are, are always partially distanced; and we, in the end, are fundamentally a mystery even to ourselves. We're a long way from home. Some of the newspapers that carry the column hav e kept that title; others haven't. Throughout the years, I' ve often been asked: why "In Exile"? Sometimes editors haven't been keen on it and have asked to change it. I' ve stuck with it, though, whenever the choice was mine, wanting still, ideally, to speak my little truth from under that umbrella. ROLHEISER , page 18
Father Ron Rolheiser
NewNormsf or Mass
Sign of Peace: Pledge of reconciliation, communion Catholics throughout the world are being invited into some new patterns of prayer at Mass to enhance the reverence and attention with which we celebrate this central mystery of our faith . In the United States the new patterns begin to be implemented on the First Sunday of Advent. Some of the patterns include kneeling at the invitation to communion and bowing one's head before receiving the Bod y of Christ and again before receiving the Blood of Christ. Another pattern relates to the priest celebrant and the manner in which he extends the sign of peace to others. This new norm is very simple, focusing on the reverent flow of the liturgy. The norm reads: the priest may give the sign of peace to the ministers, but he always remains within the sanctuary so that the celebration not be disturbed. The exceptions to (his practice are also mentioned. When there is a funeral , a wedding, any special occasion when civic leaders are present , or for a good pastoral reason, the priest may decide to extend the sign of peace to others further away. 1 take time to mention this simple change because of the theology of the sign of peace that the new General Instructi on of the Roman Missal presents to us. This action of the sign of peace, coming as it does so close to the reception of holy communion, can feel like an interruption. Why are we taking time at that point "to greet one another "? Shouldn 't we "say hello" at the beginning of Mass? In describing the sign of peace, the document says it is the gesture by which the faithful express their ecclesial
(^UfeST ION CORNER Father John Dietzen
Q. Our study group is confused about the "kingdom of God. " Mat thew tells us it is like a mustard seed or a treasure in a f ield. Luke says people will come from the north and south to sit in the kingdom, but none enter unless they become like a little child. John says no one can see the kingdom unless he is born again. Can you explain where and what this kingdom is? Who can enter, and when ? Please hurry with your answer. Pm 71 years old and don 't have much time left. (Illinois) A. It helps our frustration , I believe, to acknowledge from the start that we're dealing with a mysteiy founded in the providence of God, and it is therefore impossible to nail down perfectly the questions you ask. One difficulty is that the kingdom of God, or kingdom of heaven, is a disappointingly fluid term in the Gospels. Jesus never actually defines it. As you point out , he alludes to it with a variety of images and stories that give us something of a multicolored description of what he means. First of all, the kingdom is not a place. Nor is it a static condition, something finally finished here on earth or even in the future. God's reign, his loving rule over all things, is dynamic, an ongoing reality operative in everytiiing he is creating. Nor is it something new. God always has been Lord of the universe and of the human family. From the beginning of his public life, Jesus declares that the reign of God is
Rohlheiser.. . m Lontmuea f r om page 1/ Occasionally a particular comment from a reader helped keep me firm in my initial intuition . I remember one such letter from a woman who shared with me that she much appreciated the title because she had been suffering for years from mental illness and had always felt, precisely, an outsider, separated from others. I think St. Paul had just this in mind when he said that we five life "as through a glass , darkly." Each column has tried in its own little way to. get an exile home.
Sister Sharon McMillan, SND communion and mutual charity for each other before receiving sacramental communion. The sign of peace is a blessing and a prayer we offer one another in the power of the Holy Spirit. Each of us, filled with Christ 's own Spirit by reason of our baptism, extends the peace that comes from the heart of Christ to the other members of Christ's own Body who are standing next to us. We offer Christ 's own peace which is his gift to us and we receive in return the
blessing and prayer for his peace from .mother disciple. If die person to whom we offer this prayer and blessing is someone with whom we have not always been at peace, so much the better. Then our words take on the profound power of prayer of a converted heart: "Although there may have been division between us, my prayer for you is that you may be filled with Christ 's own peace." And I accept your prayer for me in return . We pledge ourselves as members of Christ 's Body to be channels of Christ 's peace for one another and for the world. This simp le gesture of communion and mutual charity is very far from a superficial greeting. It is not "hi, how are you?" just before receiving communion. Rather than a distraction or disruption before receiving communion, the sign of peace is a pledge of respect, reconciliation , and communion with the other members of the Body of Christ before receiving the Bod y and Blood of Christ in the act of sacramental communion. As the new General Instruction indicates, the reverent sign we offer one another expresses the peace , communion , and charity of Christ himself which we pray for the parishioners near us and for the world. May the peace of the Lord be with you always. Amen!
