The Archbishop's Annual Appeal offers members of the Archdiocese of San Francisco an opportunity to participate in the many \ valuable ministries of the Church. I
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Relig ions join in p raye r j or p eace In response to a plea from Pope John Paul II, world religious leaders, bottom left, gather in the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy, Jan. 24 for an interreligious Day of Prayer for World Peace. In San Francisco, Bay Area religious leaders participate in an evening prayer service at St. Mary 's Cathedral, .marking the Day of Prayer. In the top pictu re , the leaders respond to a call from the Rev. Alan Jones to reach out and tell each other, "You are beautiful , and may the spirit of peace fill your soul." From the left: Rabbi David Teitelbaum, the Rev. Dr. Mary Gust, Imam Souleiman Zaheer Subedar chants the Ghali, Bishop Anthimos of Olympos, Archbishop William Muslim Call to Prayer at St. Mary 's Cathedral. J. Levada, Bishop William Swing, Rev. James DiEgidio, Swami Prabuddahananda. More on the Day of Prayer: Page 3 Archbishop Levada's exhortation to "Be Messengers of Peace" Page 5 Interfaith leaders pray for peace at St. Mary's Cathedral Page 6 Peace Mass at Shrine of St. Francis Page 8 World religious leaders renounce violence ; Page 10 University of San Francisco symposium —Page 11 The Day of Prayer in pictures
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Bush p anel sp lits over cloning fo r research ~ Page 7 ~
On the Street Where You Live
The News in Brief
Chores are good for kids . 13
Capsule film review ~ Page 18 ~
St. Catherine's reaches out to homeless families 15 Datebook
Changes at EWTN