April 27, 2001

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Sacred Heart School battles to stay open Campaig n raises $140 ,000, needs $210 ,000 more

By Jack Smith


campaign to keep San Francisco 's financially-troubled Sacred Heart Elementary School open has received p ledges of $140,000, but needs to raise an additional $210,000 soon to keep the school from closing. The pastor of St. Ignatius church , Jesuit Father Charles Gagan is spearheading the campaign along with the help of St. Mary 's Cathedral pastor, Msgr John O'Connor, Sacred Heart pastor, Father Paulinus Man gesho, and many lay people dedicated to keeping Catholic education alive in the inner city. Father SACRED HEART, page 3 JT JL fund-raising

Student artwork in a f i f t h g rade classroom at Sacred Heart School.

Principal Reese Fernandez with sixth graders Tyriesha Racklin, left , and Tashelle Collins.

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Kindergartener J alii Burns.

Instructor Don Dearth guides Raven Brown in the use of computers.

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