Notre Dame Siste r Sharon McMilla n is assistant professor of sacramental theology and liturgy at St. Patrick Seminary, Menlo Park.
What is the Kingdom of God? among us; it continues now. We are to reform our lives to We 're receiving conflicting answers. One p riest says it is recognize God's presence and to re-establish the harmony permitted , another says the church wants us to receive only once each day. (Pennsy lvania) of creation destroyed by sin. A. The Catholic Church' s code of law provides that In fact, the very core of the "good news" proclaimed by Jesus is that this God whose reign we honor is a gra- anyone who has received the Eucharist may receive it again cious, merciful and joy ful Father who is revealed in the life on the same day, but only during a eucharistic celebration (Canon 917). and words of his Son. Ultimately, the answers to your questions he underneath In 1984, the Vatican Commission for the Interpretation this conviction about God's reign, that the infinite mystery sur- of Canon Law ruled that , even at Mass, Communion should rounding us is a benevolent one, one that allows Jesus to urge not be received more than twice a day. In other word s, Communion may be received twice a us to trust, not to be afraid. Whatever happens, we are confiday, but both times should be during Mass, not at a dent of the Father 's presence and power active in the world. As the preface of the feast of the Kingship of Christ Communion service. One may receive, for example, in the puts it, the kingdom he proclaims is one of justice , love and morning and later in the day at a wedding, funeral , healing peace. These are ongoing realities that, at least in this life, Mass or other eucharistic celebration. are never perfect , always moving toward fuller realization. These rules have been in effect many years for the uniIt is important to note that the New Testament often versal church. You should not be receiving conflicting advice. declares that this reigning presence of God is not something Q. Is the title St. Mary a proper one for the Blessed we merit or "build." It is his work, a pure gift to his people Virgin ? I' ve heard this frequently lately, but even the Litany of when they try to live as a community of charity and fidelity. Our Lady doesn 't address her that way. True, she is the saint When we look at it this way, as part of the mystery of above all saints, but I believe other titles, like Our Blessed God's creating lov e, perhaps we can understand some of the Mother, Virgin Mary and so on are more traditional. (Oh io) obscurity in a divine activity that will always be here and A. You are correct that we don 't commonly use that always yet to come, as long as the Creator continues his work. title in English , but it is entirely proper. The word "saint" So don't worry that your time may be short. The king- comes from the Latin word "sancta ," which means "holy." dom is not ours to sweat over, just an incentive to continue The liturgy and other prayers frequentl y refer to her as responding faithfully to the immense Goodness which sur- Sancta Maria, Holy or St. Mary. rounds us and remain confident that , in St. Paul's words, One invocation of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin nothing can separate us from the love of God that is shown calls her queen of all saints. She is pre-eminent among all to us in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:39). the saints, but she is still one of them. Q. My question concerns receiving the Eucha rist more (Questions f o r Father Dietzen may be sent to him at than once a day. May we receive Communion at morning Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651. This column is Mass and again at a healing Mass the same evening ? copyrighted by Catholic New Service.) In the initial column, all those years ago, I quoted Margaret Atwood: "What touches you is what you touch!" The column has touched on many things, stuff of all kinds, mostly on different issues within spirituality, often in a more bland and unoriginal way than I dare admit, It's been a good ride, though, and as I look back there's only gratitude — to editors and many others who have helped me and, especially, to readers who have been, for the largest part, wonderfully affirmative. Each year I've done one column on the issue of suicide and probably the single most gratifying thing through the 20 years has been the response of readers to those particular pieces. I've a huge file folder full of letters from
people who have lost loved ones — children, spouses, parents, friends, loved ones — to that painful disease and were grateful tiiat someone spoke out on it. T.S. Eliot said: "What we call the beginning is often die end — and to make an end is to make a beginning." Twenty years at this business — hopefull y it 's just a beginning. - Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, a theologian, teacher and award-winning author, serves in Rome as general councilor f o r Canada f o r the Oblates of Mary Imma culate.
Ohlones . ..
