April 30, 2004

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New liturgy instruction makes few changes but touches controversy WASHINGTON — The long-awaited Vatican instruction on abuses in the liturgy largely reaffirmed existing rules and made only a couple of new ones, but it has some points that almost immediately provoked controversy. The document, titled “Redemptionis Sacramentum” (“The Sacrament of Redemption”), was issued April 23 by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments. The subtitle describes the instruction more fully: “On Certain Matters to Be Observed or to Be Avoided Regarding the Most Holy Eucharist.” “In some places the perpetration of liturgical abuses has become almost habitual, a fact which obviously cannot be allowed and must cease,” it says. It says church norms in such matters must be followed to ensure reverence for the Eucharist and to maintain unity in the church. One issue that immediately drew the attention of American media was the instruction’s provision reaffirming that “sacred ministers may not deny the sacraments to those who seek them in a reasonable manner, are rightly disposed and are not prohibited by law from receiving them. Hence any baptized Catholic who is not prevented

by law must be admitted to Holy Communion.” At a Vatican press conference marking the document’s release, Cardinal Francis Arinze, prefect of the congregation, refused to answer a direct question whether Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, presumptive Democratic candidate for president and a supporter of legalized abortion, should be denied Communion unless he goes to confession and repents his position. It is up to local bishops in the United States to determine how the law applies in particular cases, he said. However, when asked more generally if a priest should refuse Communion to a politician who supports abortion, Cardinal Arinze said, “Yes.” Archbishop Raymond L. Burke of St. Louis told Kerry not to receive Communion in a Catholic church when he campaigned there, but several other U.S. bishops and archbishops have said they were not inclined to use denial of Communion that way. Many U.S. newspapers carried the debate in the weeks surrounding Easter, regularly reporting how Kerry worshipped on Sundays and whether he received Communion. Church law is clear that those who directly participate in an actual abortion are to be excommunicated, or denied Communion. Whether a Catholic politician who publicly supports legal abortion LITURGY INSTRUCTION, page 22

Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper


By Jerry Filteau Catholic News Service

Catholic san Francisco

Sacred vessels used at Mass include, clockwise from left, a chalice, ciborium and paten. According to the new Vatican document on liturgy, vessels for the Lord's body and blood “must be made in strict conformity with the norms of tradition and of the liturgical books.”

Pro-life supporters offer largely silent witness at pro-abortion march By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service


WASHINGTON — Vastly outnumbered by the hundreds of thousands taking part in the April 25 March for Women’s Lives in Washington, pro-life groups conducted a largely silent witness along the march route. Even the group Silent No More Awareness, which urges its members to speak publicly about their abortions, decided to stay quiet at its locations along the route of those marching to keep abortion legal. “Today we’re being silent,” said Georgette Forney, the group’s co-founder. “It won’t do any good to engage them. Rose Fahey from Oxford, N.Y., and Sandra Moore and Kate This is not the forum.” Norris, both from Pittsburgh, display pro-life messages as the About 90 members of the organization, March for Women's Lives, advocating legal abortion, makes including many members of American its way down Constitution Avenue in Washington April 25. Collegians for Life, lined one sidewalk near

the start of the march route bearing signs and wearing T-shirts with a pro-life message. Holding a sign that read, “I regret my abortion,” Forney said one March for Women’s Lives participant told her, “Have another baby.” “Like somehow I can substitute one for another,” Forney added. Other gibes directed at the group included “Why don’t you go play out in the street,” “I didn’t regret my abortion,” “You should see a therapist about that,” and “Choose Satan. He’ll give you eternal life.” Before the march, results from a Zogby International poll were released by the National Right to Life Committee. According to the results, 56 percent of the respondents said that abortion should either never be legal or legal only if the mother’s life is endangered or if the pregnancy resulted PRO-LIFE, page 17

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION New Marin Catholic principal . 6 Summer camps/schools . . . . 6-7

Archdiocesan Financial Report

Local Vincentians honored. . . . 8

~ Pages 9-11 ~

Scripture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

World Day of Vocations. . 12-13 Rolheiser on Gibson . . . . . . . 15

Parish musicians ~ Pages 18-19 ~ April 30, 2004


Archbishop on death penalty . 17

www.catholic-sf.org VOLUME 6

No. 16

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