Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
San Francisco Archbishop William J. Levada and former Boston Mayor and ambassador to the Vatican Ray Flynn will lead a prayer rally in defense of marriage in San Francisco’s North Beach on April 3. Catholics and all people interested in promoting, protecting and preserving the institution of marriage are invited to participate, say sponsors of the event. A similar rally in Boston drew 3,000 people two months ago. The prayer rally is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 3 at the steps of Sts. Peter and Paul Church, which faces Washington Square and Columbus Avenue in the city’s North Beach district. Prior to the rally, a benediction and celebration of the Eucharist with Archbishop Levada and other priests of the San Francisco Bay area will begin at 8:30 a.m. at Sts. Peter and Paul Church. A 12-hour adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will begin Friday evening, April 2 at 8:00 at Sts. Peter and Paul Church. “Something special is happening with young Catholics across this land,” said Ray Flynn, president of Your Catholic Voice. “The issue of same-sex marriage has touched them deeply and they are responding. We saw that in
San Francisco Archbishop and former Boston Mayor to lead rally for marriage
Anti-war activists march down Market Street in San Francisco March 19. Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets in protest on the first anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq. Franciscan Father Louis Vitale is at center with Sister Bernie Galvin to right. “We need to show the world and lawmakers that, contrary to media perception, there is another strong point of view in San Francisco, ” Meehan said. “The Catholic Counter-Cultural Revolution has begun!” The impetus for the rally began as a response by young adults in San Francisco to Mayor Gavin Newsom’s unilateral decision Feb. 12 to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in violation of state and federal law. The
Massachusetts and now we are seeing it in San Francisco. We are building national support for the Federal Marriage Amendment, the only way to guarantee that marriage will remain between a man and a woman.” Dolores Meehan of the Saint Dominic Parish Young Adult group is serving as Marriage Committee Chair for Your Catholic Voice, sponsor of the prayer rally along with the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
California Supreme Court halted the practice March 11, pending its ruling. Newsom’s action came on the heels of the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision that same-gender couples are entitled to marry. “Your Catholic Voice’s position has nothing to do with gays and lesbians who have a right to live as they choose. But, that does not give them the right to redefine marriage and the family for all MARRIAGE RALLY, page 18
Father Gerald Brown to head St. Patrick’s Seminary
Sulpician Father Gerald L. Brown
Sulpician Father Gerald L. Brown has been appointed new President/ Rector of St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, effective July 1, 2004. Brown, currently President/Rector at Assumption Seminary in San Antonio, Texas, will fill the post now held by Sulpician Father Gerald D. Coleman who has served for 16 years as President/Rector of St. Patrick Seminary. Fr. Coleman plans to take a sabbatical year at the Carmelite Monastery in Carmel where he will serve as chaplain to the Carmelite sisters. Father Brown was born in 1938
and ordained for the Archdiocese of San Francisco in 1964 after studies at St. Patrick Seminary. He was released to serve in the Society of Saint Sulpice and earned a Masters degree in Communications from University of Washington and a Doctorate in Speech/Communications from Temple University in Philadelphia. Brown also holds a Choirmaster’s Certificate from the Gregorian Institute of America. He served in various teaching and administrative positions with the Sulpicians before becoming President/ Rector of St. Joseph’s
College Seminary in Los Altos in 1978. St. Joseph’s was a minor seminary, serving as preparation for St. Patrick’s. While there, Brown also did extensive work in continuing formation for both diocesan and religious priests, mainly in the areas of priestly spirituality and preaching. He also served as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Catholic Education Association Seminary Department. In 1985, Brown resumed administrative duties with the Sulpicians as Provincial Superior of the order in ST. PATRICK’S SEMINARY, page 18
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION At mercy of extremists . . . . 3 Social justice activism . . . . 6 ICA film ‘Runaways’. . . . . . 9 Editorial and letters. . . . . . 12 Pope on perserving life. . . 15
March 26, 2004
Mission San Miguel
‘de-coding’ Da Vinci
Classified ads. . . . . . . . . . 19
~ Pages 10-11 ~
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No. 12