¦ Continued f rom cover to San Francisco on Nov. 23 for the ceremony at Mission Dolores reco gnizing friends of the Costnoan-OhloneRumsen-Carmel tribe and of the environment. Besides the baptismal records, Mr. Cerda, founder of the Plant a Tree for America organization , also was given the title of Alcalde de la Communidad. (mayor) of Mission Dolore s, and received a slab of adobe brick from the mission - the adobe his ancestors made when they constructed the Mission in 1788 and decorated the ceilin g before its dedication in 1791 with Ohlone designs. The honors were part of a colorfu l ritual , in which Msgr. Maurice McCormick , pastor of Mission Dolores , and Ep iscopal Franciscan Deacon Guire Geary, mission curator , paid tribute to the Ohlone "for 15,000 years of
Ohlone dancers.
life , beauty, culture and courage , " said Brother Geary. Alcal de holds special meaning for Mr. Cerda18 peop le. Long before Francisco de Haro was elected Alcalde of the incorporated City of San Francisco, the Indian villages of the Missions were far larger townshi ps , and they held elec^ tions decades before the incorporation of Mexican towns , said Brother Geary. In 1779 Governor Felipe de Neve authorized the Indians of the mission pueblos to hold elections for alcaldes and reg i> a dores , coii'ncilmen. In the Nov. O 23 evening, Mr. Cerda carried B a. the traditional staff of office that was used in San Tribal elders enter the Mission. Francisco 's 1976 bicentennial celebrations. Preceding the presentations , members of the tribe , and greater involvement with the Ohlone people. On the 225th their guests, gathered inside the Mission. When the old bells birthday of the Mission in 2001 he placed a plaque on the rang, the group processed to the front door, where they were wall of the old Mission , making it the first in California to met by Msgr. McCormick and other clergy. Msgr. memorialize its construction by Indian peoples. McCormick handed Cerda the staff. As the In 1775, Chief Sumu led an embassy of the alcalde, Mr. Cerda led the procession. With Ohlone Nation to meet with Father Santa him were four women elders carrying abalone Maria and Captain Juan Bautista Ayala , comshells filled with burning sage, and 10 dancers mander of the San Carlo , the first Spanish ship dressed in traditional Ohlone ceremonial garb. to enter the San Francisco Bay. As they gathered in the sanctuary, to the On the afternoon of August 24 on what is music of a flute , the dancers performed a cernow Angel Island , the two groups exchanged emony honoring the grandmothers and grandthe singing of Ohlone and Spanish songs. fathers , "some of whom were may be buried in Father Santa Maria wrote in his diary that the the Mission cemetery," said Brother Geary. Ohlone "stole my heart and the heart s of all Both the archivist and Mission Dolores 's who observed them. " Chief Sumu and his wife, Maria Susana were baptized at mission pastor were honored as well. Mr. Cerda preBrother Cleary San Francisco several years later. sented them with a "Friends of the Ohlone " Award , which included a painting by Richard Alvarez Mr. Cerda 's family is onl y one of two Ohlones who can depicting California 's First Peoples building Mission trace their ancestry back to First Peoples who were baptized at Mission Dolores. Phili p Galvin , who lives near Dolores. Indigenous peoples have long known Mission Dolores Mission San Jose in Fremont, is the other. One of his sons, for its hospitality, explained Brother Geary. Then during Michael , is a priest of the Diocese of Oakland. The other, Msgr. McCormick's pastorate, the Mission has welcomed Andrew is a historian and archeologist.
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Food & Fun Dec. 7: A Magical Night in Wonderland, a holiday silent auction and social benefiting Holy Name of Jesus Elementary School in Ryan Hall, 40th Ave., at Lawton, SF. Raffle and door prizes, too. $15 tickets include Hor D'oeuvres. No host wine bar. Tickets available at door. Call (415) 731-4077. Dec. 7, 8: Follow the Star Creche Display at St. Bartholomew Church auditorium, 6Q0Columba Dr., San Mateo. More than 80 different nativity scenes from around the world. Free admission. 4-7 p.m. both days. Call (650) 548-0684. Dec. 7, 8: Christmas Time in the City, 32nd Annual Christmas Boutique benefiting St. Brendan Elementary School, in the Parish Hall at 234 Ulloa St. at Laguna Honda Blvd., SF. Sat. 10 am. - 6 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m. 2 p.m. Enjoy raffles, kids' games, food, and wide selection of holiday gifts, gourmet baskets, and handcrafted ornaments. Call (415) 731-2665. Dec. 7: Final day of Ml. Carmel Shop's annual 1/2 Price Sale on everything in the store. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. , 45 Lovell, Mill Valley. Proceeds benefit Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish. Call (415) 388-4332 . Dec. 7: Santa Breakfast and Holiday Boutique, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Mater Dolorosa Elementary School, 1040 Miller Ave., South San Francisco. Call (650) 588-8175. Dec. 8: 29th Annual Christmas Boutique and Breakfast , 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., benefiting St. Dominic Elementary School, 2445 Pine St, at Steiner, SF. Hosted by school alumni. Tickets $8/$3. Gifts, baked goods, cralts, vintage linens, toys and more. Dec. 11: Good Shepherd Guild's annual Christmas Luncheon at Olympic Club, Lakeside, Social 11:30 a.m.; Luncheon 12:30 p.m. $35 per person. Benefits Sisters of the Good Shepherd and Grace Center. Call Beverly Desmond at (415) 587-5374. Dec. 14: Holiday House Tour of five Redwood City homes owned by former students ol Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Elementary School and decorated for the season. Homes date from 1926 through 1985. Tour includes entertainment, refreshments, and holiday gift shop. Tickets $20 advance/$25 at door. Call Julia Tollafield at (650) 366-8817 or Proceeds benefit OLMC school. 3rd Wed.: All you can eat Spaghetti Luncheon at Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, 3255 Folsom up the hill from Cesar Chavez, SF. $7 per person. A San Francisco tradition for decades. Reservations not required. Call (415) 824-1762. 3rd Sat.: Handicapables gatherfor Mass and lunch al St. Mary Cathedral, Gough and Geary St., SF, at noon. Volunteer drivers always needed. Call (415) 584-5823. 4th Sat.: Handicapables ol Marin meet at noon in the recreation room of the Maria B. Freitas Senior Community adjacent to St. Isabella Church, Terra Linda, for Mass, lunch and entertainment. Call (415) 457-7859.
