February 17, 2006

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Dancers f rom St. Anne's Chinese School.

Joining at the Archbishop's table are Bishop Wester's mother Helen, Bishop Wester, Presentation Sister Antonio Heaphy, Deacon candidate Simon Tsui, Canossian Sister Maria Hsu, Katherine Tsui, Jesuit Father Michel Marcil, Archbishop Niederauer, Father Dominic Lee (St. Matthew) , Salesian Father Andre Ng (Sts. Peter and Paul), Paulist Father Daniel McCotter (St. Mary 's Chinese), Father Dan Nascimento (St. Anne), and Father Benedict Chang (Star of the Sea) .

Archbishop Niederauer honored at Annual Chinese Ministry Dinner By Jack Smith

Archbishop Niederauer enjoys Lion Dance.

Archbishop George H. Niederauer attended his first public engagement in San Francisco at the 15th Annual Chinese Catholic Ministry Dinner in Chinatown Feb. 10. The annual event includes a multi-course sit-down Chinese dinner, raffle , prayer and entertainment and was attended by more than 600 peop le. The dinner is sponsored

by the Archdiocese Office of Ethnic Ministries and raises more than $20 ,000 for numerous ministries in the Chinese community. Archbishop Niederauer was greeted with the traditional Lion Dance and was treated to entertainment which included a dance by students in bri ght costume from St. CHINESE DINNER, page 6 Anne 's Chinese School.

World poverty is focus of Lenten 'Offering of Letters' campai gn By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — Bread for the World , the Christian citizens ' anti-hunger lobby, will tackle world poverty in its annual Lenten "Offering of Letters " campaign . Under the theme "One Spirit , One Will , Zero Poverty, " Bread for the World is asking for letters to advance its One Campaign, which seeks to fight extreme poverty, hunger and HIV/AIDS in the developing world. Each year congregations have been asked to send letters to members of Congress asking them for legislative action relevant to the goals outlined that year by Bread for the World. The letters are typically written by church members

after church services , then placed in the offertoiy collection the following Sunday to be dedicated to God and accompanied by special prayers for hungry people. Lent begins this year on Ash Wednesday, March 1. Legislativel y, the letter campaign is calling for an increase in poverty-focused development assistance for poor countries in the federal budget for fiscal year 2007 with hopes that by fiscal year 2010 an additional 1 percent of the federal budget will go to such assistance. The development aid increase, according to Bread for the World, would go toward meeting U.S. commitments to OFFERING OF LETTERS, page 6

Welcome Archbishop Niederauer Issue ~ Inside ~

Archbishop George Hugh Niederauer was installed as the eighth Archbishop of San Francisco on Feb. 15 at Saint Mary's Cathedral in the presence of the priests, religious and faithful of the archdiocese as well as more than 50 of his fellow bishops from across the country. Catholic San Franciscowill have photos and full coverage of the ceremony in its Feb. 24 edition.

Death penalty


'Pro-life, pro-poor'


Admirable Catholics


Scripture and reflection . . . 9

'Curious George ' review

Deus Caritas Est - Part 3 ~ Page 8 ~


- Page 13 ~

Editorial and letters




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