July 14, 2006

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Archbishop Niederauer receives pallium from Pope Benedict XVI

Catholic san Francisco Serving San Francisco, Marin and the Peninsula

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer received the pallium from Pope Benedict XVI during a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica for the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul June 29. U.S. Archbishops Daniel N. DiNardo of GalvestonHouston and Donald W. Wuerl of Washington were also among 27 archbishops from 18 countries to receive the circular band of white wool symbolizing an archbishop’s authority and unity with the pope. The pope and archbishops were dressed in brilliant red vestments, but the pope wore a longer, more traditional style of the pallium, which he reintroduced after his installation last year as bishop of Rome. Pope Benedict XVI told the archbishops who had been installed within the last year that the powers of evil and death will never triumph over Christ and the church he built on the rock of Peter and continues to fortify with his successors. Though the church and Christ are continually walking toward their cross, suffering and being tossed to and fro like a small boat on a sea whipped up “by the winds of ideologies, ... in the suffering church, Christ is victorious,” the pope said. In his homily, the pope recalled the trials of Job after God allowed Satan to test the man’s faith. Similar trials continue to befall Christ’s faithful, and sometimes “it seems that God gives Satan too much freedom” and “the capacity to shake us up too terribly.” But, just as Jesus prayed for Peter, he prays for the PALLIUM, page 4


By Carol Glatz

Pope Benedict XVI greets Archbishop George H. Niederauer after presenting him the pallium during a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican June 29, the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. The pallium symbolizes the archbishop’s authority and unity with the pope.

By Tom Burke San Francisco Auxiliary Bishop John C. Wester ordained six men to the permanent diaconate June 25 at St. Mary’s Cathedral. The almost 2,000 member assembly for the Mass met and congratulated the new clergymen at a reception in the Cathedral’s downstairs halls following the rite. The men’s ordination completes a fiveyear course of preparation that included classes, days of recollection, yearly retreats and formation in ministry. Archbishop George H. Niederauer was unavailable to preside due to his being in Rome to receive the Pallium June 29, from Pope Benedict XVI. “These men verify the statement ‘Ask a busy man to do something and it will be done,’” said Father David Pettingill, Director of Formation for the diaconate program and

a concelebrant at the Mass. “They are a bumper crop of deacons, if you will. They share a great love for the Word of God and effective ministry in preaching and the teaching of catechetics. I am proud of all of them, their wives and their families as well.” “On behalf of the diaconate community of the Archdiocese I am delighted to welcome our newly ordained deacons and their wives,” said Deacon Leon Kortenkamp, Diaconate Director. “We look forward to sharing our lives and our ministries with you. Through your ordination, God has blessed and increased the total number of the local diaconate community to 79 deacons and 69 wives of deacons, all in service to the people of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.” “The ordination rite was one of the DEACONS, page 6


Bishop Wester ordains six new permanent deacons

Fr. Pettingill, Bishop Wester and Bishop Wang join newly ordained deacons in front of St. Mary’s Cathedral. Back row, from left, are Deacons Benjamin S. Salvan, Thomas Reardon, Richard Foley, Larry Chatmon, John Harvey Rittenhouse and Michael Murphy.

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION World Meeting of Families . . 3 St. Denis celebrates 150 . . . . 8 Assisted suicide bill fails . . 10 Archbishop on Christ’s Body. 15 Commentary. . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Indian leader for Irish sisters

‘Life’ in a parish

~ Page 7 ~

~ Pages 12-13 ~

July 14, 2006

Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

‘Pirates of the Carribean’ review Classified ads . . . . . . . . 21-23 ~ Page 18 ~ NEXT ISSUE JULY 28



No. 20

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