Perf ormance Admission free unless otherwise noted. Dec. 7: Ceremony of Lessons and Carols featuring the voices of the Schola Cantorum of the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi at St. Vincent Chapel, One St. Vincent Dr., San Rafael. Ticket $20 per person. Call the School of Pastoral Leadership at (415) 614-5564. Dec. 15: An Evening with Frederica von Stade, at St. Catherine of Siena Church, 1310 Bayswater Ave at El Camino Real, Burlingame at 5 p.m. The internationally known and widely praised mezzo-soprano will be accompanied by St. Catherine 's own Chamber Orchestra featuring the talents of Keith Cerny and Francis Renk. Tickets $35/$10. Benefits music programs at St. Catherine Elementary School. Call (650) 344-6669. Sundays: Concerts at 4 p. m. at National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi, Vallejo and Columbus, SF. Call (415) 983-0405 or Open to the public. Dec. 9: Sarah Giles, violin; Jonathan Lee, harpsichord; Dec. 16: John Fenstermaker , organ; Tues. Dec. 24: Three Sopranos: Cathy Ellis, Jennifer Ellis, Natasha Hoehn sing carolstraditional and new. Sundays: Concerts at St. Mary Cathedral * at 3:30 p.m. Gough and Geary Blvd., SF, Call (415) 567-2020 ext. 213. Concerts are open to the public.
Locations/Prayer Opportunities Dec. 6: Catholic Charismatic Mass at St. Veronica Church, 434 Alida Way, South San Francisco at 7:15 p.m. Father Joe Landi will preside. Gospel Jubilation Singers will lead song. Reception follows. Call Nolan (415) 564-7729. Dec. 6: Special tribute to Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 40th Ave. and Balboa St., SF beginning with Mass at 6:30 p.m. Reception with lots of goodies follows in Ryan Hall. Everyone invited. Dec. 7: Family Retreat at USFs McLaren Center, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. featuring Msgr. James Lisante, former director of The Christophers. Sponsored by Divine Mercy Foundation. $25 adults/$5 children. Reservations and check may be sent to Foundation, 11152 San Pablo Ave., El Cerrito, 94530 or call (510) 236-0383. Dec. 12: Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe beginning with traditional Mananitas at 4:45 a.m. Every one invited. Call (415) 621-8203.
Lectures/ Classes/Radio~TV Mon - Fri. at 7 p.m.: Catholic Radio Hour featuring recitation of the Rosary and motivating talks and music with host Father Tom Daly. Tune your radio to KEST 1450 AM "Mosaic ", a public affairs program featuring discussions about the Catholic Church today. 1st Sundays 6:00 a.m., KPIX-Channel 5.
Returning Catholics Programs for Catholics interested in returning to the Church, have been established at the following parishes: Old -St. Mary's Cathedral, SF, Michael Adams at (415) 695-2707; St. Dominic, SF, Lee Gallery at (415) 2211288 or Kevin Sullivan at (415) 567-3333; Holy Name of Jesus, SF, Dennis Rivera at (415) 664-8590; St. Bartholomew, San Mateo, Dan Stensen at (650) 3445665; St. Catherine of Siena, Burlingame, Silvia Chiesa at (650) 685-8336, Elaine Yastishock at (650) 344-6884; Our Lady of Angels, Burlingame, Dorothy Heinrichs or Maria Cianci at (650) 347-7768; St. Dunstan, Millbrae, Dianne Johnston at (650) 697-0952; Our Lady of the Pillar, Hall Moon Bay, Meghan at (650) 726-4337; St. Peter, Pacifica , Chris Booker at (650) 738-1398; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Mill Valley, Rick Dullea or Diane Claire at (415) 388-4190; St. Mary Star of the Sea, Sausalito, Lloyd Dulbecco at (415) 331-7949.
