At Divine Liturgy, Catholic san Francisco pope, patriarch affirm commitment to unity Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
By Cindy Wooden
Pope Benedict XVI stands with Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew during a visit to Holy Spirit Cathedral in Istanbul, Turkey, Dec. 1.
ISTANBUL, Turkey (CNS) — Claiming the brotherhood of their respective patron saints — the apostles Andrew and Peter — the spiritual leaders of the world’s Orthodox and the world’s Catholics joined together in prayer and solemnly affirmed their commitment to the full unity of their churches. Incense and ancient hymns chanted in Greek set the atmosphere as Pope Benedict XVI paid homage to the Orthodox church by attending a Nov. 30 Divine Liturgy celebrated by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. The liturgy at the Orthodox Church of St. George in Istanbul marked the feast of St. Andrew, patron of the patriarchate. The pope and patriarch greeted each other with kisses on the cheek, but then the pope moved to a raised wooden throne at the side of the church while the patriarch celebrated the solemn liturgy. After the almost three-hour liturgy, Patriarch Bartholomew led Pope Benedict to a balcony overlooking a courtyard. They both blessed the crowd and then the patriarch took the pope’s hand and held it aloft as they waved and smiled at the applauding crowd below. “In the liturgy, we are reminded of the need to reach unity in faith as well as in prayer,” the patriarch said in his homily. “Therefore, we kneel in humility and repentance before the living God and Our Lord Jesus Christ, whose precious name we bear and yet at the same time whose seamless garment we have divided,” the
patriarch told the pope and other members of the congregation. “We confess in sorrow that we are not yet able to celebrate the holy sacraments in unity,” Patriarch Bartholomew said. “And we pray that the day may come when this sacramental unity will be realized in its fullness.” As the Orthodox faithful processed up for Communion, they bowed to the pope before receiving the consecrated bread and wine. Although the Orthodox Church in Turkey has fewer than 5,000 members, Pope Benedict told reporters that the patriarchate’s standing in the Orthodox world as the “first among equals” made a visit almost obligatory. “Numbers, quantity, do not count,” the pope told reporters Nov. 28 on the way to Turkey. “It is the symbolic, historical and spiritual weight that counts” and the fact that the patriarchate “remains a point of reference for the whole Orthodox world and, therefore, for all of Christianity.” Addressing the congregation at the end of the liturgy, Pope Benedict said the service was an opportunity “to experience once again the communion and call of the two brothers,” Peter and Andrew, chosen by Jesus to be his apostles and sent to different cities to preach the same Gospel. The fact that the brothers also had different roles within the Christian community, with Peter and his successors in Rome having a “universal responsibility,” has “unfortunately given rise to our differences DIVINE LITURGY, page 6
Liturgies, processions, celebrations mark Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe By Marta Rebagliati The Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe will be observed throughout the Archdiocese with early morning celebrations, rosaries, novenas, processions, music, traditional dances and special Masses on Tuesday, December 12. Mission Dolores will begin the day with “Las Mañanitas” — a Mexican tradition going back over a century – featuring a procession at 4:45 am followed by a Mass in the Basilica celebrated by
Auxiliary Bishop John C. Wester and a reception afterwards. St. Raphael in Marin County, with many parishioners hailing from Latin America, will have a Mass and procession Dec. 12 at 5 a.m. A reception will follow between 6 and 7 am. In the evening at 5:30 p.m. there will be another procession, which will proceed from 700 A Street towards the main
Church, followed by a concelebrated Mass at 7 pm. There will be a reception following the Mass. In San Mateo County, St. Anthony Church will begin observances in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe with a 5 a.m. procession from the Community Center to the church and a Mass at 6 am. In the
evening the 7 p.m. Mass will be preceded by the rosary and Benediction at 5:30 pm. It is recommended that people arrive early at these liturgies for good seating. For information please call Mission Dolores at (415) 621-8203; St. Raphael’s at (415) 454-8141 or St. Anthony at (650) 366 -4692. Other parishes also will mark in some way the feast day of the patron saint of the Americas. GUADALUPE, page 6
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Philippine typhoon victims . . 3
Archbishop’s Advent message. 4 Ecumenical service . . . . . . . . 5 Dominicans mark 800 years. 8-9 Commentary & scripture. 12-15 Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
DECEMBER 10 December 8, 2006
St. Francis Center
Picturing Mary
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