July 15, 2005

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Catholic san Francisco


Serving San Francisco, Marin and the Peninsula

Newly ordained Fathers Mark Reburiano (left) and John Sakowski (right) concelebrate Mass June 25 with Archbishop William J. Levada.

Archbishop ordains two men to priesthood at St. Mary’s Cathedral By Maurice Healy Before a throng of nearly 2,000 faithful, scores of priests and deacons, Auxiliary Bishops John Wester and Ignatius Wang, and many women and men religious, Archbishop William J. Levada ordained transitional deacons Mark Reburiano and John Sakowski to the priesthood at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco Saturday, June 25. Archbishop Levada welcomed the faithful to the cathedral and said “We give thanks to God for this occasion.” He said the priestly ordination of the two deacons was a memorable occasion for the people and the priests of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.

Archdiocesan and Cathedral Choirs combined to provide what one observer called “beautiful and inspiring” music, under the direction of Dr. Christoph Tietze. Cantors for the Mass were Stephen Walsh and Mimi Ruiz. In his homily, Archbishop Levada said it was a special providence that the two men are ordained in the Year of the Eucharist. He said the Eucharist is the source of all power and grace to the Church. The Archbishop recalled that many times Pope John Paul II reflected upon the ORDINATION, page 6

‘Archbishop Farewell Gala’ to benefit Catholic Schools The civic farewell dinner honoring Archbishop William J. Levada will take place on Saturday, August 13, with a reception at 6:30 p.m. followed by a dinner at 7:30 p.m. The gala will be held at the San Francisco Marriott Hotel at Fourth and Mission Streets. The Archbishop Farewell Gala is being planned by Honorary Chairs, Auxiliary Bishops Ignatius C. Wang and John C. Wester, Monsignor Harry Schlitt and CoChairs Janet and Clint Reilly. Mr. Reilly is Chairman of Catholic Charities CYO. At the request of Archbishop Levada, all the proceeds of the Archbishop Farewell Gala will benefit school children through the Alliance of Mission District Catholic schools. Among the participants, the event will feature His Eminence Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles and the Most Reverend George Niederauer, Bishop of Salt Lake City, as speakers. The dinner is expected to draw Catholics and community leaders from throughout the western United States according to organizers. “Archbishop Levada will assume a position of global leadership in the Catholic Church,” says Clint Reilly. “The appointment of Archbishop Levada to succeed Pope

Benedict as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is the first time in the 2000 year history of the Church that an American has ever been selected for such a position. It is truly an honor for our Archdiocese and the San Francisco community.” Sponsors may purchase tickets for the event at the $5,000, $10,000 and $25,000 level with tables seating 10 people. In addition, parishes will be participating with $1500 tables. “The enthusiasm for this event has been overwhelming,” says Maryanne Murray, Chair of the Gala Planning Committee. “Parishes, universities, high schools, lay and clerical organizations and individual members of the community, both Catholic and non-Catholic have all committed to participate. We look forward to an evening filled with warmth and good wishes for our departing Archbishop.” The attire is business and reservations will be held at the door. For further information, please contact Joanne Maher or Maryanne Murray at the Archbishop Levada Farewell Gala Office. Email archbishopfarewellgala@clintonreilly.com or call 415-397-0431, extension 313. Fax number is 415-397-1904.

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Saint Brigid update . . . . . . 3 Toasting Archbishop Levada. 7 Year of the Eucharist. . . . . . 10 Editorial and letters . . . . . 12 Scripture and reflection . . . 14


Local Sister to head Mercys

‘War of the Worlds’ review

~ Pages 4-5 ~

~ Page 8 ~

~ Page 17 ~

July 15, 2005


Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Classified ads. . . . . . . . 18-19

www.catholic-sf.org VOLUME 7

No. 22

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