Volunteer Opportunities Don 't miss the Priests ' Choir of the Archdiocese of San Francisco who will present a seasonal program of Advent and Christmas music at parishes in San Francisco , Mill Valley and Burlingame. From left, Fathers Francis Garbo , Rolando Caverte, and Piers Lahey warm up for a recent rehearsal accompanied by Father Paul Perry. Additional members of the ensemble include Msgrs. Harry Schlitt, Steven Otellini, and Floro Arcamo; and Fathers Brian Costello , Agnel De Heredia , James Garcia , John Jimenez, Daniel Nascimento , Domingo Orimaco , Francis Tiso, James Tarantino, Mark Taheny. Performances are December 11, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Paul Church, 29th and Church St., San Francisco; December 13, at 7:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church , 3 Oakdale Ave., Mill Valley; Dec. 22, at 4 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena Church, 1310 Bayswater Ave., Burlingame. Admission is free. Any donations will benefit the Priests ' Retirement Fund.
Dec. 10: A Question ot Peace: What Rote for America?, a one-hour discussion seminar with Stephen Zunes; associate professor of politics at USF, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Flanagan Center of Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 39th Ave. at Lawton, SF. Evening will cover social and political dynamics of the Middle East and the U.S. as well as the Church and its teachings on peace.' Call (415) 664-8590.
VALL0MBR0SA CENTER 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park. For fees, times and details about these and other offerings call (650) 325-5614. Presentation Sister Rosina Conrotto, Program Director. Dec. 31 - Jan. 1: Welcoming in the New Year with Father John Taleslore provides opportunities for reflective prayer, looking over the past year, and looking forward to the year ahead. $75 per person.
lake Prayer 3rd Thurs. at 7:30 p.m. at Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park with Sister Toni Longo 1st Fri. at 8 p.m. at Mercy Center, 2300 Adeline Dr., Burlingame with Mercy Sister Suzanne Toolan. Call (650) 340-7452; Church of the Nativity, 210 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park at 7:30 p.m. Call Deacon Dominic Peloso at (650) 322-3013. 2nd Fri. at 7:30 p.m. at St. Peter Church, 700 Oddstad Blvd., Pacilica. Call Deacon Peter Solan at (650) 359-6313. 2nd Fri. at 7:30 p.m., St. Dominic Church, 2390 Bush St., SF. Call Laura McClung at (415) 362-1075 3rd Fri. at 8 p.m. at Woodside Priory Chapel, 302 Portola Rd., Portola Valley. Call Dean Miller at (650) 328-2880 1st Sat. at 8:30 p.m. at SF Presidio Main Post Chapel, 130 Fisher Loop. Call Catherine Rondainaro at (415) 713-0225
Family Lif e Information about Natural Family Planning and people in the Archdiocese offering instruction are available from the Office of Marriage and Family Life of the Archdiocese , Chris Lyford, director, at (415) 614-5680. Sat. at 9 a.m.: Pray the Rosary for Life at 815 Eddy St. between Franklin and Van Ness, SF. Call (415) 752-4922. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends can add to a Lifetime of Love. For more information or to register, call Michele or George Otte at (888) 568-3018. Seton Medical Center Natural Family
Planning/Fertitity Care Services offers classes in the Creighton Model ol NFP. Health educators are also available to speak to youth and adults on topics of puberty, responsible relationships, adolescent sexuality, the use of NFP throughout a woman's reproductive life, and infertility. Call (650) 301-8896 Retrouvaille, a program for troubled marriages. The weekend and follow up sessions help couples heal and renew their families. Presenters are three couples and a Catholic priest. Call Peg or Ed Gleason at (415) 221-4269 or or Pat and Tony Fernandez at (415) 893-1005.. The Adoption Network of Catholic Charities offers free adoption information meetings twice a month. Singles and married couples are invited to learn more about adopting a child from foster care. Call (415) 4062387 for information.
Single, Divorced,Separated 3rd Thurs.: Meetings at 7 p.m. for New Wings at St. Thomas More Church, 1300 Junipero Serra Blvd. at Brotherhood Way, SF. Potluck dinner at 6 p.m. on 3rd Saturdays. Call Ron at (650) 557-9100 after 6 p.m. Catholic Adult Singles Assoc, of Marin meets for support and activities. Call Bob at (415) 897-0639 for information.
