Pope urges openness and faithfulness to Gospel
Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
By Carol Glatz
A statue of Our Lady of Fatima is carried in procession to St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican May 13, where thousands of pilgrims marked the 1917 anniversary of the Fatima, Portugal, apparitions and also the 25th anniversary of the May 13, 1981, assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II. See pg. 14.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In today’s globalized world where people from so many different cultures and religions are coming face to face, Christians are called to be open to dialogue with others without forgetting to propose the Gospel message, Pope Benedict XVI said. Interreligious dialogue has become “the daily bread” for the church in its service to others, especially migrants, refugees and other people on the move, the pope said May 15. The pope’s remarks were made during an audience with participants attending the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers’ plenary session. The meetings, May 15-17, discussed migration and mobility from and to countries with a Muslim majority. The pope praised all efforts being made “to create, with immigrants, relationships of mutual understanding and respect, which are very useful in overcoming prejudice and closed mentalities.” But he reminded Christians that evangelization is still an integral part of the Christian mission. “Christians are called to cultivate a form of open dialogue on religious problems, without renouncing the presentation of the Christian message to their audience,” he said. He said in today’s globalized world the pastoral care of migrants and travelers is “an important frontier of the new evangelization.” Christians are called to welcome and dialogue with people from other countries and religions since they are “called to open their arms and hearts to everyone” like Jesus did. Meanwhile, it is up to governments and local authorities to establish rules or laws that promote the “healthy coexistence” of a country’s or community’s residents, he said. The pope added that he hoped Christians who immigrate to countries with Muslim majorities would “find there welcome and respect for their religious identity.”
Archbishop Niederauer makes first high school visit to Marin Catholic By Jack Smith Archbishop George H. Niederauer assured students at Marin Catholic High School May 12 that they have a companion and guide in Jesus Christ for a “lifetime of choices and struggles and decisions.” More than that, he said, “Jesus is the life, not just advice about life, not just a nice self help book.” He made his remarks in a homily at a student body Mass during his first visit to an Archdiocesan High School. “Jesus is our way to the Father,” he said. In fact, the early followers of Christ referred to themselves not as the Church, but as belonging to “The Way.” He said, “The followers of Christ walked a different way in life MARIN CATHOLIC, page 18
Archbishop Niederauer with St. Sebastian Pastor Father Ken Westray (left) and Marin Catholic President Father Thomas Daly listen as students present prayers of the faithful.
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Bush on Immigration . . . . . 3 News-in-brief . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Senior Living. . . . . . . . . 9-11 Editorial and letters . . . . . 14 The real Mary Magdalene. . 16
Loaves and Fishes Sunday Poverty and prostitution in Peru ~ Pages 6-8 ~ May 19, 2006
~ Pages 12-13 ~
‘Akeelah and the Bee’
~ Page 19 ~
Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Classified ads. . . . . . . . 22-23
www.catholic-sf.org VOLUME 8
No. 16