US. bishops ask Bush to step back from brink of war JL
By Will y Thorn Catholic News Service
A member of Iraq's Chaldean Catholic community prays at a shrine in the Mother of Sorrows Church in Baghdad
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Any "pre-emptive , unilateral use - of military force to overthrow the government of I raq " cannot be justified at this time, the U.S. bishops told President Bush. The bishops urged Bush "to step back from the brink of war and hel p lead the world to act together to fashion an effective global response to Iraq 's threats. " In a letter to Bush, the bishops used Catholic just -war criteria to argue that unilateral strikes against Iraq would differ from the use of force against Afghanistan , part of a bro ader war against terrorism in response to Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States last year. "Given the precedents and risks involved , we find it difficult to just ify extending the war on terrorism to Iraq , absent clear and adequate evidence of Iraqi involvement in the attacks of Sept. 11 or of an imminent attack of a grave nature , " the bishops said. The letter, released in Washington Sept. 17, was signed by Bishop Wilton D. Gregory of Belleville , 111., president of the U.S. bishops ' conference , on behalf of the bishops ' Administrative Committee. Bishop Gregory also was among a group of religious leaders who met at the White House Sept. 16 with National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. Addressing the U.N. General Assembly Sept. 12, Bush said action against Iraq would be unavoidable unless the United Nations forced the Mideast nation to disarm. He challenged the general assembly to compose a new resolution on Iraq or face the possibility of unilateral action by the United States. Iraq announced Sept. 16 it would allow, without conditions, the return of U.N. weapons inspectors. In Rome, Pope John Paul U said Iraq 's promise was "good news" and called for prayers for continued efforts to prevent war. "After the winds of war that threatened to throw turmoil into the entire Middle East region, good news has arrived regarding tire possibility of a resumption of Iraq 's collaboration with the international community." he told pilgrims after his Sept. 18 general audience. "I exhort you to continue praying that the Lord will illuminate the leaders of nations, expand and support the glimmer of good will and lead humanity, alread y afflicted with so many evils, toward a coexistence free of war and abusive violence, " the pope said. In the bishops ' letter, Bishop Gregory said the "Catechism of the Catholic Church " limits the j ust-war criterion of "just cause" to "cases in which the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations is lasting, grave and certain. " "Is there clear and adequate evidence of- a direct connection between Iraq and the attacks of Sept. 11 or clear and adequate evidence of an imminent BRINK OF WAR, page 8
[ Byjohn Thavis sion had not yet been made, and the Vatican response had still not been written.
mulated by U.S. bishops as an'experimental initiative •— to be evaluated after a two- j year i>eriod. Therefore,the Vatican would respond with a conditional form of approval. lne solution, if adopted, ap peared to represent a compromise. un one rkuiu, u.o. i ' bishops would be allowed to follow the norms they overwhelmingly approved in Dallas last June. On the other, the Vatican would not be officially recognizing the
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