Consolation Ministry Groups meet al the following parishes. Please call numbers shown for more information. St. Catherine of Siena, Burlingame. Call Elaine Yastishock at (650) 344-6884; Our Lady of Angels, Burlingame. Call Louise Nelson at (650) 343-8457 or Barbara Arena at (650) 344-3579. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Redwood City. Call (650) 366-3802; Good Shepherd, Pacifica. Call Sister Carol Fleitz at (650) 355-2593; St. Robert, San Bruno. Call (650) 5892800. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Belmont. Call Ann Ponty at (650) 598-0658 or Mary Wagner at (650) 5913850. St. Isabella, San Rafael. Call Pat Sack at (415) 472-5732. Our Lady of Loretto, Novate Call Sister Jeanette at (415) 897-2171.St. Gabriel, SF. Call Barbara Elordi at (415) 564-7882. St. Finn Barr, SF in English and Spanish. Call Carmen Solis at (415) 5840823; St. Cecilia, SF. Call Peggy Abdo at (415) 5647882 ext. 3; Epiphany, SF in Spanish. Call Kathryn Keenan at (415) 564-7882. Ministry for parents who have lost a child is available from Our Lady of Angels Parish, Burlingame. Call Ina Potter at (650) 347-6971 or Barbara Arena at (650) 344-3579. Young Widow/Widower group meets at St. Gregory, San Mateo. Call Barbara Elordi at (415) 5647882. Information about children's and teen groups is available from Barbara Elordi at (415) 564-7882.
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Become a mentor for a homeless youth. Home Away From Homelessness seeks volunteers to mentor homeless/formerly homeless youth. Make a difference. Become a mentor. Call (415) 561-4628. Most Holy Redeemer AIDS Support Group needs volunteers to provide practical and emotional support to individuals with HIV-AIDS and/or assist with various program events and activities. Many opportunities available. Call (415) 863-1581 Help a child succeed in school and in life by serving as a tutor for two hours a week at Sacred Heart Elementary School, 735 Fell St., SF. Sessions take place Mon. - Thurs. from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Help welcome in a variety of subjects. Call Mary Potter at (415) 621-8035. St. Joseph's Village, a homeless shelter for families at 10th and Howard St., SF, is looking for dedicated office volunteers to answer phones and greet residents. If you are interested in volunteering, call Dewitt Lacey at (415) 575-4920. San Francisco's St. Anthony Foundation needs volunteers as well as canned goods and other staples. Non-perishable foods may be taken to 121 Golden Gate Ave. M - F from 8"30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Volunteer candidates should call (415) 241-2600 or visit the web site at Seeking enthusiastic men and women for the volunteer team at Mission Dolores Gift Shop. Welcome visitors from around the world, distribute brochures, accept donations and assist in gift shop sales. You'll also have a chance to practice additional languages you may speak. Call Theresa Mullen at (415) 621-8203, ext. 30. SF's Laguna Honda Hospital is in need of extraordinary ministers including Eucharistic ministers and readers as well as volunteers to visit with residents and help in the office and with events. Call Sister Miriam Walsh at (415) 664-1580, ext. 2422. Raphael House, a homeless shelter for families in San Francisco's Tenderloin District, is in need of volunteers to help with various tasks. Hours are 5:45 p.m. 9 p.m. Call Carol at (415) 345-7265. California Handicapables, which provides a monthly Mass and luncheon to handicapped persons, needs volunteers including drivers, servers, donors, and recruiters of those who might benefit from the experience. Call Jane Cunningham at (415) 585-9085. St. Francis Fraternity, a secular Franciscan organization, needs volunteers to help with their 20 year old tradition of serving breakfast on Sunday mornings to their Tenderloin neighbors. Call (415) 621-3279. Maryknoll Affiliates: Bay Area chapter meets 4th Sat. for two hours at St. Ignatius Church, corner of Fulton and Parker, SF, to share community, prayer, and action on social justice and global concerns. Members occasionally do short periods of mission service around the world al Maryknoll locations. Call Marie Wren at , (415) 331-9139 or
Dec. 15: Broadway Alumnae of the Sacred Heart's annual Noel Party, 2 - 4:30 p.m. benefiting Convent of the Sacred Heart and Stuart Hall schools. Enjoy a visit from Santa, kids' arts and crafts room , raffle and sing-along. Tickets $25/$15, under 5 free. Call (415) 292-3171.
Datebook is a fr ee listing f o rparishes, schools and non-profit groups. Please include event name, time, date, pla ce,address and an information ph one number,listing must reach Catholic San Francisco at least two weeks before the Friday publication date desired. Mail your notice to:Datebook, Catholic San Francisco, One Peter Yorke Way, S.F. 94109, orf a x it to (415) 614-5633.
