July 13, 2001

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The new p riests join Archbishop Levada in celebrating Mass. From the left: Fathers Perrone , Lop es , Nicholas and Weare. Top right: the new p riests' chalices. Bottom rig ht: Presenting themselves f o r ordination, from rig ht: Kenneth Weare , William Nicholas , Steven Lopes , Vito Perrone. Bottom left: Archbishop Levada kisses the hands of Father Nich olas. f \ rchbishop William J. Levada, presiding at their M \ ordination in St. Mary's Cathedral June 23, told C^L AJL four new priests that they were about "to put out into the deep at Christ's bidding, at the beginning of this third millennium of Christianity." The decisions of the four—William Nicholas, Steven Lopes, Vito Perrone and Kenneth Weare —to pursue their vocation "is an act of trusting faith and vigorous hope ," Archbishop Levada told the men and a congregation of hundreds of family members and friends. The archbishop pointed out that in the Apostolic Letter "At the Beginning of the New Millennium," Pope John Paul II recalls the words of Christ: "Put out into the deep for a catch."

"The evangelist Luke recounts th at Peter and his first companions trusted Christ's words , and cast the nets, and 'when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, '" Archbishop Levada said. "The future of the world, and of the Church—the Mystical Body throug h which Christ continues the bond with humanity which began when 'the Word became flesh and pitched his tent among us ' (John 1:14) — this future is Christ's." Father Weare, a theologian , advocate for social justice, and former director of the archdiocesan School of Pastoral Leadership, will serve as a parochial vicar at All Souls Church , South San Francisco, where he had been assigned as a deacon. Before entering St. Patrick Seminary, Menlo Park, in 1998, Father Weare earned a Ph.D. in religious studies from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. From 1980 to 1996 he taught theology on the university level. He then served as director of the School of Pastoral Leadership for two years. Father Perrone , a high school religion teacher and director of religious education before he entered the Pope John the XXIII Seminary in Weston, Mass., will serve as a parochial vicar at St. Cecilia Church, San Francisco.

Afte r graduating from South Dakota State College, he worked as swimming and wrestling coach. He then earned a masters degree in theology from the Franciscan School of Theology in Berkeley, taught religion at Bishop O'Dowd High " School in Oakland and directed religious education at parishes in Pleasanton and San Jose. Father Steven Lopes, a graduate of the University of San Francisco who completed his general education at the St. Ignatius Institute, will serve at St. Patrick Parish , San Francisco, from Jul y throu gh September and then return to Rome to complete his studies at the North American College. Father Lopes attended St. Pius School in Redwood City, where his mother is a longtime teacher, and Moreau High School in Hayward. He studied at St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park for a year, then went to Rome. Father William Nicholas, who entered St. John 's Seminary in Camarillo after graduating from high school in 1988, will serve as a parochial vicar at the Church of the Nativity in Menlo Park where he had been assigned as a deacon. More pictures and the text of Archbishop Levada's homily are on Pages 12 and 13.



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