September 14, 2001

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Ma rgaret Kilgallen: She discqnUnited ÂŚ chemotherapy to g ive her da ughter Asha the best chance for life and health.

Mother's love: Artist sacrifices her life for baby By Mary Ann Schwab eople everywhere who seek recognition of the dignity of unborn children rejoiced when Gianna Beretta Molla was beatified in 1994. Gianna was an Italian pediatrician known for her great and passionate faith. When she P became ill during her third pregnancy, she refused treatment that might cost the life of her child. She later died after childbirth . Gianna stands today as an inspiration for those women who persevere in inconvenient pregnancies when the world beckons them to abortion. Rarely, in these times of advanced medical therapy do women have to consider the same serious choice that Gianna did. Recently, however, San Francisco 's Saint John of God Parish community was blessed to share in the experience of the death and celebration of life of one such woman. A few weeks ago I' entered St. John of God Church soon after a memorial service had ended. On the steps in front of the altar there was a wreath of gold and

white flowers and a large colorful floral spray on an easel.- At the foot were a painting and some articles that seemed to be memorabilia. Capuchin Father James Stump, Catholic chaplain of the Medical Center at UCSF, was eager to share the story of the beautiful witness to faith and life that he had just experienced. Father James said that a memorial service had been held for a young artist, Margaret Leisha Kilgallen who died of breast cancer a few short weeks after the birth of her daughter. She had been taking chemotherapy at the onset of her illness, but discontinued it when she became pregnant to give her child the best chance for life and health . The service had filled the small chapel-like church to overflowing with family and many friends from the art community. People of all beliefs had entered into the spirit of the Catholic liturgy. MOTHER'S LOVE, page 8

'Let us pray also for peace and an end to violence' September 11, 2001

My dear people in Christ, As I write this message in the hours following terrorist attacks against innocent people in New York City and Washington, D.C. —we do not yet know the full extent of the loss of life, nor do we know who is responsible for these evil and senseless acts of violence. I invite all of the people of the Archdiocese of San Francisco to join me in lifting up their voices to God, Our Father, in prayer for the souls of those innocent people who lost their lives in these horrible tragedies. We also pray to God for comfort to those who were injured and for support to the families and friends of the victims of these attacks. We pray too for those who are involved in rescue and healing efforts , and for the leaders of our nation. We in the Archdiocese of San Francisco are in solidarity with our fellow Americans and people around the world who are shocked and saddened by these hateful acts directed against the United States. As shepherd of the local Church , I join with priests throughout the Archdiocesein asking for your continued

prayers for those people who have suffered the loss of a family member or friend , and for the many injured and for those who assist them. We ask your solidarity and support in particular for family and friends of neighbors and community members who were on the San Francisco bound p lane that crashed. On Sunday, September 16, 1will preside at a special memorial Mass at 11 a.m. at St. Mary 's Cathedral in San Francisco for the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks, which struck our nation today. All of the people of the Archdiocese are invited to attend this memorial Mass or to attend Mass in their parishes to remember the victims of today's tragic events. Let us gather in prayer to ask for God's blessed mercy and comfort to the people who lost their lives and those who were injured. Let us pray also for peace and an end to violence in every corner of the world. In Christ 's name,

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Archbishop Wmiwpi]. Levada


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September 14, 2001 by Catholic San Francisco - Issuu