West Coast Church Supplies I 369 Grand Avenue Soutli San Francisco (Easy access: 3 blocks west of the 101 freew ay) l-(800) 767-0660 Bibles, Books, Rosaries, Bible Studies , Statues Jewelry, Medals, Crucifixes , Pictures, Teaching Aids Baptism, Wedding and Anniversary Gifts H Kakslr '
Mon .Fri 910
Von Stade performance: act of friendship Mezzo soprano Frederica von Stade wiil perform in concert at St. Catherine of Siena Parish , Burlingame , Dec. 15, thanks to her friendshi p with Ada Regan , a longlime parishioner. Mrs. Regan has had a special affection for music , especiall y opera. Throug h that interest , she and her late husband developed many personal relationshi ps in the arts world , including Miss Von Stade , a resident of Alameda who has performed at major opera houses around the world. One of Miss von Stade ' s interests is hel ping to bring music programs into schools. "When 1 was in school , we used to sing the Mass every day in Latin , plus put on two or three plays , and may be four concerts a year," says Miss von Stade. "It ' s just what we did then. Much of this is lost today." Miss von Stade is try ing to restore what has been lost. She is a music mentor for San Francisco-based Music in Schools Today (, a non-profit organization that promotes music education for youth. When The Chamber Orchestra of St. Catherine of Siena , a professional music group founded about a year ago, talked about staging a performance to benefit the musical education of all children in St. Catherine 's parish , Mrs. Regan contacted Miss von Stade who agreed to perform in concert Dec. 15, at 5 p.m. at St.
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Catherine 's Church. The concert , featuring an orchestra of more than 20 pieces , will include music from Mozart and Handel. Miss von Stade will sing some of her favorites , including Schubert 's beloved Ave Maria.
"We are truly moved b y Miss von Stade 's generosity in giving her talent and time to work with this Chamber Orchestra in presenting such a beautiful program ri ght in our church. Having an activity like this at St. Catherine ' s is like a dream come true ," said Father Al Vucinovich , pastor at St. Catherine of Siena. "It is so important to give all children the opportunity for a rich , musical experience , and
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TV documentary looks at Trappist life
now we will be able to make this very important program happen. " Miss von Stade 's career has taken her to the stages of the world' s great opera houses and concert halls. She has appeared with every leading American opera company, including San Francisco Opera , Lyric Opera of Chicago, and Los Angeles Opera. In Europe , she has sung at Teatro alia Scala , the Vienna State Opera , and the Paris Opera. Bay Area locals may also recall her powerfu l performance in composer Jake Hegg ie 's moving Dead Man Walking (which premiered in San Francisco), in which she sang the role of Mrs. Patrick deRocher , mother of the convicted killer Joseph deRocher. "Flicka was very supportive of Jake Heggie, offering him great encouragement as he composed the music ," says Mrs. Regan. "The fact that she has received six Grammy nominations and was honored by President Reagan for her contribution to the arts has not turned her head ," says a smiling Ada Regan of her friend. "She is a kind , considerate , warm person who is conscientious about her God-given talent , and generousl y shares it to help make good things happen. " Tickets ($35 for adults and $ 10 for students) and sponsorshi p opportunities are still available. For information , please contact Michele Dee, al (650) 344 6669.
"Trappist ," a documentary on the lives of monks at a South Carolina abbey, will air at 5:30 a.m. this Sunday, December 8, on KGO Channel 7. The one-hour program was produced by Paulist Media Works of Washington D.C and is part of a Vision and Values series produced by the Church for ABC. The U.S. Catholic Communications Campaign, also produces a Horizons of the Spirit series for NBC. "We call it a VCR alert," said Ellen McCloskey of the CCC in the nation's capital , noti ng that the early hour stations generally prescribed for the programs encourages taping them more than watching them at their broadcast time.
St. Hilary Parish hosts 'explosion' of praise St. Hilary Church, Tiburon, announces Jesus is Lord!, a "Charismatic praise and worship explosion" with special dedication to Our Lady, the Queen of Peace. The morning of prayer, reflection, and sharing takes place December 7 from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. St. Hilary pastor, Father James Tarantino, will preside. Bring a brown bag lunch. St. Hilary 's is located at 761 Hilary Dr. off Tiburon Blvd. Call (415) 435-1122.
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Capsule Film Reviews
against the larger backdrop of the waning days of French colonial rule and the beginnings of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Wartime bombings and a stabbing, an implied affair, fleeting opium abuse, occasional profanity and an instance of rough language. USCCB: adults , with reservations. MPAA: R — restricted.
