Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
Visiting Pope Benedict XVI on May 3,Archbishop William J. Levada was accompanied by San Francisco seminarians Mark Reburiano and Joseph Previtali.Archbishop Levada has a long association with the new pope, primarily through his work with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Vatican. See Mark Reburiano’s report on Page 6.
Migden bill would give City power over church property By Jack Smith bill granting significant control over the property of the former St. Brigid Church to the City of San Francisco – countermanding state and federal court rulings — has passed the State Senate and awaits action in the State Assembly. The church was closed 11 years ago and is owned by the Archdiocese of San Francisco. S.B. 169, sponsored by State Senator Carole Migden (D – San Francisco) would remove St. Brigid from a state law prohibiting local governments from landmarking religiously owned property without the consent of the owner. San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors already has indicated their support for landmarking St. Brigid if Migden’s bill passes and is signed by the governor. Migden’s bill passed the Senate May 9 on a straight party line vote with Democrats supporting the measure and Republicans opposing. San Francisco’s Landmark Ordinance forbids the demolition of designated landmarks in most circumstances and gives significant control to the City over alterations or improvements to the property. The ordinance forces land owners to maintain and preserve such buildings for public benefit, in the case of religiously owned property, without City or State assistance.
In 1993, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Commission composed of clergy, laity and religious from throughout the Archdiocese, studied options for responding to changing pastoral needs in San Francisco. Part of their commission from former Archbishop John R. Quinn was to make recommendations about the disposition of Church properties in light of the City’s Un-reinforced Masonry Building law. The ordinance which followed the 1989 Loma-Prieta earthquake required all UMBs to be seismically reinforced. The current cost of retrofitting St. Brigid would be about five to seven million dollars. The Commission, after consultation with parishes and institutions throughout the Archdiocese recommended closure of St. Brigid Church and sale of its property. Archbishop Quinn accepted the recommendation and his decision to close St. Brigid was confirmed unanimously by the Council of Priests. Parishioners of St. Brigid appealed the decision to Archbishop Quinn who confirmed his decision citing “enormously expensive retrofitting” cost and his duty as bishop “to consider not only individual parishes but the overall good of the whole Archdiocese.” Some parishioners then appealed the closure to the Vatican, which after a lengthy process, confirmed Archbishop Quinn’s decision. MIGDEN BILL, page 7
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION News-in-brief. . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Vocations meeting . . . . . . . 6 Loaves & Fishes. . . . . . . . . 8 Editorial and letters . . . . . 12 Scripture & reflection . . . . 14 Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Rosary Rally ~ Page 3 ~ May 13, 2005
Catholic Charities CYO Sunday ~ Pages 10-11 ~ SIXTY CENTS
Crusade review ~ Page 17 ~
Classified ads . . . . . . . . . . 19 VOLUME 7
No. 17