On visit to Poland, pope will pray at Auschwitz
Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The prayers that Germanborn Pope Benedict XVI will recite May 28 at the Auschwitz death camp in Poland will evoke peace and reconciliation, but also the obligation to remember what the Nazis did, the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, said this week. Pope John Paul II made an important visit to Auschwitz in 1979 and paid homage to the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis. However, Pope Benedict’s visit will be “something more,” said the newspaper May 23. “After 60 years the German language will resound again in the camp, not to give death orders, but to raise to God a prayer for peace, reconciliation, love and hope,” said the lead article in two pages devoted to the Auschwitz visit. The newspaper said the papal visit is an affirmation that no one can ignore or forget “the terrible tragedy” that took place in Auschwitz and the other Nazi camps. “To remember the millions of people who, without any fault, underwent inhuman suffering and were brutally exterminated with rifles and in gas chambers is an obligation so that similar aberrations will never take place again,” the newspaper said. The article noted that plaques in 22 languages hang at Auschwitz to recall what happened there. The newspaper said the plaque in Hebrew especially should make people pause because the attempt to exterminate “the people who had their origin in Abraham reached a frightening point. That attempt to destroy in a programmatic way an entire people reaches like a shadow over Europe and the whole world.” “It is a crime that will stain the history of humanity forever,” L’Osservatore said.
By Cindy Wooden
A worker puts Polish and Vatican flags in front of a large cross May 23 in Pilsudski Square in Warsaw, Poland. The cross will be part of an altar for Pope Benedict XVI’s Mass in Pilsudski Square during his May 25-28 visit to Poland.
As countries withhold money, ordinary Palestinians feel consequences By Judith Sudilovsky JERUSALEM (CNS) — Wusam Salsaa is deliberating whether he can afford to marry his fiance this summer, and Naela Saheen stays up nights worrying how she will pay her utility bills. Salsaa, a teacher at a public school in the West Bank town of Beit Jalla, has not received his salary for more than three months. He says he is lucky because he lives with his mother and has been able to save some money for his wedding, but he is worried about how he will provide for his new bride without a salary.
“I am worried because I need money,” said Salsaa, a 27-year-old Catholic living in Bethlehem. “Maybe I will spend all my savings for my wedding, and then after the wedding what will I do?” Saheen, a 54-year-old Greek Orthodox from Bethlehem, worries about electric and phone bills. Her husband is sick and unemployed, and she has been borrowing money from her sister to give to her son, a college student. She convinced the power company not to cut off her electricity by explaining that she teaches at a government school in Beit Jalla.
But now the phone bill has arrived, and she does not know where she will get the money to pay it. “This is no life. It is a very big problem,” she said. “Only God will help us. I have faith only in God to solve our problems.” The solution to her problems is simple: If she received the three months’ salary due her, she would be able to pay her debts and resume her life. The Hamas-led Palestinian government says it cannot pay the thousands of state employees because the PALESTINIANS, page 3
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May 26, 2006
No. 17