Catholic san Francisco
Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
Banners depicting Blessed Pedro Tarres Claret, Blessed Alberto Marvelli and Blessed Pina Suriano hang on the right side of the altar as Pope John Paul II celebrates their beatification Mass in Loreto, Italy, Sept. 5. The pope was joined by 200,000 faithful as he advanced their sainthood causes.
Newly beatified become 20th-century examples of everyday holiness By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service LORETO, Italy — An engineer, a medical doctorturned-priest, and a young woman with a dream became three new examples of how holiness can be lived in everyday life. Pope John Paul II beatified Alberto Marvelli, Father Pedro Tarres Claret and Pina Suriano Sept. 5 in a special
outdoor ceremony held in the eastern Italian coastal town of Loreto. By elevating these 20th-century men and woman to just one step shy of sainthood, the pope has given today’s Christians examples of what being holy entails, especially for lay people. The two Italians and one Spaniard were active members of the worldwide Catholic lay association, Catholic Action. The group’s emphasis on expressing love of Christ
through solidarity with others and the fact it has produced five saints and has 30 members with active canonization causes has led the group to be called “a school of holiness.” One of those beatified, Italian engineer Alberto Marvelli, was born in 1918 in the eastern Italian city of Rimini. His family was well-off, but they often gave away many of their own basic necessities to the poor. NEWLY BEATIFIED, page 17
California bishops speak out in opposition to Proposition 71 By Patrick Joyce California’s Catholic bishops are speaking out against Proposition 71, an initiative on the November ballot that seeks to fund — at a cost to California taxpayers of $6 billion — stem cell research in which human embryos are killed. The bishops, in a statement issued this week, said they do not oppose stem cell research itself but the consequences of using human embryos in the research. “Drawing stem cells from an embryo always directly kills that human embryo, and killing human life is never justified even when the intent is to benefit other humans,” they said. “We approve and encourage research that uses cells derived from adults and umbilical-cord blood, and
we rejoice at the phenomenal cures that some have experienced because of that research,” the bishops said. They described this form of research as “morally good.”
See Bishops’ Statement
The ballot argument against Proposition 71 says adult and umbilical cord stem cells have been responsible for 74 medical breakthroughs. “Cord blood stem cells are being used to treat sickle cell anemia with a staggering success rate of 90%. That’s real progress, helping real people, but it may not receive one penny from this initiative,” the argument says. Opponents of Proposition 71 include fiscal conservatives who describe the initiative as a form of “corporate
welfare” and leading feminists who support embryonic stem cell research but are concerned that the initiative will open the door to the human cloning. In terms of campaign contributions, it is a David and Goliath battle, with opponents in the role of David. At the end of August, they had raised about $100,000 while supporters of the initiative reported nearly $11 million in contributions. Political observers expect that trend to continue, with the Yes on 71 forces raising as much as $20 million. Major contributions are coming from medical research groups, technology business leaders, venture capitalists and the families who have been touched by the diseases targeted by stem cell research. PROP 71, page 3
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION ‘On the Street’. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 St. Ignatius parish . . . . . . . . . 6 Commentary and letters . 12-13
Remembering 9/11
Scripture and reflection . . . . 14 Pope’s comments to bishops . . 15
~ Page 5 ~
Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Wedding Guide ~ Pages 8 –11 ~ September 10, 2004
Catholic High Schools ~ Pages CS1 – CS20 ~
God, Freud and Lewis . . . . . 18 VOLUME 6
No. 28