Catholic san Francisco
Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
U.S. Cardinal William J. Levada receives his ring from Pope Benedict XVI during a special Mass in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican March 25. The rings symbolizes the cardinal's spousal relationship with the church. At left, Cardinal Levada takes possesion as Cardinal Deacon of his titular church, Santa Maria in Domnica.
Former San Francisco Archbishop Levada elevated to Cardinal at ceremony By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Former San Francisco Archbishop William J. Levada was the first among the 15 new members inducted into the College of Cardinals by Pope Benedict XVI, who called on them to be even stronger witnesses of God’s love for the world and their own love for the church. At the March 24 Mass and ceremony in St. Peter’s Square, in which prelates from 11 countries became cardinals, the pope prayed that the red garments they now wear would inspire them to an even more “passionate love for Christ, for his church and for all humanity.” Giving them rings during a March 25 Mass, he told them they are called to serve the church “with the love of a spouse.”
At both services, Cardinal William J. Levada, now prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and former Archbishop of San Francisco, was the first of the new cardinals to approach the pope. The man who led the Archdiocese of San Francisco from 1995 to 2005 addressed the pope on behalf of the new cardinals March 24.
More Cardinal photos PAGES 12 – 13 In accepting their new status, Cardinal Levada said, the new cardinals renewed their commitment of “total love and unconditional fidelity to Christ the Lord and to the Christian people.” “This love for Jesus Christ and his church, this
fidelity to humanity which has a burning thirst for truth, we want to place into your hands,” he told the pope. Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley of Boston also was among the 15 to join the College of Cardinals in the first consistory of Pope Benedict’s pontificate. At the March 24 prayer service, Pope Benedict told the entire College of Cardinals, which now numbers 193 members, that he counted on them “to proclaim to the world that God is love.” “Ensure that the principle of love will spread far and wide and will give new life to the church,” he said. At Mass the next day, the pope slipped a ring on the CARDINAL, page 4
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Immigration reform . . . . . 3 Irish win State title . . . . . 5
Scripture and Reflection ~ Page 16 ~ Fifth Sunday of Lent ~ April 2 ~ March 31, 2006
News-in-brief. . . . . . . . . 6-7 Archbishop’s column . . . 10 Commentary and letters. 14-15 Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Books on Pope John Paul II
Classified ads . . . . . . 22-23
~ Pages 20-21 ~
No. 11