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CALL TO HOLINESS, PRAYER FOR PEACE UAc kcl tQ-ceA-c/ hz cuAxtL,' eeleta-atiarv aX '150th - a^i iu^ e/iAa/u].' ai/ LLt- iaiwultna By Patrick Joyce j Orchbishop William J. Levada opened the Archdiocese of San Francisco's i 1150th jubilee celebration with a call for a renewed pursuit of holiness ^"within the Church and a "fervent prayer to God" for peace in the world. The establishment in 1853 of a new archdiocese in a remote corner of the world known as San Francisco was an act of faith "from which we should rightly take inspiration and hope for our future , " Archbishop Levada said at a Mass marking the opening of the sesquicentennial celebration. During this year, the archdiocese will draw on Pope John Paul IPs description
of the Jubilee Year 2000 "not only as a remembrance of the past but also a prophecy of the future," he told a congregation at St. Mary 's Cathedral on New Year's Day. In his homily, Archbishop Levada pointed out that the liturgy marked not only the beginning of the jubilee year but also the Feast of the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and the World Day of Prayer for Peace. Archbishop Levada pointed out that this year's celebration of the World Day of Prayer for Peace comes 40 years after Pope John XXIII issued his encyclical "Pacem et Terris" - "a message of hope in the possibility of peace, based on respect for the dignity of every human person , a message that remains as valid today as it was 40 years ago." 150TH ANNIVERSARY, page 15
Ordinary Time: 150th jubilee . 3
Faith of a new political leader - Page 7 ~
The News in Brief
Cloning's 'Brave New World'. 12 I
VOCATIONS : Calling youth to service - Pages 8 -11 -
Our Curious nature
New Mass Norms .
| Protestants and | Real Presence