September 6, 2002

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Rosaries hang from a cross near the Shanksville, Pa., field where United Airlines Flig ht 93 crashed after passengersfought with hijackers last Sept. 11. A woman throws a single flower into the World Trade Center massacre site following a memorial service attended by some of the victims 3 families June 2 ,;

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iQ)t. Mary 's Cathedral opens its doors to all seeking solace and solidarity with a Day of Remembrance, Prayer and Hope on September 11. The all-day event will include community prayer with Archbishop William J. Levada, musical entertainment and inspiration from local artists, and times for personal prayer and reflection while walking a specially installed labyrinth or viewing a Day of Remembrance Art Exhibit. Visitors will also be able to sign a Book of Remembrance that will later be sent to churches ministering to peop le in the neighborhood of Ground Zero. Among the more than 200 volunteers involved with the event is Anne McFarlin of St. Brendan Parish , San Francisco who designed and made the bindings for the Book of Remembrance. The book will visit several New . York churches near Ground Zero and a Bronx church th at lost many of its members on September 11. It will finally DAY OF REMEMBRANCE, page 8

recusing on Cod-given dignity

Special Catholic High School Section

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- See section inside ~ ^^^HiBMaM BBBHBBaniaanaBBaHMaMaBaHaHaaaaiaaaaMaBHMHi

Back to school


New principals


Father Howell goes to Notre Dame


Summer camp blues


In retirement, priests keep serving


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