May 10, 2002

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"The universal church needs a synergy between the particular churches of East and West so that she may breathe with her two lungs . . . ' — Pop e John Paul II. Eastern Rite Catholics commemorate the Burial of Christ with the Matins for Hol y Saturday at San Francisco 's Our Lady of Fatima Byzantine Catholic Church May 3. Marist Father Thomas Hamilton, rig ht, holds the candle as Jesuit Father Mark Ciccone, pastor, incenses the E p itap hion or burial cloth of Christ. THE LITURGY IN PICTURES : PAGE 11.


Making progress, only to be hit hard by recession

By Patrick Joyce atholic Charities has been making progress over the past year and a half — reaching out Cto parishes, beginning to pay off its debt , streamlining its operation , reuniting with the Catholic Youth Organization — only to be hit hard by California's economic downturn. "We've climbed all those mountains, and now we're faced with a new crisis, the recession," says Brian

Catholic Charities will continue to expand its outreach to parishes and its plan to merge with the CYO. A strong response to its annual Parish Appeal, to be conducted the weekend of May 18-19, is important to that effort.

Papal letter emp hasizes individual absolution * Page 9 ~-

Cahill, executive director of Catholic Charities/CYO. Not only are contributions from individuals and businesses down but government funding is being cut. The future could be even worse, as the federal government spends billions on the war on terror and California state government tries to bridge a budget deficit that could reach $20 billion. CATHOLIC CHARITIES, page 10

Humiliation, exaltation: sing le inseparable event - Page 13 «•

Lobby Day in Sacramento . . 3 'Labor priest ' George Higgins dies Pasta 's healing power . . . .

7 13

Death-dealing doctors . . . 15 Datebook


Young adults and God . . . 17

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