Patriarch sends strong message to Palestinians
Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
By Judith Sudilovsky
Palestinian children hold candles during a March 10 protest in Gaza calling for the end of Israeli sanctions affecting the Gaza Strip.
JERUSALEM (CNS) — A Palestinian Christian must be prepared to witness to the faith by submitting to daily difficulties “or even by sacrificing his or her life,” said Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah of Jerusalem in a pastoral letter marking the end of his patriarchal ministry. In his most strongly worded comment to date on growing Palestinian Muslim extremism, the patriarch likened such an era of Christian martyrdom to that suffered by first-century Christians under the Roman Empire and said it would “purify life in all of society.” “It would strengthen the believers in their faith and would again give a new face to all society,” the patriarch added in his letter, dated March 1 and released to the press March 6. On March 19, Patriarch Sabbah turns 75 and, according to canon law, must submit his resignation to Pope Benedict XVI. He has been patriarch for 20 years. In the 40-page letter, Patriarch Sabbah noted good relations exist between Muslim civil and religious authorities, but the situation “becomes explosive” when issues of dogma and family are involved. Mediation is needed, he said. “But it should also be said that relations between Muslims and Christians have not yet reached their perfect equiPATRIARCH, page 9
Local film festival brings films to life and life to film them or not becomes the focus of the film. Kidnapped by surviving Nazis and taken to South America against his will, he finds Josef Mengele alive. Mengele returns The Cinema Vita Film Festival, held at San with Rohm to Germany to stand trial, and the young Francisco’s Delancey Street Theatre March 7, showcased lawyer soon finds himself roped into defending the man films that celebrated both the mystery and sanctity of life. he has come to know so well. Drawing independent films from as far away as The outcome of the trial raises issues of when, if North Dakota, Texas and Illinois, the festival featured ever, euthanasia is justified, whether potentially lethal both budding talent and a provocative feature film. medical experimentation on human beings should be “Every single report I have gotten back – from edone if those same patients are doomed anyway, and mails, written responses and our evaluation forms – has how a slippery slope of ethically dubious choices can been positive. Every single one,” said Vicki Evans, lead down the path to depravity. coordinator of the Respect Life Ministry for The most chilling aspect of the Mengele charthe Archdiocese. acter as portrayed by German actor Götz George “One thing people did suggest,” she said, The most chilling aspect of the Mengele is how sympathetic he becomes. After all, the “is that we expand the categories and invite audience is reminded, those men who civilized films longer than three to five minutes, per- character as portrayed by German actor society would proclaim as monsters are still men, haps 10 to 20 minutes.” She said organizers agree they want to Götz George is how sympathetic he becomes. and there is no depth to which man can sink that he cannot find an excuse for digging further still. repeat the festival in 2009, tentatively targetGeorge, so moved by the script that he helped ing a May date. Rohm remains conflicted, however, and has yet to finance the film to the tune of one million marks when other Evans said they have also received an inquiry from persons in Florida who are interested in producing a write a word. He still cannot answer the most important sources of funding dried up, portrays Mengele as coldquestions about Mengele: why would any human being hearted and unrepentant for sure. Still, it is the humanity he “Cinema Vita East,” to echo the local festival. Sponsored jointly by the San Francisco take part in tortuous and ultimately fruitless medical brings to the role that leaves the viewer wondering if he or Archdiocese’s and Oakland Diocese’s Respect Life experimentation on helpless victims? What possible jus- she could make the moral choice given the circumstances. Balancing Mengele’s calculated self-defense are Ministry offices, Marriage for Life and Ignatius press, tification could a doctor have for participating in the both Rohm’s tortured realization of the doctor’s sociothe festival kicked off with a thought-provoking and attempted extermination of an entire race? Rohm, portrayed by Kai Wiesinger of Germany, pathic motives and prosecutor Heribert Vogt, played by award-winning film, “After the Truth.” CINEMA, page 31 The German-made film, written by American finds answers to those questions. Whether he accepts
By Michael Vick
screenwriters Christopher and Kathleen Riley, explores a fascinating hypothetical: what if the infamous Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele were found alive and brought to trial in modern-day Germany? The film’s central plot revolves around lawyer Peter Rohm, a defense attorney from Günzburg, Bavaria, the city where Mengele was born. At turns both fascinated and repulsed by sharing a hometown with the Nazi doctor, Rohm is on the verge of writing a definitive biography of the man after years of painstaking research conducted in partnership with his wife.
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION CCCYO head retires. . . . . . . 3
For seniors . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
5 12
Palm Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
19 23 EASTER 30
25 26
Father Peter Yorke . . . . . . . 21 Dining guide . . . . . . . . . 22-23
‘Easter time’ – parish liturgies Summer activities: Woman’s mission: and stories of season sharing chastity’s power camps and schools Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ~ Pages 11-15 ~ ~ Page 5 ~ ~ Pages 29-32 ~ March 14, 2008
No. 9