Holy Week
Liturgy Section - Inside -
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Missionaries of Charity dep end on p rayer in carrying the love of Jesus to the poor. By Evelyn Zappia
Mfj achmorning the Missionaries of Charity pin a small Crucifix on their habits close to their hearts. "It is a reminder that we are to be carriers of His love - come and belong toJesus, " said SisterRose. "People believe our lives are so hard. In a sense it is difficult but we get used to many things. We get enough to eat, have a simple lifestyle and we adapt - something that we realize is easier than mostpeople think."
The Soup Kitchen
The man was early. The Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity would not be opening the soup kitchen doors for another 45 minutes. He looked around the large firehouse at Third and Fourth Streets and decided to sit on the ground near the old railroad tracks. Something caught his eye. He stood up, walked a few feet, and picked up an old plastic container that still had some juice in it. He CHARITY, page 8 unscrewed the cap, smelled the contents , then drank it.
Population control:Top human rights abuse Chinese dissidents are in exile or prison, expert tells Celebrate Life dinner
By Kathleen Buckley
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4«#teven Mosher, president of the Virginia-based Population Research Institute spoke about his research on coercive family planning activities in China at the twenty-ninth annual Celebrate Life dinner. The dinner, sponsored by San Francisco United for Life was held at the Irish Cultural Center on March 31, and attracted approximately 300 people from around the Bay Area. In 1979, Mr. Mosher was part of the first group of international researchers allowed to enter the People's Republic of China. Because of his position as a doctoral candidate at Stanford University,he was the one researcher givenpermission to tour the countryside. What he found there began to shake his faith as a "pro-choice atheist". Mr. Mosher observed the practical effects of China 's population policies.
Bishop Wester and Steven Mosher, ¦ ¦-
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He visited a village in Canton where the local government had mandated a one percent cap on population growth. Wishing to find out how the government could keep growth so low, he accompanied local officials on a house MOSHER, page 18