Lord of
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Represen tatives from the pari shes of the Archdiocese hold the books with the names of the Elect from their parishes. Story on page 10
St Paul of the Shipwreck celebrates ? * ? by Patrick Joyce
Paul of the Shipwreck parish celebrated Black St.History Month with a "Coming Home Sunday "
liturgy Feb. 17 praising God and celebrating the triump hs of their ancestors. "Praise him — he is worthy to be praised, " parishioner Larry Chatmon said in a talk at the Bayview/Hunter's Point church. "As we rejoice, walk with me as we renew ourselves ," Mr. Chatmon said as he traced the history of African Americans. The story in p ictures:
The story begins "in Africa where we were landowners, with great civilizations of communal living and giving praise to God, of rites of passage that symbolized moral values. Then we were thrust into an unnatural environment," and after centuries of slavery "people thought we were finished , never to rise again from the wretched conditions of slavery." "But the God of Moses who delivered the people of SHIPWRECK, page 7
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Members of the parish famil y of St, Paul of the Shipwreck gather to celebra te Black History Month and coming home.
On the Street Where You Live
Buddhists, Catholics: Longtime frie nds
Crackdown on religion in China
Laity, priests have distinct 6 roles, pope says
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Nonviolence of God
What is Pax Christi?
Book reviews
Church, nation in new milleniujn