March 16, 2007

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Pope issues exhortation on Eucharist, practice of faith and the liturgy

Catholic san Francisco

Sign of peace, Latin use, state of grace for Communion among letter’s topics

Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

By Cindy Wooden


POPE ISSUES, page 14


potential risk to children – for example, a weapon charge, drug offense, citation for driving under influence of alcohol or drugs, or domestic violence. “We are not finding child abusers so much as finding other things of concern,” said Tom Hoffman of the Human Resources Office. Of that small group, he said, about 20 have been disqualified to work with youth. A report on the others is provided pastors who are given discretion to make pastoral judgment on a person’s continued youth work. “This also opens up a pastoral opportunity” to reach out to persons with troubled lives, Hoffman said. He also pointed out the background checks and fingerprinting “are not just snapshots in time.” The process includes ongoing reports from the screening provider of future charges or arrests. More than nine of ten certified by the Shield the Vulnerable training have done it via the Internet, taking a user-friendly course on-line in Spanish or English. Course materials are also available in Chinese. The course itself has two options. One is designed for “mandatory reporters,” persons who by law are required to report suspicions of child abuse and who have “regular contact with children.” A shorter training option is available for those who are

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Catholics must believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, celebrate the liturgy with devotion and live in a way that demonstrates their faith, Pope Benedict XVI said in a 131-page apostolic exhortation released on Tuesday, March 13. “The celebration and worship of the Eucharist enable us to draw near to God’s love and to persevere in that love,” the pope said in the document, “Sacramentum Caritatis” (“The Sacrament of Charity”). The papal reflection was in response to discussions and suggestions made during the 2005 world Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist, Vatican officials said. When Jesus instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper, he did not simply thank God for the ways he had acted throughout history to save people, the pope said. Rather, Jesus revealed that he himself was the sacrifice that would bring salvation to fulfillment. “The institution of the Eucharist demonstrates how Jesus’ death, for all its violence and absurdity, became in him a supreme act of love and mankind’s definitive deliverance from evil,” Pope Benedict wrote. Celebrating the Eucharist, he said, “the Church is able to celebrate and adore the mystery of Christ” who is present in the bread and wine through the power of the Holy Spirit. In addition to offering a spiritual reflection on the meaning of the Eucharist, the liturgy and eucharistic adoration, Pope Benedict made several suggestions for further study and for celebrating the Mass in the Latin rite: ● While he encouraged wider knowledge and use of the Mass prayers in Latin and of Gregorian chant, he also repeated the synod’s affirmation of the “beneficial influence” of the liturgical changes made by the Second Vatican Council on the life of the Church. ● However, he also endorsed the synod’s suggestion that at Masses with a large, international congregation, the liturgy be celebrated in Latin “with the exception of the readings, the homily and the prayer of the faithful.” ● He encouraged bishops’ conferences, in collaboration with the Vatican, to examine their practices for the order and timing of the sacraments of Christian initiation: baptism, confirmation and Eucharist. The three sacraments are administered together for infants and adults in many of the Eastern Churches and for adults joining the Latin rite, while children in the Latin rite usually are baptized as infants, receive first Communion around the age of 7 and are confirmed several years later. “It needs to be seen which practice better enables the faithful to put the sacrament of the Eucharist at the center, as the goal of the whole process of initiation,” the pope said. ● In expressing his concern for the number of Catholics unable to receive Communion because of irregular marital

Former San Francisco Auxiliary Bishop John C. Wester (left) was installed as ninth bishop of Salt Lake City March 14 at the Cathedral of the Madeleine where, above, he and San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer review ceremony details with Gregory Glenn, cathedral liturgy director.

‘Shield the Vulnerable’ Training, screening: child abuse deterrent By Dan Morris-Young SAN FRANCISCO – The broadly required screening and training of volunteers and employees of the Archdiocese of San Francisco who work with the young could well be acting as a strong deterrent to potential abusers, according to officials overseeing implementation of the program. More than 6,000 priests, educators, catechists, coaches and a myriad of volunteers who work with youth and youth programs of the Archdiocese have taken the training mandated last October by Archbishop George H. Niederauer, the officials told Catholic San Francisco. Part of the Archdiocese’s “Protecting God’s Children” pastoral outreach, the curriculum focuses how to recognize, report and prevent child abuse. Titled “Shield the Vulnerable,” it was developed by archdiocesan human resources, pastoral ministry, and legal offices in cooperation with an independent vendor, LawRoom. Nearly 90 percent who have taken the training have been fingerprinted or undergone background checks now requisite of employees and volunteers who have “regular contact” with the young. According to the archdiocesan Human Resources Office and Barbara Elordi, pastoral outreach coordinator, fewer than one percent of those screened have been found to possess backgrounds which might indicate a

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION News-in-brief . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Immigration ‘rhetoric’. . . . . . 5

Youth rally March 24

~ Page 3 ~

Islam discussed . . . . . . . . . . 7 Lenten lectures . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Irish impact on Archdiocese

~ Pages 10-11 ~ March 16, 2007

Writer issues Lenten Scripture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 dare to the young Classified ads . . . . . . . . 18-19

~ Page 13 ~


No. 9

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