March 19, 2004

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Quinn Colloquium

Catholic san Francisco

Speakers at conference on immigration see pastoral, legal and public policy needs

Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

By Jack Smith Immigrants are not problems, they are people “made in the image and likeness of God,” said Bishop Thomas Wenski at a March 13 conference on immigration in San Francisco. Regarding immigrants as persons leads to certain principles to be followed under Catholic social teaching, said Wenski. “The human dignity and human rights of immigrants should be respected, including the right to find opportunities for the conditions of life in one’s homeland, and the right to emigrate to find the conditions for the support of one’s family.” Wenski added that sovereign states have a right to control their borders, but this right is not absolute and it must in practice favor “the ethical over the technical.” Bishop Wenski is coadjutor of the diocese of Orlando and chair of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops Committee on Migration. The Florida native was ordained for the Archdiocese of Miami in 1976 and has extensive work experience with immigrant, particularly Haitian and Cuban, communities. He was one of several speakers featured at the Archbishop John R. Quinn Colloquium on Catholic Social Teaching, an annual event co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Francisco and the University of San Francisco. Wenski said from the earliest times the Church’s success has been in its catholicity. The Church decided at its first council at Jerusalem the question of whether gentile converts to Christ must adhere to Jewish dietary laws and other codes. The decision not to impose these cultural codes “meant the way of the Church would be a catholic (universal) way,” he said. The Church’s readiness to respond specifically to the needs of different cultural groups which had adhered to Christ can be seen early in the creation of the “diaconate, established to serve the needs of Greek speaking Christians.” In looking at the American Church in the nineteenth and

Nearly 100,000 turned out March 14 for the 152nd Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in San Francisco. The parade sponsored by the United Irish Societies of San Francisco included bands, bagpipers, Irish dancers of all ages, Irish wolfhounds, politicians, labor unions, and San Francisco’s police and firefighters. Providing some of the best entertainment was the perennial favorite Archbishop Riordan High School Crusaders Marching Band.

Catholics named to council developing plans for chronic homelessness rominent Catholics are among 33 individuals appointed by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom to a 10-Year Plan Council on Homelessness charged with developing strategies for improving the city’s management of services to the chronic homeless. San Francisco’s 3,000 chronic homeless include those suffering from mental illness, drug and alcohol dependency and other serious disabilities, according to Council member and Archdiocesan Director of Public Policy and Social Concerns, Mr. George Wesolek. The Mayor’s Council was formed in part at the urging of the Bush administration, which has promised better funding opportunities for cities developing 10-Year plans for chronic homelessness. Atlanta, Chicago and other cities have already developed such plans and their proposals are among data being considered by San Francisco. Attorney and former president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Angela Alioto chairs the Council which will be meeting weekly. Mayor


Newsom has set an end of June deadline for the Council to submit its 10-year plan. The Council is a diverse group that includes business leaders, homeless advocates, human service providers, mental health professionals and religious leaders. “I don’t think any member knows more than a third of the other people in the group,” Wesolek said. “This is really an attempt to get a different cross section of leaders than in the past.” Other prominent Catholic leaders on the Council include Franciscan Father John Hardin, executive director of Saint Anthony Foundation; Dr. Suzanne Giraudo, clinical director of California Pacific Medical Center Child Development Center; Michael DeNunzio, chair of the San Francisco Republican Party and member of the Aging and Adult Services Commission; and Brian Cahill, executive director of Catholic Charities CYO. While Catholic Charities primarily deals with problems of family homelessness, Cahill also brings to the Council his years of service with the San Francisco Department of Social Services, including



By Jack Smith


Bishop Thomas Wenski

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Senior Living. . . . . . . . . . 6-9 Merciful Sisters . . . . . . . . . 9 A ‘Sanctuary’ parish. . . 10-11 Suing to live . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Scripture page . . . . . . . . . 14


March 19, 2004

Catholic Scouting

Academic Decathlon

Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

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No. 11

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