February 2, 2001

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Moving time: No CSF Feb. 9 Catholic San Francisco will not publish next week as archdiocesan offices move to One Peter Yorke Way, San Francisco, CA 94 109. The next issue will appear Feb. 16.


Diana Ramirez , happy to be safe hack at St. Peter School , with Vicki Butler, principal. The statue at the rig ht hears a list of the names of friends and relatives in El Salvador. Students stop and pray there daily.

'I didn 't think it would ever stop *

St* Peter second-grader recalls El Salvador Earthquake

By Evelyn Zappia Lt was a special day for seven-year-old Diana Ramirez who was visiting her grandparents in San Salvador, El Salvador. The family was outside preparing food for a surprise baby shower for her "auntie," and Diana could think of nothing else - until the earth began moving and her excitement changed to fear. Two weeks later, back at St. Peter School in the Mission District, and sitting safely next to her principal, Vicki Butler, the second-grader recalled the day, Jan. 13, the devastating earthquake struck

El Salvador, claiming more than 650 lives and leaving tens of thousands of people homeless and destroying more than 70,000 homes. "At first it felt like any other," said Diana, referring to small earthquakes she had experienced in San Francsico. "Mom began walking fast to the house to get my little sister, Denise. But then it got really big and mom began running. I didn 't think it would ever stop. I was so scared for my mom and my little sister - but mom finally came out carrying my little sister and she was OK." Within seconds, the entire roof of the house fell in, leaving nothing


Abortionfund ing ban cheers pro -lif ers WASHINGTON (CNS) — The 28th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade abortion decision was marked by the annual March for Life in Washington, rallies and prayer services across the nation and the announcement that President Bush was banning the use of U.S. funds for international family planning groups that encourage abortion .


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Orthodox rabbis march f o r life in Washington , D.C.

Archbishop Levada writes on abortion and public policy page 6 Bush signed the order reinstating the "Mexico City Policy" on abortion funding Jan. 22 as tens of thousands of abortion protesters were leaving ABORTION, page 19

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