April 29, 2005

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Catholic san Francisco


Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

St. Peter’s Square is filled with pilgrims for the installation Mass of Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican April 24. Attending the Mass were an estimated 350,000 people, including delegations from more than 130 countries and from dozens of other denominations.

Pope Benedict XVI begins ministry as head of Church By Cindy Wooden

Then, with some 150 cardinals, he processed into a sun-bathed St. Peter’s Square to begin VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In a liturgy rich with symbols and promises, Pope Benedict XVI the Mass and receive the main symbols of his office: the fisherman’s ring and the pallium. “At this moment, weak servant of God that I am, I must assume formally began his ministry as head of the universal church, and See Pope’s homily this enormous task, which truly exceeds all human capacity,” Pope Catholics from around the world pledged their love and obedience to him. PAGE 15 Benedict said in his homily. The morning of April 24, Pope Benedict, elected April 19, walked The 78-year-old pope said he would rely on the prayers of all down to the tomb of the martyred St. Peter in the Vatican basilica to INAUGURAL MASS, page 9 Catholics and the grace of God. pay homage to the first bishop of Rome.

St. Paul’s in San Francisco celebrates 125 years


By Jack Smith

Parishioners reach across aisles to pray Our Father.

It was standing room only at a celebratory Mass April 24 marking the 125th Anniversary of the founding of San Francisco’s historic and storied St. Paul Parish in Noe Valley. The parish pulled out all stops to fashion a grand and memorable liturgy. San Francisco Police Mounted Division watched guard over the entrance procession which gathered on the steps of See More on St. Paul’s St. Paul’s prior to the Mass. The procession PAGES 10-11 included children of the parish waiving colorful flags, members of dozens of parish groups with identifying banners, the resident Missionaries of Charity, as well as current and former priests affiliated with St. Paul parish. Music for the liturgy was performed by three choirs – the Missionaries of Charity, Children’s and Adult – with musical accompaniment. Under Music Director Laura Flaviani, the ensemble performed traditional and modern song including a psalm ST. PAUL MASS, page 9 refrain written by Flaviani.

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Pope on St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . 3

Scripture and reflection

Anglican leader speaks . . . . . 5

~ Page 14 ~

Columnists . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Sexuality lecture. . . . . . . . . . 6 European reconciliation . . . . 7 Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Tom Burke’s column


Classified ads . . . . . . . . 18-19

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April 29, 2005



No. 15

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