In first encyclical, pope calls for deeper understanding of love By John Thavis
divided into two sections, one on the VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In his first meaning of love in salvation history, the encyclical , Pope Benedict XVI called for other on the practice of love by the a deeper understanding of love as a gift church. from God to be shared in a self-sacrifi The pope said his aim was to "speak of cial way, both at a personal and social the love which God lavishes upon us and level. which we in return must share with othThe pope said love between couples, ers." The two aspects, personal love and often reduced today to selfish sexual the practice of charity, are profoundl y pleasure, needs to be purified to include interconnected , he said. "concern and care for the other." The encyclical begins with a phrase from the First Letter of John: "God is See Encyclical Page 9 love, and he who abides in love abides in Love is also charity, he said, and the God, and God abides in him." The pope church has an obligation to help the said the line expresses the heart of the needy wherever they are found — but its Christian faith , which understands the primary motives must always be spiritual , creator as a loving God and which sees never political or ideological. Christ's death as the ultimate sign of The nearly 16,000-word encyclical , God's love for man . titled "Deus Caritas Est" ("God Is In today's world , however, the term Love"), was issued Jan. 25 in seven lan- "love" is frequentl y used and misused, guages. Addressed to all Catholics, it was FIRST ENCYCLICAL, page 5
Pope Benedict XVI waves as he arrives to celebrate an ecumenical evening prayer service at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome Jan. 25. His first encyclical was released the same day.
In Iraq, militants coordinate bombings near Christian churches By Carol Glatz
was very little damage" and so few vicROME (CNS) — Unidentified tims. militan ts planted explosives near sevIn a Jan. 30 p hone interview from eral Christian churches and the Baghdad, the Catholic patriarch said Vatican Embassy in Iraq, causing few the attacks would affect not only casualties but triggering fresh fears Christians but "all Iraqis , all good among the minority Christian popu- Iraqis because they are sorry this has lation. happened and we hope it will not hapThe near-simultaneous attacks pen again." Jan. 29 in Baghdad and Kirkuk, a In Baghdad, a wall along the side of northern Iraqi city, were launched the Vatican Embassy suffered damage just as some Sunday afternoon servic- after a car bomb on the opposite side of es had ended. A blast targeting a the street detonated. Chaldean Catholic church in Kirku k An informed Vatican official told left one parishioner and two passers- CNS the bomb went off in front of a by dead and one person injured. restaurant , which he said was the probChaldean Patriarch Emmanuel- able target of the attack. The official Karim Delly of Baghdad told Catholic said terrorists in Iraq have often targetNews Service, "We thank God there ed restaurants because an explosion
there "causes many victims and much damage." However, Archbishop Fernando Filoni , apostolic nuncio in Baghdad, told the Italian Catholic newspaper Awenire Jan. 31 that he believed the Vatican nunciature might have been the target "because at the same time there were attacks against churches in Baghdad and Kirkuk." He added that the string of bombings happened on a Sunday "at the time (of day) when the faithful go to church." Life for most people, but especially the Christian minority, in Iraq "continues to be veiy, vety difficult," he said. Christians and religious are also increasingly intimidated or threatened, he added. The nuncio told Vatican Radio Jan. 29
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that it was "clear that destabilizing the country is one of the key characteristics for whoever wants to leave the people in chaos." The nunciature and five Christian churches were in the vicinity of six bombs, five of which exploded within a half-hour period. A bomb planted close to the Chaldean church , St. Mari, in Kirkuk caused the most damage with three people dead and one injured , according to news reports . The other blast in Kirkuk was not far from the Syrian Orthodox Church of Sts. Peter and Paul , Latin-rite Archbishop Jean Sleiman of Baghdad told CNS. Six people were injured in that attack , BOMBINGS, page 6
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