April 26, 2002

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U.S.-Vtttican summit | Pop e decries sex abuse by p riests as an 'appalling sirt

Fraying at the start of the summit are , f rom left , Cardinals Roger M . Mahony of Los Angeles , William H. Ke eler of Baltimore, Francis E. George of Chicag o and Edward M. Eg an of New York. By J ohn Norton and Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service

Pop e J ohn Paul U prays at a Mass on World Day of Prayer for Vocations Apri l 21. Below: Men being ordained p riests by Pope J ohn Paul II pr ostrate themselves in St. Peter 's. Simj t Page 10.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope John Paul II told participants at an unprecedented Vatican -U.S. church summit on clergy sexual abuse that there was no p lace in the priesthood for "those who would harm the young, " but also said church leaders could not overlook "the power of Christian conversion. " . At the opening session of meeting Monday, the 81-yearold pontiff told the partici pants he was "deeply grieved" by the clerical sex abuse, which he called a crime and an "appalling sin. " "There is no p lace in the priesthood and religious life for those who would harm the.young, " he said. U.S. participants said in the meeting they were debating the central question of whether priests who abuse minors could ever receive another assignment. The closed-door meeting, held in a 16th-century room of the pope 's Apostolic Palace, brought together eight ranking Vatican officials, three top officials of the U.S. bishops' conference and all but one of the-13 U.S. cardinals. At a packed press briefing April 23 at the U.S. seminary in Rome, participants said issues raised atthe first session included the potential reassignment of priests who have abused minors, strengthening the observance of celibacy, seminary screening and formation , and homosexuality. In response to reporters ' questions, they said calls for the resignation of Boston Cardinal Bernard F. Law, who is U.S.-VATICAN SUMMIT , page 10

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