Catholic san Francisco
Cardinal-designate Levada to be first of new cardinals to get red hat from pope
Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
By John Thavis
Cardinal-designate, and Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco, William J. Levada is seen at St. Mary’s Cathedral last year. He will be made a cardinal at a March 24 consistory.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Cardinal-designate William J. Levada, Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco, was Pope Benedict XVI’s first major appointee as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Now, because of his rank and experience, the archbishop will be the first in line to receive his red hat at a special consistory March 24 at the Vatican. The pope announced names of 15 new cardinals Feb. 22. San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer said, “This news is a wonderful recognition from the Holy Father of Archbishop Levada’s great gifts, and the high office he has assumed in the Church.” Archbishop Niederauer said the priests, deacons, religious, and lay women and men of the Archdiocese of San Francisco join with Archbishop Levada’s family and friends in congratulating him. “We also offer our prayers for him at this time and for his continuing work for the universal Catholic Church,” he added. Cardinal-designate Levada, 69, was appointed last May as the pope’s successor to head the doctrinal congregation, the Vatican agency charged with protecting and promoting the church’s teachings on faith and morals. The appointment marked the first time a U.S. prelate has headed the con-
gregation, which is the oldest of the Vatican’s nine congregations and is considered primary in responsibility and influence. He also is the first man who has served as Archbishop of San Francisco to be named a cardinal. Archbishop Levada chaired his first plenary session of the congregation in early February. The meeting examined bioethical questions and the challenges posed by relativism and religious syncretism to the church’s evangelizing mission. In an interview with Catholic San Francisco in January, the archbishop said his pastoral perspective is helpful in dealing with the doctrinal challenges facing the church. In meeting with bishops from around the world, he said, “I can relate quite sympathetically to the range of issues a diocesan bishop has to deal with even if I haven’t had personal experience with some of the particular issues.” His amount of pastoral experience is unusual among Vatican officials. Before his Vatican appointment, he had served as archbishop of San Francisco since 1995; archbishop of Portland, Ore., 1986-95, and an auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles, 1983-86. For decades, he was a frequent collaborator with the Vatican and with the CARDINAL-DESIGNATE, page 7
Lenten practices should be experienced with a new spirit, says Pope Benedict Catholic San Francisco Staff “The time of Lent should not be faced with an old spirit, as if it were a heavy and bothersome burden, but with the new spirit of one who has found in Jesus and in his mystery the meaning of life and understands that everything now refers to him,” Pope Benedict XVI said this week prior to Ash Wednesday. “During this period, one abstains from singing ‘Alleluia,’ and people are invited to practice appropriate forms of penitential sacrifice,” he said. “Lenten practices like fasting
should be experienced as an expression of faith, not as a difficult burden.” March 5, is the First Sunday of Lent. The season began on Ash Wednesday, March 1, and continues through the afternoon of Holy Thursday, April 13. The rites of Holy Thursday, usually held in the evening, are the first of the Church’s greatest feast, the Easter Triduum that also includes Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, this year celebrated on April 16.
Lenten regulations for fasting and abstinence ABSTINENCE: Everyone 14 years of age and older is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. FASTING: Everyone 18 years of age and older but under the age of 60 is additionally bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. On these two days, the law of fast allows only one full meal a day, but does not prohibit taking some food during the
day, so long as it does not constitute another full meal. Drinking liquids is also permitted. When health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. In doubt concerning fast or abstinence, a priest assigned to pastoral ministry or confessor should be consulted. In the spirit of penance, the faithful should not lightly excuse themselves from this obligation.
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Embryos are human . . . . . . . 3 Pope condemns violence. . . . 6 Levada on gay priests . . . . . . 8 Editorial and letters . . . . . . 12 Deus Caritas Est – Part V . . 14
First Sunday of Lent ~ March 5 ~ March 3, 2006
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~ Pages 4 – 5 ~
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Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Classified ads . . . . . . . . 18-19 VOLUME 8
No. 8