Catholic san Francisco
Newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco
Catholic initiative offers housing, hope to New Orleans families By Peter Finney Jr. NEW ORLEANS (CNS) — This was one serious crane. With the power of a few levers and pulleys, the crane plucked a 41,000-pound modular housing unit from the ground and carefully deposited it on a raised wooden platform prepared a few days earlier to accept it. In a matter of minutes — like an oversized tower of Lego pieces — another New Orleans family was on the road home. As president of Providence Community Housing, a Catholic-run post-Katrina housing initiative, Jim Kelly anticipates sights such as this over the months ahead will produce a commodity that has been in short supply since last August — hope. Providence was among 22 nonprofit and private developers that won approval Aug. 1 to rehabilitate about 2,000 blighted properties that have been seized by the
city of New Orleans because their owners have failed to pay taxes. Providence applied for and was conditionally awarded 196 properties in all. Those property owners have been mailed letters giving them 60 days to redeem the properties by paying back taxes and liens, but it is unlikely many will do so because the lots have lain dormant for years. Some are vacant lots and some are houses that are in such bad condition they probably will be demolished to allow a complete rebuild with fast-track modular construction, Kelly said. “I don’t believe the healing process can truly begin until we put people back into their own homes or their new homes or apartments,” said Kelly, who is also CEO of Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. HOPE TO NEW ORLEANS, page 5
Cluis McCarthy replaces wiring in St. Clement of Rome Church in Metairie, La. Flooding from Hurricane Katrina destroyed pews, ruined much of the church’s electrical system and caused extensive mold damage.
Israel’s ambassador to Vatican says Lebanese conflict had no victor By John Thavis ROME (CNS) — Israel’s ambassador to the Vatican said the Lebanese conflict had no victor, but it served to focus world attention on the threat of global Islamic terrorism. At the same time, the aftermath of the fighting offers an opportunity for the West — and the Catholic Church — to support moderate Muslims by helping to rebuild Lebanon and resettle refugees, the ambassador, Oded Ben-Hur, said in an interview with Catholic News Service. The ambassador also encouraged church leaders to promote a new wave of
pilgrimages to the Middle East, which he said would send a calming message and help restore normality in the region. A U.N.-brokered cease-fire is being implemented after a month-long Israeli offensive against Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon. The fighting killed more than 1,200 people, most of them Lebanese civilians, and destroyed homes, roads, bridges and factories throughout the country. Ben-Hur lamented the loss of life and destruction on both sides and said the war had “no winners or losers.” LEBANON, page 7
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Bishops on Prop. 85 . . . . . . . 3 Assumpta Awards. . . . . . . . . 4 Commentary . . . . . . . . . 10-11 AIDS in Africa . . . . . . . . 12-13 Editorial and letter . . . . . . . . 14 Book review & Datebook. 18-19
August 25, 2006
St. Charles scripture camp
Scripture and reflection
Classified ads . . . . . . . . . 22-23
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No. 23