Marin Supervisors begin review process for boys’ school land
Catholic san Francisco Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper
By Maurice Healy
Pope Benedict XVI waves to the crowd in the Am Hof Square in Vienna, Austria, Sept. 7. During a three-day visit, the pope said Christianity was not just the legacy of Europe’s past but “the way to the future.” See “Vatican Letter” on Page 16 for a commentary on the papal journey.
SAN RAFAEL — Marin County’s Board of Supervisors this week began a review of a draft update to the countywide plan containing a proposed restriction on land use that puts in jeopardy a proposal by St. Vincent’s School for Boys to build senior housing on a small portion of its land and assure continuation of the school’s mission. For much of its 152-year history, St. Vincent’s School operated as an orphanage and was home to thousands of boys. It now is a residential care facility for vulnerable and at-risk boys. Group homes accommodating about 60 boys and a school were constructed many decades ago and St. Vincent supporters say new and updated facilities are needed. The St. Vincent’s School property is about 770 acres located north of San Rafael, stretching eastward from Highway 101 to the bay. Current development is on five percent of the property, and the school is seeking to build senior housing on an additional 10 percent of the land. Under St. Vincent’s plan, 85 percent of the school’s property would remain open space. St. Vincent officials say the proposed senior development, the equivalent of 350 residential units, would be located on a 76-acre envelope of land largely hidden from view from the highway. Moreover, they contend that the senior community proposed by St. Vincent’s meets a critical need in the county for such housing. Speaking on behalf of St. Vincent’s School at the Sept. 10 meeting, Gary Giacomini said recent studies indicate a severe shortage of available housing for seniors in Marin County, while demographic trends point to a looming “silver tsunami” in the growth of the SCHOOL LAND, page 3
Catholic youth build the Kingdom of God, one home at a time An expanded version of this story appears on the Catholic San Francisco Web site:
By Michael Vick For most high school students, summer vacation brings to mind trips to the beach with friends, family reunions, picnics and the occasional visit to an amusement park. But it was much more for a select group of young parishioners from two Redwood city parishes, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Pius. A group of 52 students, representing nine different high schools, took part in a mission trip to Tijuana, Mexico, where they spent the better part of a week building three homes for poor families. The students lived in a campsite not far from the construction zone, and kept luxuries to a minimum. Kevin Staszkow, youth minister at St. Pius, said the restrictions were by design. “Living without running water and electricity for the week, they get an experience of what life is like for most people in the world,” said Staszkow in an e-mail interCATHOLIC YOUTH, page 18
Laura Correa (left), Lacey Dickinson and Jessica Lydon (kneeling at right) find shade in a recently roofed house with some of its future residents.
INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Presentation jubilees . . . . . 4 Priests enter plea . . . . . . . . 7
Annual High School Booklet
New principals . . . . . . . . 8-9
~ Special Insert ~
Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Marriage and Weddings
Classified ads . . . . . . . 22-23
~ Pages 10-15 ~ September 14, 2007
Scripture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS
No. 26