Catholics Lobby for human dignity in Sacramento
Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
By Jack Smith
Nearly 700 Catholics gathered to bring the ‘Good News’ of ‘Human Dignity for All - Dignidad Humana Para Todos’ to state legislators at the Eighth Annual Catholic Lobby Day in Sacramento April 25.
May 1 immigration rallies, marches draw crowds across the country By Patricia Zapor WASHINGTON (CNS) — Calls for a work, school and shopping boycott — combined with broader calls to rallies, prayer services and other events — drew crowds across the country May 1 as supporters of immigration reform staged their second day of major activities in less than a month. Many U.S. cities, including San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland, had large turnouts of people marching peacefully in the cause of comprehensive immigration reform. San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer led an interfaith prayer service April 23 at
Mission Dolores for just and humane treatment for immigrants (Catholic San Francisco, 28). Los Angeles was the scene of two major demonstrations May 1. Police estimated that a morning march to City Hall drew 250,000 people. A second march along Wilshire Boulevard drew an estimated 400,000 people. At a sunrise prayer service at Dolores Mission Church in Los Angeles, Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Zavala and others announced their commitment to continuing praying and fasting for immigration reform until June 4, the feast of Pentecost.
Chicago Cardinal Francis E. George joined religious leaders at an interfaith prayer service during a rally at Grant Park. He told a crowd, which police estimated was 400,000, that they were gathered in pursuit of respect for human dignity and united families. “Respect means that people who have been part of this country’s social and economic fabric for years should not now be treated as if they do not count, as if their contribution can be simply dismissed and they, sent away,” he said. In Colorado, the Archdiocese of Denver declared the month of May
as a time for prayer for justice for immigrants. In Philadelphia, Cardinal Justin Rigali celebrated a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, in which he emphasized the U.S. history of welcoming immigrants. The May 1 events followed April 10’s rallies and marches, which also drew hundreds of thousands of people in cities and towns large and small. The events, organized by local groups, have the central focus of calling on Congress to adopt legislation that helps some of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country to legalize their IMMIGRATION, page 5
Catholics from around the state joined in Sacramento last week to make their concerns known on wide ranging issues of human dignity under consideration by state lawmakers. About 700 people, including 60 from the Archdiocese of San Francisco, met April 25 at Sacramento’s newly renovated Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament to begin the Eighth Annual Catholic Lobby Day with an educational program, Mass, and rally. Sacramento Bishop William Weigand celebrated Mass with Sacramento Auxiliary Bishop James Garcia and Diocese of Orange Auxiliary Bishop Jaime Soto who gave the homily. Bishop Soto said the job for Lobby Day participants who would later visit their legislators was to be prophetic, not partisan. “We come to announce Good News that brings hope and joy to California,” he said. “Too often,” he said, “we can allow ourselves and the Gospel we proclaim to be defined by what we are against.” Bishop Soto instead suggested the proclamation of a positive message, “a hymn to a new creation of a society in California that promotes the culture of life, the ways of wisdom, the habits of harmony, and the dance of dignity.” This year’s Lobby Day theme was “Human Dignity for All.” Bishop Soto explained, “It is our affirmation of the dignity of each human person that defines our opposition to anything that would threaten the most vulnerable among us.” After Mass, participants gathered on the steps of the State Capitol for a rally and to hear speakers who addressed major items of concern before LOBBY, page 8
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Darfur protests. . . . . . . . . . 3 News-in-brief . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Summer camps/schools . 8-11 Editorial and letters . . . . . 14 Scripture and reflection . . . 16
Archbishop Niederauer on ‘The Da Vinci Code’
‘United 93’ review
Classified ads. . . . . . . . 22-23
~ Pages 6-7 ~
~ Pages 12-13 ~
~ Page 18 ~
May 5, 2006
‘Hoot’ reviewed . . . . . . . . . 20
No. 15