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Brian Johnson: Hearing music in air.
'Now is the time'
Cyandie Cammac k, of St. Bartholomew 's , San Mateo , sig ns a hymn as others sing aloud
Youth Summit hears a call to 'lov e Churc h to lif e '
By Patrick Joyce
1 ^ ow is the time, " Brian Johnson told Youth Summit 2001 , "not tomorrow, not next week but now is the time to gather, to pray, to praise . " Bursting into song - "Over my head I hear music in the air, over my head I hear music in the air, there must be a God somewhere " - as he began his keynote talk , Mr. Johnson told young people and adult youth ministers: "Everywhere I go, the one community that enlivens the Church is the community of young peop le. The Youth Summit, held at St. Mary 's Cathedral August 18, was designed to provide the archdiocesan
Office of Religious Education and Youth Ministry with ideas for new programs for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Stan Cordero ,, associate director of youth ministry, told the participants that a key element in his job is "to help you do good youth ministry in your parishes. There is a variety of ways to do that I serve you. Today, you tell me what you want me to do for you. "Tell us what you need in your ministry to junior high and high school young people. From there , you 'll be seeing a variety of programs and services." "You have a license to drive, " Mr. Johnson, director of youth ministry in the Galveston-Houston Diocese, told participants, most of them teenagers. "You have the per-
mission to direct what happens, not so much for who you are right now but for those who follow behind you. You are setting the course, you are setting the path ." "My young Church , the only way that message of Jesus continues to move and shape and transform the world has got to come from you , " he said. "That is why youth ministry is so veiy important. " "Youth ministryis all wrapped up in love, " Mr. Johnson said. Adults would not be at the meeting "if they did not love you , if they did not love youth ministry. . . . If you did not love the church , you wouldn 't have given up your Saturday to be here. " From his youngest years, through high school and YOUTH SUMMIT, page 3
Bush decision on stem-cell research called morally wrong By Nancy Frazier O'Brien Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The "trade-off" on embryonic stem-cell research announced by President Bush is "morally unacceptable " and may be unworkable, according to the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza of GalvestonHouston said he prayed Mr. Bush would "return to a principled stand against treating some human lives as nothing more than B objects to be manipulated and destroyed for o a research puqwses." ÂŁ5 ss u In a nationally televised address from his vacation home in Crawford, Texas, Mr. Bush said he would authorize federal funds for embryonic stem-cell research involving only the 60 or so existing stem-cell lines already
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White House counselor Karen Hug hes talks with President Bush as he preparesfor his address on stem-cell research Aug. 9.
developed by scientists, because in those cases "the life-and-death decision has already been made. " "Tliis allows us to explore the promise and potential of stem-cell research without crossing a fundamental moral line by providing taxpayer funding that would sanction or encourage further destruction of human embryos that have at least the potential for life," the president added. Mr. Bush also announced his strong opposition to human cloning, his support for "aggressive federal funding of research on umbilical cord, placenta, adult and animal stem cells " and his plans to establish a president's council on stem-cell research headed by Leon Kass, a biomedical ethicist from the Universityof Chicago. Bishop Fiorenza said that with Mr. Bush's BUSH DECISION, page 8
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