December 3, 2004

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Pope John Paul II and Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople lead a specia l prayer service in St. Peter 's Basilica at the Vatican Nov. 27. During the service, the pope returned relics of Sts. Gregory Nazianzen and John Chrysostom to the Orthodox Church. - IT -: m n i l rinnnni

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Vatican returns saints' relics to Orthodox patriarch, faithful By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — After hundreds of years , Orthodox faithful once again will be able to pray before the earthly remains of two of their greatest saints, theologians and p atriarchs: Sts. Gregory Nazianzen and John Chrysostom. Pope John Paul II consigned part of the relics of the two fourth-century doctors of the church to Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople Nov. 27 during a prayer service in St. Peter 's Basilica. The relics of St. Gregory were transferred to St. Peter 's Basilica in 1580, making his relics the first after St. Peter 's to be venerated in the new basilica. St. John 's relics were placed in the basilica's Chapel of the Choir in 1626. The portion of the relics retained by the Vatican will continue to be venerated in the basilica, Vatican officials said. The Orthodox believe the relics were stolen from Constantinop le, now Istanbul , Turkey, in 1204 when mercenaries p articipating in the Fourth Crusade to the Holy Land sacked the city instead. -[— MMMtMi|M|M|i|g|

The Vatican said that , while the remains of St. John Chrysostom were "transferred to Rome " in the early 1200s, those of St. Gregoiy Nazianzen were brought to Rome in the ei ghth century "by some of the Byzantine nuns of St. Anastasia who were forced to leave Constantinop le to flee the iconoclast persecutions. " Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the Nov. 27 ceremony was not an act of "reparation and a way for the pope to ' ask forgiveness ' on the part of the Catholic Church for the removal of the relics from the ecumenical patriarchate during the Crusade of the 13th century." "Such an interpretation is historically inaccurate, " Navarro-Valls said. "Without negating the tragic events of the 13th century, the return — not restitution — to Constantinop le of the relics of the two saints ... is intended to highlight their edifying example and give rise to a joint prayer by Catholics and Orthodox for their full communion , " the spokesman said. While Vatican and Orthodox officials differed over

the circumstances that resulted in the bones being p laced in St. Peter 's Basilica, the prayer service focused on the fact that both saints, famed theologians, lived and preached at a time when Christi ans of the East and West were still united. Before entering the basilica, Pope John Paul , waiting in the atrium , extended his arms to Patriarch Bartholomew as he arrived. The two embraced, kissed each other on the cheeks, then processed into the church with the patriarch walking alongside the pope on his wheeled platform. Introducing the prayer service, Pope John Paul prayed th at the two saints would be "ardent intercessors for the gift of visible unity for our churches." During the formal transfer, Vatican ushers carried on biers the new crystal and alabaster reliquaries, which allow the faithful to see the bones. The biers were offered to Pope John Paul and Patriarch Bartholomew; both kissed the reliquaries. In accepting the relics, Patriarch Bartholomew said the remains were "returning to the place they RELICS, page 7

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