August 12, 2005

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Catholic san Francisco Serving San Francisco, Marin and the Peninsula


Auxiliary Bishop John C. Wester, Hawaii Bishop Larry Silva, Archbishop William J. Levada, Archbishop Emeritus John Quinn, and Auxiliary Bishop Ignatius Wang concelebrate Aug. 7 Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral.

Archbishop Levada celebrates farewell Mass By Patrick Joyce

John’s Gospel describes the Incarnation as the Son of God “pitching his tent among us,” the archbishop said. “Every church – cathedral churches, parish churches – image that tenting of the Incarnate Word among us, his brothers and sisters. . . .” In his farewell homily, Archbishop Levada recalled the first time he spoke at the cathedral, at a Mass in October, 1995, welcoming him to the archdiocese, “I took the Transamerica Tower as an icon of the economic, cultural and political success of the city by the Bay,” he said. And he contrasted it with another icon, “St. Anthony dining room, nestled in the middle of the Tenderloin, with its lines of people waiting for their daily lunch, or perhaps an article of clothing or a prayer . . . .” On Sunday, the archbishop chose to focus on another image of San Francisco, the clear glass windows of St. Mary’s Cathedral, to illustrate the relationship of the Church and secular society, the City of God and the City of Man. “These open windows place the city, all its accomplishments, its successes, its failures before the eyes of all of us gathered here,”

“Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid.” With those words of Christ from Sunday’s Gospel reading, Archbishop William Levada said farewell to the people of the Archdiocese while calling on them to go fearlessly “out into the city of man and speak of the City of God, of the love of God and the promise of eternal life.” In his homily at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Archbishop Levada recalled not only the Gospel’s account of Jesus stretching out his hand to the fearful Peter on the stormy Sea of Galilee but also the Israelites’ long pilgrimage through the desert and St. Augustine’s vision of the City of God. During the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land, he said, “The Lord ordered Moses to erect a tent in which the Lord himself would dwell . . . The cathedral church is that tent set down here in San Francisco. That desert tent where Moses spoke to God face to face was the promise of a new kind of presence, a presence of God with his people to be achieved in the incarnation of his son Jesus.”


INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION News-in-brief. . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Archbishop Levada’s Farewell Issue Bishop Wester named Administrator

Cathedral receives $1 million gift

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August 12, 2005

~ Pages A1- A32 ~

Eucharistic retreat . . . . . . . 6 World Youth Day . . . . . . . . 8 Catholic Studies courses . 11 Farewell Mass homily . . . 12 Scripture and reflection . . 14 Movie review . . . . . . . . . . 16



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