Catholic san Francisco
Archbishop says his pastoral experience will help at Vatican
Serving San Francisco, Marin and the Peninsula
By John Thavis
Pope Benedict XVI greets San Francisco Archbishop William J. Levada at the Vatican June 3. In May the pope appointed Archbishop Levada to the church’s top doctrinal position, a post the pontiff had held as a cardinal for 24 years.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – San Francisco Archbishop William J. Levada, the new head of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said in a Rome interview that his U.S. pastoral experience makes him sympathetic to the doctrinal and teaching challenges faced by local bishops around the world. Speaking with Catholic News Service June 6, Archbishop Levada also said that while the congregation sometimes must discipline errant theologians its primary work is positive — safeguarding sound doctrine so the faith can be shared with the world. That task is something all theologians should share, he said. Archbishop Levada was visiting the doctrinal congregation’s offices in early June. He plans to move to Rome at the end of summer in August. Now Prefect of the Congregation, he is Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, also holding the position of Apostolic Administrator. Archbishop Levada said the doctrinal congregation lost a great theologian when its head, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was elected Pope Benedict XVI. “What you get with me is someone who has pastoral HELP AT VATICAN, page 6
St. Rita Parish in Marin celebrates 75th anniversary Joining hundreds of parishioners who packed St. Rita church, Archbishop William J. Levada celebrated Mass in honor of the Fairfax parish’s 75th anniversary May 22. Parish administrator Fr. Kenneth Weare concelebrated and to rousing applause was named pastor by Archbishop Levada in a surprise announcement at the end of Mass. On the Feast of the Holy Trinity, Archbishop Levada reflected that “at the heart of all existence there is a God who is personal and loving . . . who exists as a communion of persons.” He compared St. Rita’s to the tent Moses set up when he met the Lord, “a place where people meet God.” “We cannot make ourselves holy,” Archbishop Levada said, “Holiness is a gift from God.” The parish is a “tent” to come to in order to “open your hearts to God’s love again and again.” St. Rita’s began life in 1916 as a mission church of nearby St. Anselm. The original acquisition of land and construction of the first church cost $4,500. That church, which now serves as the parish hall, was dedicated by Archbishop Edward Hanna. The name St. Rita honored the recently canonized “Saint of the Impossible” who was SAINT RITA, page 4
By Jack Smith
Church and choir loft were standing room only for Saint Rita’s anniversary.
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION On the Street . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Year of the Eucharist. . . . . . . 7 Editorial and letters . . . . . . 12 Commentary. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Scripture and reflection . . . 14 Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Legislative victories
Ordination of Deacons
Movie Review
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June 10, 2005
No. 20