March 30, 2001

Page 1

Erica is gratef ulf or the Queen of Peace House as she awaits the birth of her child.

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ith compassion and quiet determination , Mother Teresa's Sisters are doing the work that few others want to do. In Pacifica, at their "Gift of . Love' house the .Missionaries of Charity,are caring for AIDS patients who. have little money and no one else willing to help them. In San Francisco, the Sisters .. . open their "Queen of Peace'* home to pregnant wonaen determined to give . . birth and,who need a refuge from f£imiHes.-Jaaidboyfrterids ^pressu ring . Ihem'to-" ¦•.' :¦ ". have abortions

¦ Anthony, a resident of the (jth of Love house, ' ¦- ' ¦ - ¦ landscapes the grounds around the Pacif ied f acility -/

Catholic San Francisco Feature Mitor Evelyn Zappia's (wo-part series on die Missionaries of Charity begins on Pages 10 and 11.

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Sp eaking out against death By Patrick Joyce M ope John Paul Hand the bishops of the United States, including San Franckcol ¦Archbishop W ' illiam' Levada,have been speaking out againstcapital ' ^punishment. ArchbishopLevada's statementon the execution of RobertLee Massie; >. appears on Page 8 o/Catholic San Francisco. . M the same time; grassrootsopposition-to the deathpenalty has been growing in the archdweese. Here are the views of some of those opponents. •

Ex-cop with compassion

Ray McKeon talks in the no-nonsense tones that carry over from almost 29 years asa South San Francisco cop, but his words about the death penalty carry a spiritual; message. - Life in prison is better than the death penalty, he says, because it offers prisoners an opportunity of "remorse, reconciliation, expiation. " DEATH PENALTY, page 6

Outside San Quehtin Prison an opponen t of the death p enaltyprotests the execution of Robert Lee Massie: A story on the protest is on Page 8. ""'"*"

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