February 29, 2008

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Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

California high court to hear marriage cases By Rick DelVecchio dvocates of repealing California’s ban on samesex marriage will argue their cases before the state Supreme Court on March 4, with opponents countering that making same-sex marriage a right would jeopardize families and children. The opponents include two Catholic organizations, the California Catholic Conference and the Knights and Columbus. These groups are not parties in the marriage cases but have filed written arguments for the court to weigh before rendering its decision. The opponents are lining up behind the State of California, which is defending the constitutionality of Proposition 22, the marriage exclusion passed by voters in 2000. “The Catholic Church and Catholic faith community oppose any policy or law that would undermine the fundamental importance of marriage as the bedrock upon which a just a moral culture is built,” the California Catholic Conference states in its brief, which was written in concert with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the National Association of Evangelicals and the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. If the marriage exclusion is overturned, “lost will be the traditional meaning that male-female marriage is a special institution that society highly values because of the children it nearly always generates and because it provides those children with the mother and father they need for optimal development,” the brief states. MARRIAGE CASES, page 7



The Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, right, talks to a bishop during the dedication of a memorial to Pope John Paul II in Santa Clara, Cuba, Feb. 23. Cardinal Bertone is the highest-ranking Church official to visit Cuba since 1998, when the late pope was there. The cardinal said he had asked Cuban leaders for “gestures of reconciliation” and confirmed he would be the first foreign official to be received by the island-nation’s new president, Raul Castro. Cardinal Bertone called the U.S. embargo against Cuba “ethically unacceptable” and said the Vatican is trying “to push the United States to eliminate it.” See story on Page 5.

By Tom Burke Just what is the story with Catholics and singing at Mass? Do they or don’t they? How can it be encouraged? What might hamper it? Music directors from around the Archdiocese of San Francisco as well as a worship expert weighed in on the topic. “The short answer to ‘Do Catholic assemblies sing?’ is yes, and the long answer is, well, long,” said Kevin McGee, music and liturgy director at St. Patrick Parish in Larkspur. “It is not a yes or no question,” he noted posing what he sees as a “more interesting question:When do Catholic assemblies sing?” Getting there is a process, McGee said. “The key is to establish a trust relationship between the music and liturgy leaders and the assembly. This is easier said than done given the web of tastes, expectations, history, tempo, attitude and wall clock time that exists at a liturgy.” St. Patrick has an adult choir, four

cantors, a children’s choir and a guitar group. All of the parish’s four weekend Masses “have some sort of music and singing,” McGee said. About the “quiet Mass,” McGee said, “They are certainly necessary given typical parish restraints on resources and budgets. I don’t think they are necessarily inferior or superior to music-laden liturgies – just different. Any musician knows that the spaces – quiet – are as important as the sounds – the music.” For McGee it is not effective to make “someone feel wrong for not singing or not singing correctly.” He feels the use of “skilled musicians and singers” should be an imperative, while at the same time song leaders should not “perform.” How far is the Church from achieving congregations’ full participation? “I find that part of the problem seems to be in seeking one absolute question and answer in this regard,” McGee said, noting that at some Masses he hears “tremendous” assembly singing and others not so much. SINGING, page 20


What is the story with Catholics and singing at Mass?

Cantor Annie Hong leads an entrance song at St. Veronica Church in South San Francisco.

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Marriage and wedding section Global poverty battle expanding

Event to mark Iraq War’s fifth anniversary

~ Page 3 ~

~ Page 10 ~

February 29, 2008

~ Pages 11-17 ~

Scripture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Ballet review . . . . . . . . . . 25 Slaying tragedy. . . . . . . . . 26 Classified ads . . . . . . . 26-27

www.catholic-sf.org SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS


No. 7

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