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The Ladies and Knig hts of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre participate in the Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral
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Archb ishop Levada incenses the altar.
ill ray for the peace of Jerusalem — that should be the prayer and the motto of this order," Archbishop William Levada told an audience of Catholics with a special commitment to the Holy Land, the Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Hol y Sepulchre. "It is important that we become apostles of peace. . .we encourage from afar , in any way we can, the path of peace," Archbishop Levada said at luncheon following the order's Mass in St. Mary's Cathedral March 17. Pope John Paul II worked for peace "so beautifull y last year in his extraordinary visit to the Holy Land," he said . The pope 's visit to the Holocaust memorial there had a powerful-impact as he "spontaneousl y remembered JERUSALEM, page 16
The entrance procession.
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bu ck over f ive y tuf tj Jfj 5J F, Pages 10, 11
History-making women - Page 3 ~~