July 12, 2002

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Sup reme Court ruling raises hop es and fears

By Kamille Nixon ' ith a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling up holding the validity of an educational voucher program in Cleveland , Ohio , legislators in Sacramento are said to be drafting carefully worded voucher proposals that would "level the p laying field" for poore r children , as the Cleveland program was found to have intended to do. Voucher editorial



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This aspect was a critical missing piece in previous voucher plans in California , such as Proposition 38 on the November 2000 ballot, and a major reason why past initiatives failed to garner support from the Catholic Church and failed altogether, according to Catholic lobbying leader Robert Teegarden. With examples of appropriate wording supported by the high court, more local governments may embrace voucher programs, Teegarden and others told Catholic San Francisco. Archdiocesan Superintendent of Catholic Schools Maureen Huntington doesn't see voucher programs as necessarily imminent in California, where the governor and teacher unions have taken _ the position that voters are not interested here. But in other parts of the country, "the door is open, " she said. She said she was not expecting the Supreme Court decision to come as it did, but she was "hoping " it would. "I' m hoping it opens the door for more programs to assist poor families, " Ms. Huntington said. "It's a justice issue. " VOUCHERS, page 17




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Pope John Paul II kisses an infant during his weekly general audience June 26.


Prayers of millions strengthen p op e By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Amid continuing speculation that he one day might resign, Pope John Paul II said the prayers of millions of people give him strength even when he is suffering. "Every day I experience that my ministry is sustained by the unceasing prayer of the people of God, of many people who are unknown to me, but very close to my heart, who offer the Lord their prayers and sacrifices for the intentions of the pope," he said June 30 during his midday Angelus address. "At the moments of greater difficulty and suffering, this spiritual force is a valid help and an intimate comfort, " he said.

The 82-year-old pope, who seemed to have trouble catching his breath at times during the short greetings to pilgrims, said, "I always need your prayers, dear faithful of Rome and of the whole world." For more than a month, newspapers have reported sources close to the pope debating whether he would resign if his health deteriorated further or whether he believed the decision rests entirely in God's hands. Vittorio Messori, the journalist who collaborated with Pope John Paul in writing the 1994 book, "Crossing the Threshold of Hope, " said the pope would never resign. "On the basis not of rumors, but of secure information, supporting every denial, we can guarantee mat his decision has become even more solid recently," Messori wrote.

Pledge ruling

K ojC led 'under God' eff ort

By Agostino Bono Catholic News Service IS 5 CD K



Hundreds gather at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on June 27 th to p rotest the courts Pled g e of Allegiance decision.

WASHINGTON (CNS) — A federal appeals court decision declaring unconstitutional the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance when recited in public schools negated a major legislative initiative sponsored nearly 50 years ago by the Knights of Columbus. "The Knights will support efforts to overturn the ruling, " said Paul Devin, Knights executive vice president for legal affairs. His group is very proud of helping get "under God" in the pledge, Devin said June 27. PLEDGE RULING, page 11

Support , despite scandal . . 5

Clint Reilly heads Charities/ CYO hoard ~ Page 3 ~

Facing Hardships with hope ~ Pages 12-13 ~

Clergy appointments


SF pilgrims look forward to Youth Day


Death penalty questions. . 10 Datebook


Film reviews



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