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Pop e J o hn Paul II kisses a baby at the start of his weekly general audience Nov. 28. The pop e waves as he departs the audience. Story on p ag e 6.
Mixed message
Mass going drops but Catholics value identity, p op e
By Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (GNS) - A major new poll of American Catholics shows that while only a little more than half go to Mass every week, 89 percent say their Catholic identity is important to them , and 90 percent think Pope John Paul II ÂŚ is doing a good job . Across the board, those surveyed agreed with basic tenets of the faith , and overwhelmingly said they believe the pope is infallible in matters of faith and morals. While majorities agreed with church teaching on most of the moral issues raised in the survey, those who attend Mass at least weekly were much more likel y to support those teachings. Slight majorities said they disagreed with the church 's celibacy requirement for priests and its ban on women priests.
Catholic leaders urge ban on cloning ~ Page 5 ~
American Catholics also tend to be satisfied with their own parishes, pastors and bishops, according to the poll of 1,508 Catholics nationwide. Eig ht percent of those polled attend Mass daily and 46 percent go at least once a week. Another 11 percent said they go almost every week, while a total of 30 percent said they go rarely, only on religious holidays or about once a month. Fifty-eigh t percent said their Catholic identity is very important and 31 percent called it somewhat important. Seventy-five percent agreed with the statement "there is something special about being Catholic th at you cannot find in other religions." Seventy-two percent said they consider it very important to stand up for and live according to their Catholic values, while 25 percent consider it somewhat important. MIXED MESSAGE, page 9
For artists with disabilities happie st p lace ~ Page 12 ~
On the Street Where You Live
News in Brief
Scholarship program aids Catholic students . . . . 7 Irish sisters in Kenya . . . . 18 Capsule film reviews . . . . 22 Classifieds