Summit on abuse 'Zero tolerance ' gains supp ort
By John Norton Catholic News Service VATICANCITY (CNS) — U.S. church leaders left an unprecedented U.S. -Vatican summit on clerical sex abuse with a proposed plan of action , including a national policy to deal with priest-offenders and a special process for dismissing them from the priesthood.
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Participants in the April 23-24 summit said, there was increasing agreement among U.S. church leaders on adopting a "zero-tolerance " approach to priests who abuse minors. But they said the question would not be settled until the bishops 'June meeting in Dallas and the definitive formulatio n of a national policy. SUMMIT ON ABUSE, page 8
Pray ing fo r peace in Ho ly Land
Local priests: concern for victims comes first By Evelyn Zappia
San Francisco Bay Area religious leaders gather in St. Mary 's Cathedral April 28 to pray for " peace , justice and truth between Israel and Palestine."
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The interfaith service , hosted by ArabAmerican Christians for Peace , included chants in Hebrew and Arabic , readings from the scriptures , and prayers for peace. At the top, from the left: Dr. Amer Ariam , Imam at Dar Ul-lslam mosque in Concord , a former United Nations diplomat , Auxiliary Bishop John Weste r of San Francisco , the Rev. Taigen Leighton, a Zen priest; Father George Gweinit of Saint George Orthodox Church of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem , Father Nicholas Borzghol , pastor of St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church , Rabbi Pamela Frydman Baugh , Or Shalom Jewish Community, and Dr. Keith Barto n of a Lutheran Experience. To the right: Five-yea r-old Ariana Massis sings.
- Story on Page 3. ~ (PHOTOS BY LUIS GRIS)
V V oven through the anger and sadness of priests of the Archdiocese of San Francisco runs a common thread that links these men: compassion for the victims of clergy sex abuse and concern for their needs. "The pain of the victims should go first before my pain , " said Father Ed Dura of San Francisco 's St. Anne of the Sunset, who describes his state of mind as "an emotional hemorrhage. " Afflicted with pain by those they trusted the most, their "brother priests, " some priests say they are "sinking deeper in depression , " with each new headline. One admits, "I can 't talk about it, it hurts too much. " Another says, he is "unable to open the daily newspapers, watch the televised news, or even go to dinner with friends because the subject will come up. " "The priests are deeply suffering, " said Father Tom Moran of San Mateo 's St. Bartholomew Parish , who feels the "betrayal" of his fellow priests who disgraced . their vows. "It's a mark on all of us," he said. "For me, I can honestly say I feel a terrible sadness." The following are responsesf rom priests of the A rchdiocese who wanted to speak out regarding the sex abuse scandal in the Church and how it is affecting them. LOCAL PRIESTS, page 18
On the Street Where You Live
Appeal for affordable housing
Journalist's view of scandal. 17 Bethlehem: A city of rotting garbage ~ Page 10 ~
Renewed sense of hope for vocations ~ Pages 11-13
Film reviews.
Datebook . .