Tim O 'Hearn
Harriet Salarno
Key note Sp eaker Carmelite Father Andrew Skotnic ki
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John Clark
Ray McKeon
Restoringjustice to criminal justice
Victims, detention ministers , ex~convict , warden seek ref o rm By Patrick Joyce Harriet Salarno speaks softly, slowly, her voice emotionless. She is describing a Catholic life similar to thousands in San Francisco. She speaks about herself and her husband, the owner of a small business , about how her daughters were born in a Catholic hospital and went to Catholic schools. "One went to Dominican College, one went to St. Mary 's College in Moraga," she tells participants in a conference on criminal justice. "Our family was extremely involved in the Church. I was very involved. I coached the volleyball team, I served on the board of directors of Mercy High School.... My husband to this day attends daily Mass." Then still speaking slowly and showing little emotion, Mrs. Salarno recites one more piece of her family history. "Then , on September 3, 1979, my faith was tested. It was deeply tested , " she says. "My daughter was brutally murdered, execution style by a St. Ignatius student. " Gasps of horror fill the meeting room at the University of San Francisco as Mrs. Salarno says those
Dancers f r o m Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory Hig h School
Franciscans to leave St. Anthony of Padua ~ Page 3 ~
words. She doesn 't pause. She continues with her message: that society is not doing enough to help crime victims and the survivors of crime victims. It is a plea she has made over and over since her daughter 's murder. Mi's. Salarno talks about the murder - but gives no details - as she participates in a litu rgy opening "Responsibility, Rehabilitation and Restoration , " a conference presenting a Catliolic perspective on crime and criminal justice from the view of detention ministers, criminal justice professionals, victims, families of victims and prisoners. Only later, in a small workshop does Mrs. Salarno describe the murder. Her daughter was killed by a young man the Salarnos had befriended, she tells participants in the workshop. They took the boy from a broken family into their home. "We welcomed him with open arms. We trusted him , " Mrs. Salarno says. "I didn 't know what a stalker was in those days," Mrs. Salarno says. The young man followed their daughter to the University of the Pacific and asked to talk to her. Then RESTORING JUSTICE, page 15
Anti-war activist Philip Berrigan dies
Christmas Liturgies . . . . 9-1 1
Bringing love to life
Father John Zoph dies
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The real Santa Claus
New Mass Norms
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