Catholic san Francisco Serving San Francisco, Marin and the Peninsula
Ulysses D’Aquila, Andrew Johnson and Linh Nguyen are presented, declared worthy and elected to the priesthood. Upper right: Archbishop Levada joins Father Linh Nguyen, members of his family and Father Doan Van Lai at a reception following the ordination.
Archbishop ordains three men to priesthood at St. Mary’s Cathedral By Jack Smith Archbishop William J. Levada ordained three men to the priesthood June 5 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco. Deacons Linh Nguyen, Ulysses D’Aquila and Andrew Johnson were seated with their families in the midst of the congregation before being called forth by Archdiocesan Vocations Director Father Tom Daly for presentation to and approval by Archbishop Levada.In accepting the men he called his “dear sons,” Archbishop Levada said they were joining a “truly exemplary
‘band of brothers’ who will receive you into the presbyterate with joy, and who will willingly assist you in learning to put the priestly ministry you receive today into practice.”
the path was hard in communist Vietnam. In 1989 he left Vietnam for Hong Kong, spending more than five years in a refugee camp before coming to San Francisco and soon beginning
Ordination photographs . . . . . . . . .PAGES 12 – 13 Archbishop’s ‘Ordinary Time’ column . . . . .PAGE 17 The three men are strongly distinguished by culture, age and life experience. Linh Nguyen, born in Vietnam in 1970, the sixth of eight children, knew at a young age he wanted to be a priest, but
study for the priesthood. Father Tom Daly said, “Having suffered and sacrificed a lot, Linh brings with him a sense of compassion he can share.” Father Linh’s parents, Tam and Dai
Nguyen, were recently permitted to leave Vietnam to be present at his ordination. Father Ulysses D’Aquila was born 1949 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Son of an Air Force pilot, he lived in many places throughout the United States and Spain lending him an early appreciation for different cultures. The newly ordained priest had some early inklings about a call to the priesthood but became an educator teaching English as a Second Language for 14 years at ORDAIN, page 17
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Partial-birth abortions . . . . . 3 Diocese to appeal case . . . . . 6 This Catholic Life . . . . . . . 10 Letters and commentary . 14-15 Scripture and reflection . . . . 16
Visit to Normandy News-in-brief
President praises faith-based programs
Harry Potter movie maybe the best
Reagan remembered . . . . . . 18
~ Pages 4 – 5 ~
~ Page 8 ~
~ Page 21 ~
June 11, 2004
On abortion, death penalty . 19 VOLUME 6
No. 21