Catholic san Francisco
Catholics seek humane reform of immigration
Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
( C N S P H O T O / PAT R I C I A Z A P O R )
By Jack Smith
Joanne Welter, director of Catholic Social Mission for the Diocese of Tucson, Ariz., and Father Prisciliano Peraza, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Altar, Mexico, participate in a prayer service Feb. 22 at a shrine alongside a 60-mile dirt road leading to the U.S. border. Thousands of people try to cross into the United States illegally every year near the northern end of that road.
As competing immigration reform bills are debated in the U.S. Senate this month, Catholic leaders and service organizations are seeking the active support of laity for a just and lasting overhaul of the immigration system. The persistent national debate on immigration has intensified since the passage in the House of Representatives of a strong immigration enforcement bill in December. That proposal, H.R. 4437, and several alternative measures are now being debated in the U.S. Senate. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops strongly opposed H.R. 4437 as a punitive “anti-immigrant” measure which focuses only on enforcement. They are seeking passage of a more comprehensive alternative sponsored by Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Ted Kennedy (D-MA). In addition to what they view as the narrow focus of H.R. 4437, Catholic bishops and Catholic Charities USA worry that specific provisions in the bill may even criminalize the activities of Catholic social service agencies providing support to immigrant communities. The bill allows for the construction of a 15-foot high fence with reinforcements along the entire U.S./Mexico border and makes unlawful presence in the U.S. a felony for the first time. Currently, illegal IMMIGRATION, page 3
ASH WEDNESDAY HOMILY A time for conversion and growth in the life of Christ By Archbishop George H. Niederauer “What do you mean?” That’s a common question in conversation. It usually calls for a clarification or expresses a challenge. But for this once let’s ask the question existentially: Not “What do you mean?” but “What do you mean?” As a season in our life as Catholics, Lent faces us with that question. Our spiritual mother the Church reminds us of the limitations of our lives, especially the severest ones, like the span from birth to death. Diamonds may be forever, but you and I definitely are not. On Ash Wednesday, the Church signs our foreheads with the cross, in ashes, and says, “Remember, you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.” The things we have, the goals we accomplish, our personal relationships, even pain and pleasure, had a beginning not that long ago, and they will end.
But are they all that we mean? In the words of the song, “Is That All There Is?” For us believers the good news of Jesus Christ is that our living and dying are not all there is. There is a new meaning for us in Jesus, in our life in him. It is a new meaning for the catechumens who will be baptized at Easter, and a renewed meaning for us who have already been baptized. The danger is that we can act as if the surface details are all there is. We can behave as if they make up the whole meaning of our lives. In other words, we can sin. We sin when we behave in a way that denies the meaning of God in our lives and the meaning of our relationship to him in Jesus the Lord. That’s why St. Paul, on Ash Wednesday, urges us to be reconciled. He challenges us to look at the Cross of Jesus and see what sin can do. But then Paul urges us to take heart in the cross and resur-
rection of Christ, to see what salvation can do. The saving action of Jesus helps us to die to sin and rise to new life with Jesus. This saving action begins to work in our lives at Baptism, and then it is the work of our lives to continue to grow in this life of Christ. The season of Lent is for this work of the mystery of Baptism in our lives as Catholics. We are called to conversion, to a turning away from our own special idolatries and a turning toward the true God in Jesus Christ. That’s the meaning and purpose of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, the three traditional Lenten practices of Catholics. These three ways of keeping Lent will take different forms in each of our lives, but they are never for their own sake, as Jesus points out when he warns us not to “show off” spiritually. We have ashes on our faces on Ash Wednesday to proclaim what we need (humility, truth, hope), and how good HOMILY, page 8
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Same-sex adoptions . . . . . . 3 News-in-brief . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Musical pilgrimage. . . . . . . 9 Scripture and reflection . . 12 Editorial and letters . . . . . . 14 Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Second Sunday of Lent ~ March 12 ~ March 10, 2006
Academic Decathlon winners
St. Raymond’s priest artist
‘Sophie Scholl’ review . . . . 18
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No. 9