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office for Film and Broadcasting. 'Die Another Day '
Stripped of his official agent 007 status, James Bond (Pierce Brosnan ) teams with a strong, smart American agent (Halle Berry) in Iceland to uncover the identity of a traitor and thwart a pair of villains (Toby Stephens and Rick Yune) from provoking a nuclear confrontation . While the characters seem more superhuman than human, director Lee Tamahori orchestrates li ghtning-paced, nonstop action and intrigue with visual ly impressive imagery. Several brief sexual encounters, much stylized violence and mayhem and an instance of profanity. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification is A-IV — adults , with reservations. The Motion Pict ure Association of America rating is PG-13 — parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
'Friday After Next '
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¦ a Witless sequel set on : UJ I ,> Christmas Eve as two foul:y r*-5 mouthed cousins (Ice Cube and Mike Epps) are robbed, a! get fired as security guards and throw a party after which they catch the masked m Santa who ripped them oft 5 Director Marcus Raboy 's crudely shrill comedy presKevin Kline stars as teacher William Hundert in "The Emperors Club." ents a negative, cliche-ridden portrait of Africanlence, recurring rough language and some profanity. USCCB: Americans that is more deplorable than amusing. Positive depic- A-IV — adults, with reservations. MPAA: R — restricted. tion of recreational drug use, constant rough language, intermit- 'Ararat' tent profanity, some violence, sexual situations with gross referPowerful tale of a contemporary Armenian family ' s jourences, frequent racial epithets, stereotyping and toilet humor. ney from dysfunction to healing by facing the ghosts of their USCCB: O — morally offensive. MPAA: R — restricted. collective cultural past — the genocidal extermination of 'Personal Velocity ' Armenians by Ottoman Turkish forces in 1915. Acclaimed Raw, provocative, ultimatel y hopeful drama examines the Canadian writer-director Atom Egoyan masterfull y weaves lives of three very different women (Parker Posey, Kyra past and present in this provocative exploration of the nature Sedgwick and Fairuza Balk) in various stages of personal cri- of truth and the repercussions of denial, although Ins humansis and transcendence as they deal with promiscuity, violence, istic perspective does not explore any transcendent or ambition, infidelity and the search for self. Writer-director redemptive value in suffering. Explicit violence, depictions of Rebecca Miller shows the deglamorized women as flawed, torture and a rape, a sexual encounter with nudity, sporadic but striving for a better life as they find strength from within profanity and some rough language. USCCB: adults , with and through family. Numerous sexual encounters, brief vio- reservations. MPAA: R — restricted.
'The Emperor 's Club'
Thoughtful tale set at a mid-1970s boys ' academy where an idealistic classics teacher (Kevin Kline) compromises his standards while trying to mold the character of a troubled student (Emile Hirsch). Despite a somewhat pat ending, director Michael Hoffman 's ethics-centered drama sensitively explores the crucial importance of personal and professional integrity and its lifelong consequences. Mild sexual innuendo, fleeting topless photos and a few instances of profanity. USCCB: A-IJ — adults and adolescents. MPAA: PG-13 — parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
'The Quiet American'
Atmospheric adaptation of the Graham Greene novel set in 1952 Vietnam where a veteran British reporter (Michael Caine) fears losing his beautiful local mistress to a newcomer Yank (Brend an Fraser) whom he begins to suspect is involved in deadly political treachery, Aided by Caine and Fraser 's nuanced performances, director Phillip Noyce observes the romantic triangle
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Catholic San Francisco
We invite y ou ^ to gather with us on Saturday,December 14th at 11:00 am in AM Saints Mausoleum Chap el at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Colma, ReverendJohn Talesf ore willf acilitateour Christmas Remembrance Service as y ouj oinothers to remember and share grierfsj ourney and be comf orted,
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During this holiday service, the names of those you wish to remember ^J^ and your message of love may be written on ornaments made b y Catholic School students . iTiit1tJ You will be invited to p lace your ornament «&¦—J on our Memory Trees during the service. These Christmas Trees represent HMH the ongoing hope of life and will remain in All Saints Mausoleum Chapel mm th th from December 14 until January 7 . Jl | If you are unable to attend the service, p lease feel free to stop by the Cemetery Office to pick up an j • your greetings. ornament and write We will be happy to hang the ornament for you.
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There is always a staff member available in All Saints Mausoleum on weekends and holidays to assist you. They will also have memory tree ornaments available for your messages through December 31st .
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We ask our Dear Lord to bless all of y ou during this beautif ul season. Wm May the celebration of Christ 's birth remind y ou that we will all be bom into a new lif e. For more inf ormation, p lease call Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery 650.756.2060 1500 Mission Road, Colma, California 94014
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