March 12, 2004

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Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

Vatican official urges stronger ties to China ROME — A Vatican official called for greater cultural and religious relations with China, saying the West’s contact with the East must not be based on economic ties alone. French Cardinal Paul Poupard, head of the Pontifical Council for Culture, said that an Italian film project featuring the life of Jesuit Father Matteo Ricci, a 16th-century missionary to China, would be “an important bridge of dialogue and friendship.” “China is now a great protagonist in the world economy, but our relationship with China cannot just be an economic one. We will need a dialogue based on culture and religion,” Cardinal Poupard said. “We are called to create a new climate of friendship between the West and China,” the cardinal said. It’s time for “a new season of dialogue and cooperation.” The cardinal spoke March 9 as news reached Rome that a Catholic bishop was arrested in northeast China, although the arrest was not commented upon at the press conference presenting the film project. The Vatican’s missionary news service, Fides, confirmed CHINA, page 18


By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service

Nearly 650 people attended the 13th Annual Chinese Dinner sponsored by the Chinese Ministry Advisory Board of the Archdiocese of San Francisco on Feb. 13. Guest of Honor Archbishop William J. Levada was joined this year by Auxiliary Bishops John C. Wester and Ignatius Wang. The evening included musical entertainment, a many-course banquet and raffle. Proceeds benefit the Chinese Catholic ministries of the Archdiocese. Event planner Sister Maria Hsu of the Archdiocese Office of Ethnic Ministries and Archbishop Levada are pictured here with some of the evening’s young performers.

Church weighs decision to take religious freedom case to U.S. Supreme Court


By Patrick Joyce

A Chinese woman prays at a governmentsanctioned church in Shanghai, China.

Lawyers for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will determine the Church’s legal response to the March 1 California State Supreme Court decision upholding a state law that requires Catholic Charities and other Catholic organizations to provide contraceptive coverage in their employee health plans. The lawsuit challenging the state law, which was enacted in 2000, was brought by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Sacramento. “We have 90 days within which to appeal to the U.S Supreme Court,” Ned Dolejsi, executive director of the California Catholic Conference, said. “Our lawyers will be working with the USCCB legal team. We are suggesting to the bishops of California that they maintain the status quo until it is determined what our legal and political options are.” The status quo is a mixed picture. Before the law requiring contraceptive coverage went into effect in 2000, some Catholic organizations, such as hospitals and social service agencies, had health insur-

ance plans that included contraceptive coverage, at times due to union contracts. After the law went into effect, more Catholic organizations found themselves forced to include the coverage as their health insurance contracts were renewed, but they told their insurers they were doing so under duress. Some, however, were able to continue to exclude contraceptive coverage during the appeal process. Mr. Dolejsi finds the situation “very troubling” not just for the Catholic Church but for all religious organizations that reach out beyond their church doors to help their neighbors. “This is the first time in the history of the United States that a state has said it has the competence to determine what is – and what is not – a ministry of a church,” he said. “That is very frightening. No matter what one thinks about contraception, this ruling puts in jeopardy the religious freedom of every church that partners with the state to provide social, health or educational services.” SUPREME COURT, page 18

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION ‘The Passion’ and teens . . . 6 Women theologians . . . . . . 7 This Catholic Life . . . . . . . 9 ‘Gay Marriage’ confusions . 12 Scripture page . . . . . . . . . 14


March 12, 2004

AlmaVia opens doors

St. Patrick’s Day

Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

~ Pages 10-11 ~

~ Page 15 ~



No. 10

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