July 26, 2002

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Pilgrims from the state of Querefaro carry banners of Our Lady of Guadalupe as they marc h to Mexico City for the July 31 canonization of Juan Diego by Pope John Paul II. Story on Page 5.


Battle of her life

Af ter 22 yea rs in p rison, Jeri Becker hopes to win pa role

By Sharon Abercrombie

'She has proven herself

x TLfter a cursory glance at her credentials, it would be so easy to assume that Jeri Becker by what she has done lives and moves among the company of Bay Area 's most dedicated social activists. for other women . .. Consider: she is a yoga teacher, a freelance newspaper and magazine writer, a peer counselor; facilitator of a 12-step proShe has served her time gram for women; literacy coach; a graphic artist , choir director; vegetarian; and a lay minister to hospitalized HIV and mentally way beyond her time.' disabled women. Last fall , after 9/11, she organized a fund raiser for survivors and their families. Her appeal brought in $6, 000. Well, rethink location. In this p articular instance, geographical stereotyping does not work. Move furthe r south, to Corona. For the last 22 years, Jerilynn (Jeri) Becker, a 56-year old lifelong Catholic has honed her gifts, talents and ministries — behind bars. Since 1980 she has lived at the California Women 's Institution.

Those who chipped in their meager savings to help the Twin Towers survivors last September were Ms. Becker 's sister inmates. Jeri Becker went to prison in 1980 for her role in the slaying of a drug dealer in Sausalito. For her part in the crime, her first and only offense, Ms. Becker was convicted of first degree murder. Now Jeri Becker is in a new battle - for her freedom. It won 't be easy. Her fate is in the hands of Governor Gray Davis, whose track record on granting paroles to lifers is Jeri Becker close to zero. He has vetoed nearly 100 him. He has granted only two. before paroles of lifers brought Jeri Becker, however, has some impressive allies. More than 200 individuals have written letters to authorities on her behalf. They include her sentencing judge, a Catholic nun, a California state senator, the editor of a Catholic women's newspaper, the founder of a Yoga community, a prison minister, and inmates who have been JERI BECKER, page 17 helped by Ms. Becker 's 12-step workshops.

Father Vitale gets 3-month 3 sentence for protest Saving babies born alive . . 10 New law will allow more abuse claims

John Paul 11 p raises Catholic youth ~ Page 9 ~

Catholic relief fo r war-weary Congo ~ Page 12-13 ~


Pius XII and Holocaust. . . 18 Capsule film reviews . . . .



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