March 22, 2002

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Above left: San Francisco Auxiliary Bishop Jo hn Wester shares the Sig n of Peace with Bishop Edwin Gulick , the Ep iscop al co-chair of the dialogue. To their left is Bishop Tod Brown of Orange, chairman of the U.S. Bishop s ' Committee on Ecumenical and Interrelig ious Affairs. Above rig ht, from left: Ep iscopal Bishops Barry Howe, Christop her Ep ting, and Bishop Gulick.

Sharingcs^ taith

Dialogue concludes with a call to witness to Christ 's love

By Patrick Joyce

Archbishop Levada: 'Yes , I believe. I am convinced of it '

three-day meeting of the Anglican Roman Catholic Dialogue in the United A States concluded March 16 with a Mass celebrated by Archbishop William J. Levada, the Catholic co-chair of the group, and attended by three Episcopal bishops who are members of the dialogue. "It is a joy," Archbishop Levada said to have "our Episcopal brothers and sisters" in the congregation at St. Mary 's Cathedral and to have Episcopal Bishops Edwin Gulick, Christopher Epting, and Barry Howe seated in the sanctuary during the Mass.

In his homily, Archbishop Levada spoke of the lesson of faith given by Martha in the Gospel account of the raising of her brother Lazarus from the dead, a lesson that he said all Christians must share with the world. "Jesus knew that in this great sign he was preparing the way for his own passion and death , but he also gave us a great lesson of faith - a faith that the Church continues to hear from the lips of Martha every time we celebrate the funeral liturgy; 'I believe, Lord. I believe that you are the life. '" For Archbishop Levada, the Gospel account of Marth a's faith was in sharp contrast to an experience he had several years ago at a dinner. One of SHARING FAITH, page 6

Chrism Mass March 26 Tom Brady: Sena grad, Super Bowl MVP

Busy Holy Week for ailing p op e

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The Archdiocese 's Office of Worship invites the people of the Archdiocese to gather with Archbishop William J. Levada for the annual Chrism Mass. At the Mass, the archbishop will bless the sacramental oils for baptism, confirmation , ordination and healing to be used in all parishes throughout the year. The Chrism Mass will take p lace Tuesday, March 26 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mary 's Cathedral, 1111 Gough St., in San Francisco.

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