Physician-assisted suicide bill tabled
Catholic san Francisco
Possibility of reintroducing AB 374 in January discussed
Serving San Francisco, Marin and the Peninsula
Legislators in the California Assembly have tabled a bill that would have paved the way for legal physician-assisted suicide in the state. The bill, AB 374 or the California Compassionate Choices Act, was similar to the controversial Oregon euthanasia law, the Death with Dignity Act, upheld in 2006 by the U.S. Supreme Court. Similar bills have been proposed several times in the Assembly but have failed to pass. Opponents of the measure, which included groups such as the American and California Medical Associations, various disability rights groups, and the California Catholic Conference, welcomed the newest defeat of the bill. “The bill’s proponents just could not get around the powerful arguments advanced by progressive disability groups, the California Medical Association and hospice organizations,” said Vicki Evans, program coordinator of the Respect Life ministry of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. “But eternal vigilance is necessary. Educational efforts for both parishioners and legislators must continue to prevent physician-assisted suicide from getting a foothold in California.” Tabling of the bill is not necessarily the end of the matter. Legislators still have the option of converting AB 374 into a two-year bill. This would mean it could be heard and debated again next January. Assemblymembers Patty Berg (D-Eureka) and Lloyd Levine (D-Van Nuys) introduced the bill in February. The bill is virtually identical to the earlier versions, AB 651 and 654, put forth in the 20052006 legislative session and defeated. Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez (D- Los Angeles), a Catholic, was an outspoken sponsor of the legislation. His support may have helped it pass the Assembly Judiciary Committee in March in a strict party-line vote, with all seven Democrats voting in favor of the measure and the three Republicans voting against it. His backing was apparently not sufficient to secure enough votes for passage in the full Assembly. Local support for AB 374 came from Assemblywoman Fiona Ma (Dem.) of San Francisco’s District 12. Ma faced anti-AB 374 protests and petition drives, notably from members of the 29 Catholic parishes within her district and SUICIDE, page 12
By Michael Vick
Three men were ordained priests of the Archdiocese of San Francisco by Archbishop George H. Niederauer in June 9 rites at St. Mary’s Cathedral; from left: Fathers Michael Konopik, Ngoan Phan and Paul Zirimenya. See additional photos on page 23. Cardinal Guadencio Rosales of Manila (center) visited the Bay Area June 18-21, seeing many relatives in the area and presiding at Masses at San Francisco’s St. Anne of the Sunset Parish and St. John the Evangelist Parish. He was en route to Washington, D.C. where he will preside at the June 23 Feast of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage Mass at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, a Marian devotion dating to the 1600s. Pictured with him on the steps of St. Anne of the Sunset, where he resided during his stay, are from left: San Francisco seminarian Juan M. Lopez; Father Reginald Malicdem, cardinal’s secretary; Father Raymund Reyes, St. Anne pastor; and Msgr. Jesus Estonilo of Manila.
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